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Weekend Actuals (Page 62): Suicide Squad 20.9M | Sausage Party 15.5M | War Dogs 14.7M | Kubo 12.6M | Pete's Dragon 11.3M | Ben Hur 11.2M

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1 minute ago, Brainiac5 said:

Real Superman fans need to let Donner's go.

Zack's Superman is the closet ever to the comics.

Answer this 

What makes him not Superman?

I hope you don't use that "Superman doesn't kill" crap because obviously the man had no choice.

For those who understands how stories developed him feeling out of place fits because it's the story that's being told.

Zack can't help it of his superman isn't gonna follow how Donner did it step by step, it is why it's called a reboot.

I think a lot of you wanted so much in a short period of time your mind was completely closed to the story.


I wanted Superman, who has an idealistic, simple, country family upbringing which helps root him in what is good and right.  Because that is who Superman is.  But I'm not going to continue to argue this with you.  You have clearly heard this all many times before, which in itself should indicate that there are a lot of people who feel the way I do about this.

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6 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


Plus it's just the sort of movie where they heavily presale foreign territories, so the financiers might well have turned a profit before they even shot the thing.



Exactly!!! Statham is probably getting a boost from folks who liked his character in Furious 7.


I don't see this movie opening with less than 10 million. SS might go down to 3rd, behind Don't breath and The Mechanic. It's gonna be interesting, for sure.

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15 minutes ago, RandomJC said:


Well, speaking as a comic book reader, someone with Superman comics on his pull list. And a decent collection of Superman comics and cartoons. Superman stories may have gotten serious. But Superman never stopped being a boy scout. Only someone who reads frank miller or rich Moore would think Superman ever stopped being a boy scout. Superman readers know he never stopped being that boy scout, superman fans know what he really is. Of course, you've already proven you're not a fan of superman.

Listen !people want to see him pulling cats out of trees and when he doesn't they go on rants.

The man saved people in Man of Steel even while letting his gaurd down against a enemy that could potentially kill him.

Yeah he's still a boy scout but on a upgraded side of it.

Damn !!

The man gave his life for the people of Earth and you guys still not calling him Superman.

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6 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:



Exactly!!! Statham is probably getting a boost from folks who liked his character in Furious 7.


I don't see this movie opening with less than 10 million. SS might go down to 3rd, behind Don't breath and The Mechanic. It's gonna be interesting, for sure.


Based on the trailer I saw and the audience response, I don't think it is going to beat SS this weekend.  I hadn't thought about foreign presales.  Lionsgate did that with Allegiant, too, and it really limited their exposure.  And maybe overseas BO will save this, I don't know.  I don't think it is going to be very big here, though, honestly.


But then, I didn't think Sausage Party was going to do as well as it did, either.  So I guess we'll see.

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12 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


I don't buy this at all. In fact, while I'm not a huge fan of their movies, Marvel's been very successful with treating their "boy scout" as essentially just that.

Where is marvel giving their characters the boy scout treatment?

Sure it's a little lighter in tone but those characters are far from being boyscouts

95% of thier Movie Villian has died at the hands of the hero.

Cap was the closet thing until CW.


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2 minutes ago, trifle said:


Based on the trailer I saw and the audience response, I don't think it is going to beat SS this weekend.  I hadn't thought about foreign presales.  Lionsgate did that with Allegiant, too, and it really limited their exposure.  And maybe overseas BO will save this, I don't know.  I don't think it is going to be very big here, though, honestly.


Define very big.  The last Statham lead opener over $10m was the Mechanic at $11.4m - five years ago.  The last few have been $7-8m. We'd have to go back to Transport 2 at $16.5m in 2005 for an opener over $12.6m.  If it opens above $10m they'd probably consider it a success or at least what the expected when they decided to make it.



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2 minutes ago, Mr Terrific said:

Cap remained a Boy Scout in CACW. His scout masters turn out to be terrorists in his last outing so he's trying to to run his own troop. 

Being a boy scout he would have handed Bucky over instead of putting others in danger .

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15 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:

Where is marvel giving their characters the boy scout treatment?

Sure it's a little lighter in tone but those characters are far from being boyscouts

95% of thier Movie Villian has died at the hands of the hero.

Cap was the closet thing until CW.



I realize it's not an exact match, but Cap is Marvel's version of Superman, at least when it comes to sensibilities and identity. He's a boy scout -- he wants to always do the right thing. He wants to help the underdog and those getting beaten down by others. He doesn't like bullies... nor does he act like one. And Marvel has managed to keep all of that while updating his character into contemporary times. Being whole-heartedly "good" doesn't automatically mean your character is flat, uninteresting, or boring.


In terms of my own opinion, the current movie version of Superman doesn't work because he seems perpetually stuck in the first third of the Hero's Journey: he hasn't accepted who he is and his place in things. (Sure, we thought he did, at the end of MOS, but BVS essentially gives us a character who doubles right back into the same confusion of who he is.) You know how in a movie, you know the basic setup going in and you're just waiting for the world/characters to get established so that first big event can happen 30 minutes in? Well, we're two movies into Superman and we're still waiting... and now he's dead too. :lol: 


This, combined with presenting a world that's pretty black and white (despite efforts at "nuance"), means (for me) that Superman seems like a confused idiot at best and an emo angry idiot at worst. He's profoundly uninteresting. And that's not an automatic dismissal of the character -- I think Superman has the potential to be just as interesting and involving as any other superhero. But forcing him into what feels sort of like the Kryptonian version of Batman feels horribly wrong (to me).

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10 minutes ago, ThatOneMechanic said:

Mechanic is going to bomb.  There is literally no interest in it whatsoever.


I dunno, Statham seems to be able to drive these things to 8-12m openings regardless of quality (or seeming interest). There's a whole chunk of action fans who tend to go see movies like this. Heck, I'll probably go see it on Friday.

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Just now, Brainiac5 said:

Being a boy scout he would have handed Bucky over instead of putting others in danger .


The reason he went after Bucky in the first place to not only keep him from being executed but to keep anyone from being killed by Bucky because he was the best man to accomplish that. He then allowed Bucky to be taken after the tunnel chase.  If he wanted he could have resisted or planned to break him out but all he did was ask that Bucky get a lawyer (refused).  Then they let a terrorist in to brainwash him into a killer and he escaped.  Steve kept him from escaping and put him in a vice.  He held on to him after that to track down Zemo and the other Winter Soldiers which is what the fight at the airport was about, not protecting Bucky.   Ross didn't care about truth or justice, but he wouldn't he's Ross (creator of the Hulk and The Abomination, destroyer of Harlem and all around power mad hypocrite)

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5 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


I realize it's not an exact match, but Cap is Marvel's version of Superman, at least when it comes to sensibilities and identity. He's a boy scout -- he wants to always do the right thing. He wants to help the underdog and those getting beaten down by others. He doesn't like bullies... nor does he act like one. And Marvel has managed to keep all of that while updating his character into contemporary times. Being whole-heartedly "good" doesn't automatically mean your character is flat, uninteresting, or boring.


In terms of my own opinion, the current movie version of Superman doesn't work because he seems perpetually stuck in the first third of the Hero's Journey: he hasn't accepted who he is and his place in things. (Sure, we thought he did, at the end of MOS, but BVS essentially gives us a character who doubles right back into the same confusion of who he is.) You know how in a movie, you know the basic setup going in and you're just waiting for the world/characters to get established so that first big event can happen 30 minutes in? Well, we're two movies into Superman and we're still waiting... and now he's dead too. :lol: 


This, combined with presenting a world that's pretty black and white (despite efforts at "nuance"), means (for me) that Superman seems like a confused idiot at best and an emo angry idiot at worst. He's profoundly uninteresting. And that's not an automatic dismissal of the character -- I think Superman has the potential to be just as interesting and involving as any other superhero. But forcing him into what feels sort of like the Kryptonian version of Batman feels horribly wrong (to me).

How many versions of cap have there been?.

This all matters you know.

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1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:


The reason he went after Bucky in the first place to not only keep him from being executed but to keep anyone from being killed by Bucky because he was the best man to accomplish that. He then allowed Bucky to be taken after the tunnel chase.  If he wanted he could have resisted or planned to break him out but all he did was ask that Bucky get a lawyer (refused).  Then they let a terrorist in to brainwash him into a killer and he escaped.  Steve kept him from escaping and put him in a vice.  He held on to him after that to track down Zemo and the other Winter Soldiers which is what the fight at the airport was about, not protecting Bucky.   Ross didn't care about truth or justice, but he wouldn't he's Ross (creator of the Hulk and The Abomination, destroyer of Harlem and all around power mad hypocrite)

You hand him over and prove his innocence. This is something he should have trusted Tony with..

By the way why didn't they kill him when he was captured?

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10 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


I realize it's not an exact match, but Cap is Marvel's version of Superman, at least when it comes to sensibilities and identity. He's a boy scout -- he wants to always do the right thing. He wants to help the underdog and those getting beaten down by others. He doesn't like bullies... nor does he act like one. And Marvel has managed to keep all of that while updating his character into contemporary times. Being whole-heartedly "good" doesn't automatically mean your character is flat, uninteresting, or boring.


In terms of my own opinion, the current movie version of Superman doesn't work because he seems perpetually stuck in the first third of the Hero's Journey: he hasn't accepted who he is and his place in things. (Sure, we thought he did, at the end of MOS, but BVS essentially gives us a character who doubles right back into the same confusion of who he is.) You know how in a movie, you know the basic setup going in and you're just waiting for the world/characters to get established so that first big event can happen 30 minutes in? Well, we're two movies into Superman and we're still waiting... and now he's dead too. :lol: 


This, combined with presenting a world that's pretty black and white (despite efforts at "nuance"), means (for me) that Superman seems like a confused idiot at best and an emo angry idiot at worst. He's profoundly uninteresting. And that's not an automatic dismissal of the character -- I think Superman has the potential to be just as interesting and involving as any other superhero. But forcing him into what feels sort of like the Kryptonian version of Batman feels horribly wrong (to me).




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12 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:

You hand him over and prove his innocence. This is something he should have trusted Tony with..

By the way why didn't they kill him when he was captured?


His mission was to stop Zemo and he thought it was time sensitive and it wasn't matter of his handing over Bucky (and the last time really went well what with the brainwashing...)  but himself and every one else and letting Zemo escape and he thought trigger other Winter Soldiers.  Tony couldn't deal with Ross, he tried and Ross blew him off and then Tony broke the Accords to join  Steve and Bucky.   In the end Tony couldn't get the others out of The Raft either, even though they only did what he did (and T'Challa did) break the Accords.  There's no due process for any of them.  Steve learned that and then Tony learned that and now he's stuck with Ross with a near empty Avengers facility.


They didn't kill him when captured because they were surrounded by The Avengers and out in public.  It would have been a public execution of an already retrained person.  Their orders though were shoot to kill - that's in the movie.



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22 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


Define very big.  The last Statham lead opener over $10m was the Mechanic at $11.4m - five years ago.  The last few have been $7-8m. We'd have to go back to Transport 2 at $16.5m in 2005 for an opener over $12.6m.  If it opens above $10m they'd probably consider it a success or at least what the expected when they decided to make it.




13 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


I dunno, Statham seems to be able to drive these things to 8-12m openings regardless of quality (or seeming interest). There's a whole chunk of action fans who tend to go see movies like this. Heck, I'll probably go see it on Friday.


Well, I'll defer to you guys on the $10M OW.  I haven't been watching box office that long and I don't really know what buzz for a $10M OW or less is supposed to feel like.  I do like a lot of action films and don't feel drawn to this one, but that doesn't mean there isn't a market for it at the level needed  - if that is all it needs.

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It's really tough trying to predict the opening for The Mechanic. However, Statham is a bigger name now and he has a lot of fans ( me included ), for sure.


That being said, his solo actioners usually have a small opening weekend BUT they usually get between a 2,1x or 3x multiplier, lol. That's crazy.



The Transporter opened with 9 million and closed with 25 million.  2,7x multiplier


The Transporter 2 opened with 16 million and closed with 43 million. 2,6x multiplier


The Transporter 3 opened with 12 million and closed with 31 million. 2,5x multiplier


Crank opened with 10 million and closed with 27 million. 2,7x multiplier


Crank 2 opened with 6 million and closed with 13 million. 2,1x multiplier


Death Race opened with 12 million and closed with 36 million. 3x multiplier


The first Mechanice opened with 11 million and closed with 29 million. 2,6x multiplier


Safe opened with 7 million and closed with 17 million. 2,4 multiplier


Homefront opened with 6 million and closed with 20 million. 3,3x multiplier


I didn't even consider the Expendable movies because they were focused on the ensemble group. Parker had J-Lo, Killer Elite had De Niro. I wouldn't even consider War (Rogue ), because Jet Li was also one of the main stars. 


It could perform like the Transporter series or like the Crank series. Considering this is another Statham sequel, I would think this could perform like Transporter 3. 


It'll open with 10 million ( or maybe more ) and it'll close with 30 million or a little more like most of his actioners. He's big now thanks to his performance in Furious 7 and Spy.

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