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Friday Numbers (The Vow: 15.4M; Safe House: 13.8M; Star Wars 3D: 8.7M; Journey 2: 6.6M)

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Good for you guys.Anyway, I don't know where you got this info, but I see it basically the other way around: plateauing at today's figures, then dropping like a rock come Monday and never heard from again.

I didn't get the info from anywhere. It's my opinion that it will increase on Saturday. By how much, I have no idea. I just think it will. If it does then you're looking at a weekend gross around 35-37m. That may not be "fantastic" but it's certainly pretty good for a supposedly "hated" movie.
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"All we heard"? Who is "we"? Who are you speaking on behalf of? And when you claim that everybody said there was "no buzz", who are those people and how did you determine that they speak for everybody?HSX has had it high 20's all week. Deadline had a poll which ranged from 20m to 50m, and the weighted average would be right around 30m. So....where are you getting this information, exactly?It sounds like your taking your own personal sampling of things - which sure as heck doesn't sync up with mine - and then claiming that they represent some mythical overarching edict or something. I saw commercials all over the place, and a freaking SUPER BOWL ad....for a re-release! You can't get more "buzz" than that, chief.Anyway, it'll close out with under 60 and it probably cost double that to make and market, so I'm still perplexed by all these claims of triumph.

A personal sampling? Having you been hiding under the proverbial rocks? Just read the posts related to TPM over the last several weeks.If if were doing what was being predicted , how come majority of the people are shocked. Your reactions border on the ridiculous. You seem to be basing your reactions on your seeming personal hatred of TPM.
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I didn't get the info from anywhere. It's my opinion that it will increase on Saturday. By how much, I have no idea. I just think it will. If it does then you're looking at a weekend gross around 35-37m. That may not be "fantastic" but it's certainly pretty good for a supposedly "hated" movie.

Where is this "hate"? I see no actual hate, just people talking about how OTHER people supposedly hate it. Where are those actual people? Instead, all I'm seeing here is posts like yours - 36m? What? Nikki has it at 28m. Everybody here has been slobbing its knob the entire thread.This is getting ridiculous. You have people making arguments against non-existent opponents. It's like everybody has got some sort of imaginary enemy or something.
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Perfect example of multiple movies hitting different quadrants which equals more people going to the theater. Not surprised that all movies are doing great, but surprised at just how well they all seem to have exploded. America must be starving for entertainment. Doesn't bode well for John Carter for multiple reasons.

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A personal sampling? Having you been hiding under the proverbial rocks? Just read the posts related to TPM over the last several weeks.If if were doing what was being predicted , how come majority of the people are shocked. Your reactions border on the ridiculous. You seem to be basing your reactions on your seeming personal hatred of TPM.

So....you're saying that you DON'T know that all "we" heard was that there was "no buzz". You just made that shit up. I understand. You're forgiven.Once again, TPM's 30m opening (#3 for the weekend) falls squarely where Nikki's readers and HSX had it. No surprise whatsoever.
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New estimates

1. The Vow (Screen Gems/Sony) NEW [2,958 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $15M, Estimated Weekend $38M

2. Safe House (Universal) NEW [3,119 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $14M, Estimated Weekend $38M

3. Star Wars 3D: Episode I – Phantom Menace (LucasFilm/Fox) NEW [2,655 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $12M, Estimated Weekend $28M

4. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Warner Bros) NEW [3,470 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $5M, Estimated Weekend $18M

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New estimates

1. The Vow (Screen Gems/Sony) NEW [2,958 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $15M, Estimated Weekend $38M

2. Safe House (Universal) NEW [3,119 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $14M, Estimated Weekend $38M

3. Star Wars 3D: Episode I – Phantom Menace (LucasFilm/Fox) NEW [2,655 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $12M, Estimated Weekend $28M

4. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Warner Bros) NEW [3,470 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $5M, Estimated Weekend $18M

And the frontloading for TPM continues.

This thing is gonna have worse hangtime than when George Costanza tried to market the plyometric shoes by jumping. Out of the top ten by week 3.

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FRIDAY 9 PM, 3RD UPDATE: “I’d back off a little,” a Sony exec tells me tonight about this seesawing battle at the box office Friday between The Vow and Universal’s Safe House. "So far we’re ahead by a lot.”

Edited by RichWS
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New estimates

1. The Vow (Screen Gems/Sony) NEW [2,958 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $15M, Estimated Weekend $38M

2. Safe House (Universal) NEW [3,119 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $14M, Estimated Weekend $38M

3. Star Wars 3D: Episode I – Phantom Menace (LucasFilm/Fox) NEW [2,655 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $12M, Estimated Weekend $28M

4. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Warner Bros) NEW [3,470 Theaters]

Estimated Friday $5M, Estimated Weekend $18M

Rock on, 2012. B)
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How much did it cost to make and market? Hell, the Super Bowl ad gets us 3% of the way there, right off the top.

Probably not much more than $50m, if that. Either way, Star Wars is one of the few franchises that can justify a larger budget by its merchandise opportunities. But I'd be shocked if this isn't profitable after $100m or so worldwide.
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Safehouse and The Vow are battling it out like Chronicle and Woman in Black did last weekend.The Vow will probably win the weekend but still good result for Safehouse.Who knows at this point? StarWars could explode tomorrow.

Edited by ECSTASY
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