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Friday Numbers (The Vow: 15.4M; Safe House: 13.8M; Star Wars 3D: 8.7M; Journey 2: 6.6M)

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Totally disagree. There were tens of millions of production and marketing costs invested into this. "Investment" as in, "We hope this money is returned to us, plus more, later on." Though we don't know the exact costs of the TPM re-release, I expect that it was MANY tens of millions. (A $3.6m ad in the Super Bowl, for starters.)

Yes, the TLK and BATB re-releases were special because they came right before BD releases and were considered promos for that, as well. But TPM is a stand-alone release. Sure, you can say it's a promo for the whole SW franchise, and I agree with that. But I don't think that LFL considers $40m a worthy investment, even still.

But who knows? All their marketing data and expenses are private, so we probably won't ever know for sure. But I expect that this will alter the plans for future re-releases. If nothing else, the marketing will be MUCH cheaper for any subsequent releases.

The Titanic re-release I believe will do great on its own, simply because that is a beloved movie. TPM is not. (In fact, TPM belongs in the class of Godzilla and Pearl Harbor for me, as one of the first generation, in the late-90's and early-00's, of truly hollow blockbusters: movies that made huge sums of money that nobody liked. Not "nobody" literally, but "nobody" relative to the hordes that traditionally loved blockbusters that made a billion dollars.)

Well considering the franchise as a whole just went over 20 billion dollars, 40 million is really a drop in the bucket. And I fail to see you logic as to how this film isn't profitable? The film's been profitable for 12 years now, hell it was profitable when Lucas took out a pad of paper and a pen and wrote the opening crawl.
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Watch, dude. The POS is going to open with 50m. Hell, the first one was so awful it actually did traverse into the always-discussed-but-rarely-seen "so bad it's good" territory, so maybe all the camp-lovers will have Rocky Horror-style midnight showings. (Actually, I know a projectionist who saw it and he mentioned on his podcast that GR2 wasn't all that bad.)
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Yay for The Vow.Not surprising for Star Wars or Journey 2.I am shocked about Safe House. What in the world? 2012 always has something up it's sleeve. I wonder why young males suddenly decided to start seeing movies in movie theaters again. I know a lot websites no longer host movies/tv shows like they used to but i'm still really shocked. I didn't see over 30M coming at all.

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What was the bigger surprise for people?The Devil Inside doing $16.8m friday or Safe House doing $15m?Devil Inside's opening is by far the biggest shock of the year so far for me.

The Devil Inside because it was such a mediocre movie and it opened on the first weekend of January
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Does anyone think Vow/Safe House can reach a 2.7 multiplier or should I dump the stock once they adjust tomorrow? I held on to Chronicle but that looks like a bad decision now, probably dropped another 3 points over the last day. I don't really like taking the commission hit though. Stupidly did so for Underworld despite the numbers being so close.edit: HSX

Edited by BK007
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What was the bigger surprise for people?The Devil Inside doing $16.8m friday or Safe House doing $15m?Devil Inside's opening is by far the biggest shock of the year so far for me.

For me Safe House. I saw lots of Devil Inside ads and they were very effective. I hardly saw anything for Safe House and what I did see didn't sell it to me as it apparrently did for other people. Those Safe House numbers are crazy to me. I'd never have guessed.
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I've just looked at the release schedule for April and it's pretty bad.Five-Year Engagement, The Lucky One, Pirates and American Reunion seem like the only films that could do well.I'm most excited for Cabin in the Woods, but I have a feeling it'll underperform.

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