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Mason Thames, of The Black Phone fame, has signed with Phoenix Fire Pictures to star as Jimmy Hopkins in Bully: Chapter I - Welcome to Bullsworth.


An adaptation of Rockstar Games' 2006 title Bully, Welcome to Bullsworth tells the tale of a teenager who is dropped by his just married mom and stepdad in Bullsworth Academy, the toughest school in the country, and seeks to change its internal bullying culture.


The film is set to release in Winter Y10. One other Rockstar adaptation, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, will hit theaters on the Summer of the same year.

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@CayomMagazine @LagerPictures @LagerPicturesAnimation


Ahead of tonight's Oscars ceremony, Lager Pictures Animation has unveiled an exclusive sneak preview of an extended scene from Zack Snyder's Computer-Animated Medieval Fantasy film, Berserk: The Golden Age, which is set to hit theaters on October 16, Y10.





Edited by Rorschach
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19 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

@CayomMagazine @LagerPictures @LagerPicturesAnimation


Ahead of tonight's Oscars ceremony, Lager Pictures Animation has unveiled an exclusive sneak preview of an extended scene from Zack Snyder's Computer-Animated Medieval Fantasy film, Berserk: The Golden Age, which is set to hit theaters on October 16, Y10.






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Premiering at the first Oscar Television Break





*The trailer opens with pensive, meditative piano notes. We see a metallic corridor, with lines of futuristic cells on either side*


V.O. (voice of Felicity Jones): It’s remarkable what you’ve achieved in so short a time.


*A few short shots show various alien species locked behind the cells, some of them huddling together*


*Several alien soldiers cluster, guns ready, pointed at the door, looking anxious*


*The door blasts open and several figures in armored spacesuits enter, shooting laserfire*


*Cut to the smoke settling, and the camera focuses on one of the figures raising a fist as a signal, and we see through the faceshield it’s Marcus (John David Washington) *


V.O. (Jones): You’ve rescued the lost


*Shots of the alien prisoners being helped out of their cells, quick shot of a child running to a waiting parent and embracing it*


V.O. (Jones): Inspired the meek.


*Shot of an alien city, at a plaza we see the whole crew of the Peregrine (Washington, Naomi Scott, Jack Lowden, Sonequa Martin-Green, Daniel Wu, Jodie Comer, Adria Arjona, and Kristofer Hivju (mo-cap)) being honored*


*Shots of the crowd cheering, the crew basking in the applause*


V.O. (Jones): Forged alliances.


*Shot of Marcus and Ny’asha (Arjona) in a bunker shaking hands with an alien leader (Chad L. Coleman in prosthetics) *


*Shot of Orzane (Liam Cunningham – mocap) giving a briefing in front of a projector screen. Amelia (Naomi Scott) in a pilot jacket sitting next to a humanoid alien in similar gear (Danny Ramirez)


*Shot of Taylor (Martin-Green), Victor (Wu), and Gerzak (Hivju – mocap) working on a scientific project in a lab with others*


*Shot of Jyanis (Comer) sitting in front of some kids, wowing them with some space magic*


*Shot of David (Lowden) in front of some technical gear, explaining something to someone off-screen*


V.O. (Jones): Restarted a revolution


*Shot of the Peregrine in atmosphere swerving to the side as a fighter behind it crashes into another fighter that was coming towards it*


*Shot of various resistance fighters arming themselves*


*Shot of a landing ramp descending and a bunch of resistance fighters exiting, guns blazing*


*Shot of enemy watchtowers exploding from missile strikes*


*Shot of resistance soldiers cheering amid a burning enemy camp, Marcus in the middle as the camera circles around him looking proud*


*cuts to black*


V.O. (Jones): But you have no comprehension of what you have gotten yourself into.


*Cut to Marcus in a futuristic interrogation room, shackled to a chair and table*


*Pylos (Felicity Jones), in an elegant dress, sits opposite him, looking like the cat who caught the mouse*


Marcus: Why don’t we skip to the end where you tell me what you want from me, and I tell you to go to hell


Pylos *smiling*: You already know what I want. What you don’t know is what I am willing to do to get it.


*Shot of a darkened hallway, Amelia in front with an assault rifle with David and Jyanis behind her*


*Shot of Ny’asha and Taylor hiding in a ditch as soldiers patrol overhead*


*Shot of Victor and Gerzak furiously working in an engine room as steam valves blow and sparks fly*


V.O. (Jones): Your crew, they mean more to you than that.


*Shot of the Peregrine crew in the main segment, all eating dinner together, with additional shots of them talking and laughing*


*Shot of the crew playing cards, Amelia leaning over to peek at David’s hand and telling him what he has*


V.O. (Jones): They’re like a family.


*Marcus and Ny’asha sparring, after one move he swings her around and pulls her in close for an intimate moment*


*Victor looking at a holograph of someone, looking sad*


*Jyanis running David through some sort of meditation exercise*


*Amelia asleep in the pilot’s chair, mouth open snoring, someone placing a blanket over her*


V.O. (Jones): I had a family once.


*Shot of her, a decade younger, sitting in front of a young teen Jyanis, Jyanis looking scared*


*Shot of her even younger, a teenager, standing in the ruins of a town, everything burning, holding the hand of a child Jyanis*


*Shot of the two of them standing in front of a large memorial, hugging*


V.O. (Jones): I know what it feels like to lose them. And I know what I would have done to save them.


*Pylos in ceremonial regalia, standing on a platform hovering in the air in front of thousands of soldiers, Trokkon (Corey Hawkins – mocap) standing by her side*


*Pylos standing on the bridge of a starship, staring out into space*


*Pylos, walking down a corridor, stepping over the bodies of the dead*


V.O. (Jones): The question is, what are you prepared to do to save yours?


*Back to the interrogation room*


Marcus: You really think a threat is going to work on me?


Pylos *smiling*: It’s not a threat. It’s a promise.


*Amelia, David, and Jyanis running down a corridor from something*


V.O. (Jones): If you do not give me what I want, I will hunt your family down.


*Ny’asha engaging in martial arts combat with multiple foes while Taylor tries to enter a code into a door*


V.O. (Jones): I will hurt them.


*Victor and Gerzak, armed with wrenches and tools, swinging them at the heads of enemy soldiers*


V.O. (Jones): And I will make you watch as they beg for me to stop.


*Marcus in the chair looking at something, trying to break out of his restraints, shouting angrily and upset*


V.O. (Jones): I will tear your family apart


*Marcus in what looks like a futuristic alien gulag, getting stared down by various alien inmates


V.O. (Jones): One


*Amelia in the pilot seat of a fighter, it divebombs through the air with another in tandem*


V.O. (Jones): By


*David in a vent, looking extra nervous as some alien beast lowers its head towards the grate to sniff*


V.O. (Jones): One


*Jyanis turning around and raising a hand, causing the screen to fill with light*


*Back to the interrogation room scene*


Pylos: So, Marcus, what are you going to do?


*Marcus silently glares at her*


*Cut to the Peregrine in space, attached to an asteroid, as a ship flies past it, the Peregrine detaches from the asteroid and pirouettes through space into position behind the other ship as a massive harpoon gun fires from the Peregrine and impales the other ship, and the Peregrine’s engines fire, bringing the other ship to a halt*


*Cut to several figures in armored spacesuits standing on the exterior hull of the Peregrine quickly hooking onto the harpoon cable and using a thrusters to zipline down the cable to the other ship, the camera over the shoulder of one of them as the other ship’s hull rapidly approaches, cutting to black just before the figure makes contact*





On July 31st

There’s Nowhere to Run


Edited by 4815162342
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During the second Oscars Television Break


In a blazing hot desert, a title card reads: Earth, 2222. A figure (Phil LaMarr) on a hovering motorbike speeds by, as the desert is shown to be full of old warheads and old battleships, on what used to be the Atlantic Ocean. The figure is revealed to be an aging dark-skinned cyborg, with a purple cyberkinefic eye, a metal plate on the back of his head, a mechanical right hand and mechanical legs. The figure’s right index finger turns into a lighter as he pulls out a cigarette. Taking a brief smoke, as a trio of cyborg outlaws, sporting a more chainmetal design arrive behind him.


Outlaw 1 (Grey DeLise): Well, well, well. If ain’t Code. The phantom of the desert. 


Outlaw 2 (Rodger Bumpass): The lawless longarm. 

Outlaw 3 (Richard Steven Horvitz): The benevolent bandit.

Outlaw 1 (yelling at her partners): I am the leader, I do the cool intros! 


The outlaws begin arguing with each other as Code looks rather unamused by their back and forth, still smoking his cigarette.



Outlaw 1: Anyways, there’s a 100,000 unit bounty on you by the Baroness. 


Code: The Queenpin of Crime. Yeah, I ‘member her. Stole quite a bit of her shit and upgraded my hand. 

Outlaw 1: Dead or Alive, you’re coming with us. Though rumor has it if we bring a detached body part with the body, there’s a 5,000 unit bonus.


Code grabs a smoke bomb from his satchel and leaps back on his hoverbike. Outlaw 1 screams at her team to follow Code as they chase after him on hoverbike throughout the ship graveyard. Turning his index right finger into a revolver, Code shoots one of the hoverbikes with an energy blast, destroying Outlaw 2 and his bike in an explosion. The remaining outlaws fire two chains with grappling hooks latch onto Code’s bike. Code leaps off his hoverbike, as he tumbles into the desert. 



Code prepares to fire his finger-gun, aiming for the engine of the outlaw’s bikes. This too causes their hoverbike to explode, but both escape to the ground at the last minute. Code prepares to fire again but his finger is jammed. This forces Code to fight the outlaws in hand to hand combat but is overwhelmed by their tactics and becoming oddly fatigued. Outlaw 3 binds Code’s hands in chains, constricting Code.



Outlaw 3: We got him, we finally got him!


Outlaw 1: Quit your damn yapping and tie him up quickly. 


Outlaw 3 uses the chains that entrapped Code’s hands to entangle Code’s entire body. Outlaw 1 points a shotgun to Code’s head, smirking evilly.



Code: I suppose this is revenge for your dead buddy.


Outlaw 1: Never really cared for him, he’s more so added muscle. You’re just too dangerous to be left alive. 


Code starts laughing, confusing the two outlaws as the first barks at him to knock it off.



Code (chuckling): Sorry, it’s just with rats like y'all, you two will turn on each other in a second. I bet she’s planning on getting rid of you, halfway on the journey back or is it you that betrays her?



The two outlaws glance at each other, nervously but laugh it off. 



Outlaw 1: Your trickery just cost you ten more seconds of life.



A set of darts falls out of Outlaw 3’s pocket, containing Rust, a powerful agent that has multiple means from energy to hunting to even medicinal purposes. However, the darts are formulated, when combined with certain compounds to immobilize organic life, which includes cyborgs. Outlaw 1 accuses 3 of betraying her as the two start to argue and grow more suspicious towards one another. Code quietly chuckles to himself as his weaponry systems go back online. Code removes the chains from his body, tying one around his left hand. The outlaws then have a standout between themselves, as Code whistles. Code whipping the guns out of their hands, as they get into a fistfight. Code uses the iron chains as tools for combat, subduing the bandits. 


Code ties them up, using the darts to de-power their parts but gives them both a larger dosage which will immobilize them for days. Code repairs the least damaged hoverbike, as he prepares to leave.



Outlaw 1: Wait, you can’t do this! You have to have a heart.


Code: You’re right, tell you what I will come back and take you guys in, to rot in a jail cell.

Outlaw 3: Beats dying out here, so when will you come back?

Code: When your bodies become nothing but rust and bones.


Code breaks out into a mild coughing fit as he then drives out into the desert, leaving the panicked and horrified outlaws to reflect on what happened. Code drives out in the desert for what seems like miles as the title pops up with the opening credits displayed across the desert.






We then see a brief montage of sequences such as a giant brain in the jar known as The Baroness (Karen Fuhukara), who resides in the ruins of the White House tricked out to look like a castle drains the fluids of trepassers, Code and Emily Engine (Olivia Olson) riding a hover train in the middle of the desert on the escape from the Barrow couple (Carlos Alazraqui and Kari Wahlgren) and then Code and Emily starring down a giant cactus-like creature with the snout and body of a serpent, a giant shell similar to that of an armadillo, with the limbs of a coyote emerges from the ground


Phil LaMarr 

Olivia Olson

Benjamin Diskin 

Carlos Alazraqui 

Kari Wahlgren

Nadji Jeter 

Tati Gabrielle 

Nolan North

Ashley Johnson 


Clancy Brown


Karen Fuhukara 





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A Thank You Note from Phoenix Fire


Phoenix Fire Pictures is proud to have received five Academy Awards in the Y9 Ceremony, which took place last night.


Congratulations, head and shoulders, to actress Jurnee Smollett and the editing crew of American Spy, for their Best Actress and Best Film Editing awards; to the makeup crew of the horror film Acne, which received Best Makeup & Hairstyling; to Soul Asylum, who wrote and performed the Best Original Song winning track Make You Care, for the film Runaway Train; and Lyric Cabral and producer Spike Lee, for their Best Documentary Feature recepient film War on Drugs: America's Modern Conflict. It is a massive honor and privilege for Phoenix Fire to have brought these awards home, and we're hopeful and expectant to continue working with these amazingly talented artists.


Our congratulations also go to all of the other Oscar nominees, including the artists behind the remaining 32 nominations that Phoenix Fire snatched; and, last but certainly not least, we want to congratulate the winners of the various trophies, including Studio Groundswell for receiving Best Picture with their film The Mirage, Numerator Pictures for taking a potential record-breaking wins for their blockbuster The Queen Who Never Was. and Endless Entertainment for the awards it obtained as well.


Our five Academy Award victories this year were our very first, and we hope to build on this legacy and continue delivering memorable and artful storytelling for a long, long time. Thank you so, so much for this honor!

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Thank You and Congrulations for our audience, the Academy and Our Fellow Studios from Endless Entertainment


Endless Entertainment is ecstatic to have gained it's first Oscars win since Y6 when Gateways swept the categories, as Endless Animation took home both voice acting categories as Anika Noni Rose took home Best Lead Voice Actress and Isaac Ryan Brown took home Best Supporting Voice and Best Animated Feature in Matilda and the Night Children. Irving notes “Matilda is probably one of the proudest works to come out of Endless, earning it's place on the table with the likes of Gateways and Can You Imagine?” 


We want to also take the time to congratulate our various friends from other studios. @SLAM! Studio Groundswell took home Best Picture for The Mirage in a delightful upset, @MCKillswitch123’s Phoenix Fire Pictures won Best Actress from Jurnee Smolett’s excellent performance in American Spy, Best Original Song in Making You Care for Runaway Train, Acne and American Spy also racked up a nice sum of awards and took home Best Documentary Feature in The War on Drugs: America’s Modern Conflict, and @4815162342 Numerator Pictures took home a record amount of awards for the spellbinding hit The Queen Who Never Was. 


We would like to thank the audience and our friends for supporting us and hope to deliver a larger and a wider variety of films next year for Y10 and build further upon making great films.

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After Matilda and the Night Children takes home Oscar Gold; Endless Animation has announced a press release for one of the four films it has planned for Y10. As previously stated, the studio wants to alternate between 1-2 family films and 1-2 films for adult and contemporary audiences.


Twenty-One is a coming-of-age comedy done with traditional hand-drawn animation. Kate Purdy (Bojack Horseman, Undone) and Molly Ostertag (The Owl House, The Witch Boy) write and direct the film with Shadi Petosky (Sandman, Danger and Eggs) co-writing.


Twenty-One centers on Liza (Hunter Schafer (Euphoria, The Hunger Games: Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes)), an introverted young trans women in her junior year of college. Upon near-death experience on her 21st birthday, Liza decides to reinvent herself creating a bucket list of things she wants to accomplish before her next birthday with help from her over-enthusiac roommate Madi (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan (Turning Red, Never Had I Ever)) and former best friend Chase (Ian Alexander (Heremias, Star Trek: Discovery)) as these young adults go on a journey of self-discovery, romance and friendship.


Other cast members include:

Nicholas Cantu (The Gumball franchise, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem)

Caleb McLaughlin (Shiverin’ Gulch, Stranger Things)

Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation, Stranges in the Town)

Iain Armitage (Young Sheldon, the Can You Imagine? franchise)

Ryan Potter (the American Dragon franchise, Big Hero 6)

Kat Dennings (Two Broke Girls, the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise)

Auli’i Cravalho (The Last Airbender: The Boy in The Iceberg, Dear Evan Hansen, Moana)

Helen Mirren (The Parvelli Reunion, the Fast and Furious franchise)


The film will open September 18th, Y10 with a limited release Labor Day weekend, Y10.

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The following is a letter and has been posted Horizon Entertainment's website: 


The following is an open apology to all movie fans for being extremely inconsistent our first few years in the business. We here at Horizon strive to bring the films that make people look at the sliver screen in amazement. So far we have not delivered that. We are embarrassed by not having a film out during Y9. So this is pledge to everyone who goes to the movies: 


Y10 will have 5-6 films from us. This includes a DC comics film in association with Endless Entertainment. 


2 we will stick to what has worked for us in the past ( large high concept original films.)


3 we will no longer worry about IMAX dates as that has stopped us on what we can and can't do. 

4 starting tomorrow and through the month of may we will release a teaser for all films we plan to release. 


5 all films will be budgeted over 100 million dollars. We will spare no expense to bring the highest quality stories to you.


We wrote this so that the people who see our films can hold us accountable for them coming out.


With complete respect,

Horizon Entertainment






Edited by Reddroast
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Three years after the release of Pillars of Eternity: An Ancient Legacy, Numerator Pictures returns to the world of Eora to begin the next phase of its exploration of the fantasy world. While long-term plans are still a bit in flux, the studio’s immediate plan is to release two “sidequels” that focus on specific characters to tell a self-contained story, but still lay groundwork for the future. Pillars of Eternity: The Forgotten Army is the first of these two films, the second, as yet untitled, is aimed to come out in either Year 12 or 13, and center around Iwan Rheon’s character Aloth on a twisty journey that dregs up his own past as well as a magical conspiracy.




Pictured: A Wizard Missing In Action


But for now, Numerator Pictures is focusing on a large chunk of the core heroes of the trilogy, with The Forgotten Army centered on Ana de Armas’ Watcher, Sarana, and two of her closest companions: Dan Steven’s Eder, and Winston Duke’s Kana Rua, as, three years after the events of An Ancient Legacy, they go on another adventure.


“For the past three years, Sarana has been keeping things relatively local, focusing on using her skills to help the communities around her, but also trying to find some inner peace after the events of the past films” de Armas tells us in a short sit-down. “She’s not quite a homebody, but this is definitely the longest stretch she’s had sitting still in a long time, and she’s getting comfortable where she is, until something kicks her in the behind to get her moving again.”




After a few years in emotional recovery from the roller coaster of the trilogy, the Watcher Sarana receives a call to adventure she cannot ignore.


Dan Stevens adds that Eder’s taken advantage of the past few years to become a family man, starting a family with Lucy Boynton’s Aufra, who gave birth at the close of An Ancient Legacy, but when Sarana gets tugged out into the wilds again, Eder feels compelled to follow. “It’s not automatic for him, given what he’s built” Steven says, “but there’s something that pulls at him, some sort of unfinished business or desire, that gets him out the door, and once he’s out there, he learns far more than he anticipated.”




After a trilogy of following Sarana into a world-shattering revelation, Stevens' Eder is still processing the truth, and facts uncovered during The Forgotten Army will only deepen a crisis for faith for the former soldier.


As for Kana Rua, while it’s not quite accurate to say the hulking but endearingly nerdy character played by Winston Duke is just happy to be here, Duke does say that the character is, as usual, ecstatic and excited to pick up long forgotten knowledge. “His priorities have always been helping his friends and learning more about the world, especially things lost in the past” Duke tells us. “And when Sarana gets yanked onto a mission into the wilderness to explore ancient ruins, he sees the chance to go along as fulfilling both of those goals.”




Duke enjoys playing Kana as a guy who could be a true physical force of nature if he wished, but instead applies his talents to knowledge, since it gives him a chance to balance imposing physique with a goofy levity.


This mission is an invitation from a former colleague for Sarana to assist in the investigation of a long dormant fortress deep in the alpine wilds known as the White March, as a research team has hit a stumbling block that only a Watcher like Sarana, who can interact with the spirits and ghosts of the past, can help resolve.


That colleague is Ydwin, played by Lily James, returning from a supporting appearance in Pillars of Eternity: Never Far From the Queen, which turned into a bit of a fan favorite for some quadrants of the audience. James, laughing a bit, says she did not expect just how intense some fan appreciation would be for a character who wasn’t even in the original game, but was moved up from the sequel game to flesh out an exposition hole. “The funniest thing I saw on the internet in the months immediately following Queen was this meme that mashed Ydwin up with Taissa Farmiga’s character in those Voltron movies” James says. “I guess there’s a lot of people who really like their kinda snarky kinda dorky scientist girls.”




Everyone's favorite albino detached scientist is back in action by popular demand.


James’ character is part of a scientific expedition to uncover the secrets of Durgan’s Battery, an old fortress that was home to the Pargrunen Dwarves, the best miners and blacksmiths on the continent, who were able to make a special kind of steel unseen anywhere else in the world, before they all but vanished about two centuries before the start of the film. That expedition is led by the researcher Galvino, played by Carl Weathers.


“The guy is a cranky, ornery, greedy son-of-a-gun” Weathers says with a chuckle. “Science is important to him, and he’s quite a bright guy, but what’s really driving him here is to be the man who returns to the world a secret lost for centuries, and to get the fame and the wealth that comes from that re-discovery. So when he sees an opportunity to pull in any possible resource he can get, he acts on that. Problem is, he might be a bit short-sighted as to the consequences of his drive.”




While Weathers won't be calling out "Mando!" or fawning over a puppet in this movie, his role does bring some of the same jocular, jovial, but self-centered energy.


Aside from Ydwin, other members of Galvino’s expedition include Riley Keough as Meryen, a role that the studio is playing close to the vest for the time being, only noting that her character is cold, cynical, and sharp, and will act as a foil of sorts for Eder based on past events both characters lived through. The other is Juliana Canfield (Succession) playing Wengra, an orlan scientist with a proficiency in making things explode.




Keough and Canfield both play characters on the same side, but with wildly diverging personalities and outlooks on life. Keough describes Meryen as someone bitter and angry against the whole world. Canfield says there is a little similarity between her character Jess on Succession and Wengra, in that "they both have to deal with a boss whose head is in the clouds and thinks a lot higher of himself than he deserves to." Because she plays an Orlan, Canfield's on-set experience was described as fairly similar as the Hobbits in the Lord of the Rings movie, with a lot of forced perspective and clever set design to incorporate her,


Galvino’s expedition runs into more than just scientific and metaphysical obstacles, as they also have to interact with the world around them, namely the local population of Stalwart, a former trading town that has dried up substantially in the past two centuries after the sealing of Durgan’s Battery. Run by Michelle Fairley’s Renengild, the town provides cautious support to the expedition, hoping for a return to prosperity, but this support also puts them in the crosshairs for potential trouble on the horizon.


Numerator Pictures doesn’t go into much detail about this trouble, but does say that a quasi-antagonistic presence in the film is a rival expedition from the neighboring country of Readceras, which fifteen years prior to the events of the original trilogy was at war with Eder’s homeland, and it’s unclear whether this expedition seems to claim Durgan’s Battery for itself, or something else entirety. This force is led by Adaryc, played by Diego Luna, and he is framed as an oppositional force to both Sarana and Eder. “The man is driven by a singular vision” Luna tells us, “and he believes so strongly in that vision that he will do what is necessary to achieve it.” Luna adds that he sees Adaryc as a little bit of a mirror for both Sarana and Eder, and he enjoyed some of the verbal sparring he had to do with both de Armas and Stevens.




Luna is pleased to make the jump into a major fantasy franchise, and sees some parallels between his role in The Forgotten Army and Andor's Luthen Rael, in that both men are driven to do what they believe is required, and if those beliefs require damning themselves for the greater good, then so be it.


The last major character of note we get introduced to is Maneha, played by woman’s basketball player A’ja Wilson, in her first acting role since By the Balls several years ago. Maneha is an Aumaua like Kana Rua, so she is big, tall, and imposing, but like with Kana, the film doesn’t play the large character as a brute, but inverts things a little. “She was originally a mercenary who did all the things you’d expect a large hulking mercenary would do” Wilson says, “but she lost her way in that, and then found a new purpose and sense of peace, though in the film she starts to struggle with how far that purpose will take her.” Wilson is referring to Maneha being a member of an organization led by Cliff Curtis’ character Kaoto, which follows the goddess Ondra, who is the goddess of the sea, loss, mourning, and forgotten things. Little more is divulged about this group other than that they play increasing importance as the story in the film progresses, but given the title of the film and some notes from the studio that the film delves heavily into the idea of whether certain things should remain lost to time, and the consequences that might come from digging them up again, this writer suspects Wilson and Curtis might play rather major roles by the time the film is over.




Cliff Curtis and A'Ja Wilson appear in pivotal roles as third-parties with a vested interest in the actions of our main characters. Curtis describes his character as a leader with an agenda, and Wilson describes her role as very outgoing and upfront, which causes her to clash a bit with Curtis; more subtle and secretive character.


Numerator Pictures intends for this film to be a large and energetic adventure with still a pretty big scope, and with some elements of horror or spookiness sprinkled in. Director Mimi Leder says that in making the film they took some cues from adventure films like The Mummy and The Mummy Returns in how to mix in a little bit of scares at time into an otherwise fun and rollicking journey, and they want the film to be intense, but never overwhelming. “I had a blast making it with this incredible cast and crew” she says, “and I cannot wait for audiences to experience what all of us were able to bring to the table.”


Pillars of Eternity: The Forgotten Army will release the first weekend in March, Year 10.


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The American Film Institute is proud to reveal the ten best American films of Y9.


The list was calculated based on both the Review Aggregate and Critical Consensus threads. Films who made both top 10's were automatically given a place in the AFI top 10; whereas other films were calculated by lowest sum of points, meaning higher placement.


Without further ado, here's the list:




Directed by Jake Hammond

Phoenix Fire Pictures



Directed by Ava DuVernay

Phoenix Fire Pictures



Directed by Ol Parker

Studio Groundswell



Directed by Brenda Chapman

Numerator Pictures



Directed by Pierre Perifel

Studio Groundswell



Directed by Mohamed Diab

Numerator Pictures



Directed by Aphton Corbin and Everett Downing

Endless Entertainment



Directed by Fede Álvarez

Studio Groundswell



Directed by Michelle MacLaren

Numerator Pictures



Directed by James Mangold

Phoenix Fire Pictures







Directed by Alfonso Cuarón

Phoenix Fire Pictures


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Studio Groundswell wants to work with the Bacarau directors (Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles) as well as NarcosPuss in Boots: The Last Wish actor Wagner Moura and Queen of the SouthScales of Justice actress Alice Braga to make a 70s-inspired action/espionage film of some sort (titled to be determined). Moura plays Fernando and Braga plays Walesca. Developing...

Edited by SLAM!
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Cookie Pictures announces theatrical re-release of 'Hilda' and 'Scavenger Wars' films


In preparation for their follow-ups scheduled for release on June 19th (The Scavenger Wars: The Ethereal Dream) and December 23rd (Hilda and the Black Forest) respectively in Y10, Cookie Pictures has announced today that the first three Scavenger Wars films, collectively dubbed the "Khouga Trilogy", as well as the Y7 animated fantasy adventure Hilda and the Midnight Giant, will be reissued in theaters and Dolby Cinema screens nationwide over the course of the calendar year. The plan outlined in the press release sent out to Cayom Magazine goes as follows:


The Scavenger Wars: Remastered — Mid-to-late January

The Scavenger Wars Part II: Director's Cut — Late February

The Scavenger Wars Part III  — Mid-to-late April

Hilda and the Midnight Giant: Remastered — Labor Day


As stated, The Scavenger Wars and Hilda and the Midnight Giant will be "remastered" for Dolby Cinema with updated visual effects and animation. Cookie Pictures also announced that moviegoers attending Dolby screenings of Hilda and the Midnight Giant: Remastered will receive a free poster and a discount code for Dolby screenings of Hilda and the Black Forest when it releases in December. Patrons are advised to check with their local Dolby cinemas for more details on the offer.


"To show our continued commitment to the cinema experience and drum up excitement among moviegoers for our Y10 film slate, we're making the decision to bring back these acclaimed films to theaters for both fans and newcomers to experience," Cookie Pictures President and CEO Sebastian Peters said in a written statement. "We're also aware of the drought of content that plagued parts of previous years, and while that's not an issue that can easily be remedied, we hope that bringing these films back to theaters could aid them during quieter parts of the cinema year."


More details on Hilda and the Black Forest and The Scavenger Wars: The Ethereal Dream are expected within the coming weeks. Exact dates on the Scavenger Wars re-releases will be determined at the start of Y10.

Edited by cookie
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Studio hinted that a main character from the Poison and Wine Trilogy will appear in Room 131. Stressed the role will be minor but shocking. When asked about the Poison and Wine tie in films, the studio said Giovanni (post production), Room 131 (post production), and a third film (in pre-production and rumored to have the Daniels in the director’s chair) In Another Life are all planned. When asked about Christmas Again, the studio said it doesn’t really take place in the same universe but they aren’t ruling anything out. Christmas Again is still in development hell. The studio seemed like they want to release the 3 tie in films and complete the two planned Shaun David Hutchinson films: We Are the Ants and At the Edge of the Universe. Both these films will have more GA and awards appeal rather than the Poison and Win tie in films. 

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Soil, the new film from Aftersun director Charlotte Wells for Phoenix Fire Pictures, has wrapped production.


Based on Arianna Reiche's short story of the same name - posted on Joyland Magazine in 2020 - it tells the story of a discreet hotel in London, England where a secret is kept by its management.


The small cast features:


Sabrina Bartlett (Knightfall, Bridgerton) as Anita

Riz Ahmed (Sound of Metal, Sins of Their Fathers) as Danny

Archie Yates (Jojo Rabbit, The Boy Who Hated Books) as Kir


Soil opens in theaters on July Y10.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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