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Thursday Numbers: DUNKIRK:$5.19M | GT:$3.17M | SMH:$2.77M | APES:$2.02M | GRU:$1.96M | WW:$0.65M .....NOT THE WW OSCAR PUSH THREAD (take it to the WW thread)

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48 minutes ago, CJohn said:

I feel like discussion which run is more amazing is a great way to spend time, folks. I will give my hot take on it.


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Get Out is more amazing than any other movie's run you guys are screaming about.



So is Split.


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1 hour ago, KJsooner said:


Its going to outgross WW worldwide, so why wouldn't it be 'astonishing'

It had Iron Man in every single piece of marketing, it was [finally] set in the MCU, ithad the best reviews ever for a Spider-Man film not released in 2002 or 2004. It had people hyperventilating about "insane word of mouth" from day one, it had critics raving about how Tom Holland was the best SM ever, it had the best Cinemascore of all SM films, and it was allegedly the most crowd-pleasing, family-friendly SM film ever; yet it still dropped awfully on week 2 (even though it opened with just 14 million dollars more than WW; it's not like it opened with 180 million) and not-great on week three.  It's behaving like any ole solid CBM, not like this insanely good, insanely audience-friendly, insanely leggy behemoth that some fans are trying to sell it as.  Sorry...nothing astonishing about that. It's not flop, of course. But let's call a spade a spade. The only people calling this run "astonishing" is very staunch SM fans. The press is not calling it like that, and the box office analysts are not either. So I guess the "astonishing" moniker comes from ardent fanboy fervor, nor from reality...





Edited by Cochofles
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49 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

I think that the weekday numbers of it's third weekend very much indicate that 2.9x-3x is at play. Let's see. :) 

Ijack mate I know you love SH movies and are passionate about it but if you are hoping for 3x legs you're gonna be disappointed. 


Yes it is matching dailies with Gotg1 right now and I can see why it would prompt you to say that it would match its legs going forward. But you are forgetting that GoTG1 opened 23 less than SMH which means it has shown better legs so far (2.48 vs 2.26). Guardians also fell just 31% in its 4th weekend and SMH is looking at a 45% drop. At best what you can do is wait till next weekend and see if it folows Ant-Man and Minions drop or Man of Steel drop. AM had 2.44 and Minioms had 2.38 legs till now. 


At best you can hope that it follows Minions drop from now on. That had 2.9 leg total. Seeing that SMH has had lesser legs than Minions till now I would say SMH at best can manage a 2.8 multi for a total of 325 if it follows Minions from now. As to why comparing it with Minions as opposed to GoTG, SS or IM2 is coz SMH had pretty similar opening and its dialies right now are the same plus its multi and total till now is closest to Minions. 


Still 2.7-2.8 multi is great for a SH movie. Average MCU multi is 2.72 and multi for other SH franchises is even lower. 

Edited by ZeeSoh
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21 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

People are getting silly around here. Astonishing run? We've had Get Out and Wonder Woman this year. Spidey is doing fine for reboot. Better than many that jumped all over it claimed. But, let's wait until we something like a 3+ multiplier - that's $351M+ DOM - until we start talking about how excellent its run was domestically.


Guardians Vol. 1 had a 3.52 multiplier. Wonder Woman will have a 4.0+ multipler. Those are the easily the two astonishing runs from superhero flicks, along with Deadpool of course, in the very recent past.

I definitely think that 2.9x is happening, and that's an excellent multiplier as far as I know. I do think that it has a shot at 3x, even though it's obviously that it's not making 3.52x. But everything so far is indicating that it's heading for at the very least 2.8x, so I'm kinda dumbfounded with people calling it meh or just good. It's more than that. 

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1 hour ago, iJackSparrow said:

It's poised to become the biggest reboot of all time, and it's managing to do that with two reboots in less than 15 years. People freaking love MCU's Spider-Man. Seeing Cocho and others underplaying that because of WW's domestic run it's kinda hillarious. There's room to love both films, kids. 

Who says that I am "not loving" SM:H? I am not underplaying anything. I am just expressing that "astonishing" is not exactly the word I'd use to describe its run. If people are loving the film as much as you claim, where is the repeat business? 

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2 minutes ago, Cochofles said:

Who says that I am "not loving" SM:H? I am not underplaying anything. I am just expressing that "astonishing" is not exactly the word I'd use to describe its run. If people are loving the film as much as you claim, where is the repeat business? 

Now it's the weekdays/weekends that we should be judging this of. My point is that not all the superhero films will enjoy WW's TA's SM1's type of runs. 

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SH might be looking at being the highest grossing superhero movie this year Worldwide. Certainly going to top GotgV2, WW, and Logan. So much biasness going on in this thread. You can't let biasness affect your judgment, it makes you look foolish. 

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2 minutes ago, KJsooner said:

SH might be looking at being the highest grossing superhero movie this year Worldwide. Certainly going to top GotgV2, WW, and Logan. So much biasness going on in this thread. You can't let biasness affect your judgment, it makes you look foolish. 




probably won't outgross GOTG 2

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Just now, KJsooner said:

To me deadpool was a much bigger story than WW ever was.

Strongly disagree. WW, TA and SM1 are the biggest box office run stories as far as I'm concerned within the genre. DP and GotG runs were amazing, but not as great as these other three. 

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4 minutes ago, KJsooner said:

SH might be looking at being the highest grossing superhero movie this year Worldwide. Certainly going to top GotgV2, WW, and Logan. So much biasness going on in this thread. You can't let biasness affect your judgment, it makes you look foolish. 

Is that the same "biasness" that had people emotionally claiming that SM:H had "insane" word of mouth, even though now it's pretty clear that the word of mouth is anything but insane?

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3 minutes ago, John Marston said:




probably won't outgross GOTG 2

It's actually quite likely it will, because of China and Japan and judging by where the dom numbers are heading. The ball will be with Ragnarok and Justice League to see if they can top that. 

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Just now, Cochofles said:

Is that the same "biasness" that had people emotionally claiming that SM:H had "insane" word of mouth, even though now it's pretty clear that the word of mouth is anything but insane?

I'm biased with the genre. You like to take sides. And it does have astonishing/amazing/insane WOM. For a second reboot in less than 5 years? Fuck yeah it has. 

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2 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

Strongly disagree. WW, TA and SM1 are the biggest box office run stories as far as I'm concerned within the genre. DP and GotG runs were amazing, but not as great as these other three. 


You gotta throw TDK in there as well.

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8 minutes ago, KJsooner said:

To me deadpool was a much bigger story than WW ever was.

Your bias against Wonder Woman is so funny. You just cannot get over that the movie is wildly successful. Some people were hoping so badly that Wonder Woman would flop that when it succeeded they just cannot wrap their minds around it.

Edited by Zakiyyah6
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