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2 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:

I haven't read that Zootopia comic but I'm sure it can't possibly require as much brain bleach as "Cupcakes"




Had to look that one up.  found this:



Cupcakes is a dark and extremely gory fanfic of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic by Sergeant Sprinkles.


Plot synopsis: Pinkie Pie invites Rainbow Dash to her bakery and offers her a cupcake. Rainbow Dash discovers too late that the cupcake was drugged; she wakes up some time later strapped to a table in a darkened room decorated up like a party, but in place of streamers and balloons are blood, bones and body parts. Pinkie Pie appears wearing a dress made from pony flesh and a necklace of unicorn horns. She reveals that she has killed many other ponies and then tells Rainbow Dash that "her number came up". She then proceeds to slowly and brutally mutilate Rainbow Dash as described in graphic detail, eventually killing her.


We have failed as a species.  There's no going back for us.  Exterminate the human race.

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@4815162342 @Sand-omJC @ReyReyBattery Ok, this is more or less how I'd lay out a Season 1 of a Mass Effect show, per episodes (because I don't have a life right now). Again, it's pretty much the ME1 story, but split into 13 episodes that are faithful to the main story, while including some side stuff. With about as much character development as possible.


For the record, each in-game mission, where you carry 2 squadmates, features everyone at once here. No reason not to have all of them to do the mission at once. The "if they all die, no one comes back" excuse is a risk that all of them put themselves through just by accepting to be peace soldiers anyway, so it's hardly a big deal. Also, while it is the dull choice, my Shep is a mostly Paragon male, though you can just as easily adapt this to fem Shep as well.


And of course, if you've never played the Mass Effect games but plan to, this post = BIG, BIG, BIIIIIIIIIG SPOILER ALERT.




Eden Prime. Just Eden Prime stuff, ending with Saren's betrayal and the Prothean artifact vision.




1st visit in the Citadel. Meeting Garrus in a different way from the original - no Dr. Michel stuff; they just find him threatening some Saren helper and bring him in to their side. Then the Council stuff and Shep is a Spectre now. Again, simple episode.




Some Shep backstory directly connecting the Spectre thing. He is recognized as a war hero, but one that, due to a childhood trauma, tries to not spill innocent blood. Then we get the Fist mission, where we meet Wrex and Tali; and Anderson steps down as captain of the Normandy. Cliffhanger is that they noticed suspicious activity on the Artemis Tau cluster; this leads to the travel to Therum.




All about Therum. Liara is met at the end, and that's really it.




We get stronger character interactions between everyone, with everyone telling a bit of their story; and Garrus mentions Dr. Saleon, which leads to the MSV Fedele mission, since it happens to be in their path. After that, we begin in Feros. Cliffhanger: the Thorian creatures appear, which have the same shape as the creatures from Saleon's research.




The 2nd half of the Feros story, including the Thorian and the asari that it controlled. Shep spares her, and she says that Saren was here to try to get the Thorian's acceptance, but he didn't want the Cipher in anyone's hands but his and with Shepard approaching and the Thorian proving ambicious, he bailed and ordered the Geth to kill the Thorian and whatever creatures it originated. Saren also took one of the Thorian's zombies with him for Saleon, one of his partners, to experiment on. Shep + Liara, Ashley + Kaiden and Tali + Garrus ships begin to assert. Cliffhanger: Saren is in Noveria, which is where the Normandy is headed to, to try to apprehend him, as well as Matriarch Benezia.




Noveria. A very unpleasant place. 1st half of the episode is a bit of comedy relief, with all of the political BS needed to get to the garage. Ashley goes more in-depth about her father and his death by aliens, which is why she's kinda racist. Liara + Shep continues to build. They arrive at Peak 15, and the cliffhanger is, what else, the introduction of the Rachni.




Our heroes make it through the train station, where the tension can be cut with a knife. The episode is all of the station stuff, including the Hot Labs extermination (which is left to Garrus and Tali to do together), all the way to the Benezia fight (Liara deals the death blow). She lets out that Saren is headquartered in Virmire, where he has a Krogan army that he acquired through a self-developed genophage cure, before she dies. We meet the Rachni Queen, aaaaand cut to black.




Shep spares the Rachni Queen, much to the dismay of Wrex, and they leave. Wrex is pissed off, thus beginning the tension leading to the arrival on Virmire. Shep, Ashley and Kaiden have a lenghty and touching talk, and Ashley lets out that she's come to accept her alien friends. Tali also learns that there's important Geth data in Virmire, and plans to acquire and use it as her Pilgrimage gift. The storming of Virmire with the Mako makes for a pretty elongated action sequence, and Garrus almost kills himself trying to find the data for Tali (leading to a badass stand-off with a Geth Colossus before the team rescues him). Wrex and Shep come to a small firefight about the Genophage cure, but Wrex is eventually convinced that it's best for Virmire to be blown to smithereens.




A special hour-long episode featuring the 2nd half of the Virmire mission. The big reveal of Sovereign as a Reaper, and the Cipher as a Prothean beacon warning of the Reapers' arrival, is obviously the big twist coming out of the episode. The stand-off with Saren, who finally appears after all the build up, and explosion of the bomb cap it all off. The sacrificed soldier? Ashley. Not just for WHAT A TWIST and all, but because it caps off her once a racist, now a galaxy saviour with alien friends arc fittingly; because it makes more sense for Shep to save his second-in-command for years before he'd save a chick that, in this version of ME, he isn't even in love with (she's just a soldier, just like him and Kaiden); and because I don't have much of a direction for Ashley going forward. With Kaiden, I do have something in mind. And no, it's not a Shep gay ship. Not too far from that, though.




The fallout of Ashley Williams' sacrifice. Everyone in the Normandy is shaken. Kaiden is especially hard on himself, as he felt like it was his spot to die on, not hers. Shep tells him that it didn't matter which of them would've died - neither of them deserved to and it was a choice he never wanted to make. Garrus is also disturbed as he's seen this before, and Tali innocently comforts him. Wrex, being a douche, doesn't show that he is saddened by Ashley's death too, as he's still butthurt about the supposed Genophage cure, but Shep calms him and convinces him it was the right choice. Shep + Liara's tensions are also ever growing. The team returns to the Citadel, where the Normandy is on lockdown. They play some Quasar, dance a little, and shit, trying to recover emotionally from all that's happened and will happen... some of the Citadel side quests like Consort Shai'ira and Rita's sister get snuck in there as well. And, of course, we get Shep's 1st interview with the douchey reporter. And then it's the Point of No Return cutscene, where they sneak the ship out of there. Not a very action-heavy episode, by any means, but some levity is required after the brutality of E10.




Shep + Liara finally get it on in bed. And we get to Ilos, where the race to the Conduit heats up. More Geth fighting, Geth fighting, Geth fighting, and then the Prothean shows up eventually. It's then revealed that the Conduit is basically a super mass relay that connects directly to the Citadel, and Sovereign plans on taking its sweet machine ass to use it to eviscerate the Citadel. The race before time is on, and the cut-to-black point is mere seconds before the portal closes.




The grand finale, one-hour-long, as the Sovereign invasion is on. The team puts all of their combined efforts to stop the bad guys. Everyone gets their moments, and Kaiden, struck with a variant of PTSD, goes on a bit of a killer rampage, in revenge for Ashley's death, almost putting the squad on peril himself. Wrex, the tough guy of the group, ends up knocked out brutally in the fight. Shep chooses to amp up all the man power on attacking the invaders rather than protecting the Council, thus killing it, and we get the final fight with Saren, who ends up killing himself, while Shep implants Vigil's data file to corrupt Sovereign's signal and let it be destroyed. After the big battle, during reconstruction of the Citadel, it's recognized that Sovereign was just a vanguard and there's more coming. Wrex is sent to the hospital, still unconscious, and his fate is left to be discovered in S2. Garrus and Tali discuss whether they will stay with Shep now, and Tali hints that she will leave to complete her Pilgrimage, which Garrus subtly responds with disappointment, leaving us with another S2 cliffhanger (Tali's will she, won't she go home). In a vigil to every fallen person or alien during the Sovereign saga, Kaiden plants a flower in Ashley's tribute, then saluting her service. Shep supports Anderson to step up as a human Councilor, leaving Udina angry. He and Liara then look on to the horizon, as the camera zooms out from the Citadel to the galaxy, and to a fade to black for a happy S1 ending.


Obvious issue that Shep is the least developed character even though he's the lead aside (his development is more muted as he is supposed to be the audience surrogate, after all), what do you guys think? (And which episode sounds the most enticing?) :ph34r:

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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With all these 15-second teasers, we may as well have already seen the whole Jurassic World 2 trailer by now. I wasn't annoyed with trailers before trailers in the past but this is getting a little ridiculous :lol:

Edited by Rorschach
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14 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

With all these 15-second teasers, we may as well have already seen the whole Jurassic World 2 trailer by now. I wasn't annoyed with trailers before trailers in the past but this is getting a little ridiculous :lol:

They're overdoing it. The "trailer before teaser" thing is just annoying at this point. Sure hype up the film, but don't make us wait like that. 

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