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1 hour ago, CJohn said:

What the fuck? I am just reading this now. I am so so sorry to read this. I hope things go well for you. Kick its ass. You will be around for many many years and enjoying time with your family and friends.

That's what I'm planning and have told the kids...really, nothing changed from the day before diagnosis to the day after, except now I just get a lot more doctor's appointments and tests for awhile...and the goal is to keep them as just appointments and tests for a good, long time:)...


Thanks to you and everyone else who have put in even more kind thoughts:).  Have I mentioned how much I love this board:)...one of the nicest on the internet:)...

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Bale's Batman is one of the better versions of the character and no doubt helped him get to where his career is today (although American Psycho easily remains his best performance IMO). New Batman Robert Pattinson seems similarly positioned to have a great decade coming up as he officially transitions from former teen heartthrob to respected actor.

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6 hours ago, Plain Old Tele said:

I mean, RPattz has been a respected actor for awhile now, he don't need the Batcowl to get there. 

True but most of his projects have been under the radar indies. Will be nice to see him finally shed the Twilight image completely in mainstream cinema. Although in a perfect world he would've been nominated last year for his simultaneously amazing and ridiculous performance in The King.


6 hours ago, Cap said:

I would follow Angie’s lead and delete Brad Pitt. 

Willem Dafoe Golden Globes 2018 GIF by madmoiZelle

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15 minutes ago, Eric the Unhinged said:

What's a GaaS?

Games as a Service. They'll offer extra content and upgrades after a game releases and force you to pay more money after buying a game if you want to get all the content offered in the game. Kinda like a subscription fee.

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9 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Games as a Service. They'll offer extra content and upgrades after a game releases and force you to pay more money after buying a game if you want to get all the content offered in the game. Kinda like a subscription fee.


By that definition, Arkham Knight was also a games as a service.


I don't think it's comparable to Avengers or Suicide Squad in terms of a service, but the rpg-lite aspects plus grind-y elements of the melee system is a turn-off.




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7 minutes ago, TMP said:

Did they say that at the panel?

Sorry, seems like I might be wrong. I didn't bother going through the whole gameplay video and I saw someone who mentioned that it plays out like a GaaS, no official confirmation though. 

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7 minutes ago, MrPink said:

I don't think it's comparable to Avengers or Suicide Squad in terms of a service, but the rpg-lite aspects plus grind-y elements of the melee system is a turn-off.

Changing the combat system really confused me

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Just now, TMP said:

Changing the combat system really confused me


They're chasing Assassin's Creed and that's tremendously disappointing to me. The combat in the new AC games feel braindead to me. Unfun but also a bore in how long some of them take.

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5 minutes ago, MrPink said:


They're chasing Assassin's Creed and that's tremendously disappointing to me. The combat in the new AC games feel braindead to me. Unfun but also a bore in how long some of them take.

Played Origins a year ago. Played a couple of hours but I had to stop because it's so much more boring and slower than the traditional AC games. Borrowed AC Odyssey from a friend earlier this year and I only managed to get 1 hour into the game before getting bored.

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Honestly, why didn't they just copy the Arkham formula again? It's been a while since the last game, so there would be no critiques over it being stale, and the new characters are a good hook and can all have fun combat styles. Just have some goon say "Are you Chickengirl? Or Batgirl?", and you make mad profits.

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