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More I think about this, the more I think this is a troll job on the part of Elon Musk.  Well, at least the $20 price point.  I'm fairly sure he'll roll out a price point for verified users, but might have floated the $20 price for shits and giggles for the lulz to cause the Twitterariat to flip out while causing a great laugh at the not-small portion of people who don't like "blue checkmarks" and just view them as the ruling class/elites who need to be taken down a peg or five.


If it were nearly anyone else, I wouldn't even entertain the notion.  But $20 for Twitter Blue on the face of it seems ridiculous, and wildly excessive.  Factor in that Elon Musk has gone Full Anti Elite (or at least Full Anti Twitter Elite), and well, won't be surprised if I'm wrong and I'm in fact being too cynical.  But I won't be surprised if I'm right, either.  Like, at all.

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6 hours ago, The GOAT said:

Gotta recuperate his $44 billie loss. Look for those Tesla stocks to tank when he sells 😂. He conned himself this time.


lol yeah he did big time


It is deeply amusing though monetizing the egos/vanity of wealthy verified blue check twitter addicts always looking for that dopamine rush & validation with likes/RTs via hot takes, soundbites, sensationalism, & contrarianism


running twitter into the ground might be a net positive for civilization until its replacement inevitably pops up

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Elon Musk just tweeted a BS comspiracy theory about the attack on Pelosi's husband.

My skepticiam of Musk outside of Space X (which I fully support) is turning to a real dislike.

I really think that Time Man Of The Year award went to his head and his ego is in overdrive.

Thought I think he move to the far right politically has hurt him badly with many people who were admireres of his. 

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13 hours ago, The GOAT said:

Gotta recuperate his $44 billie loss. Look for those Tesla stocks to tank when he sells 😂. He conned himself this time.

Musk just dissolved the Twitter Board of Directors.

Now the Regional Governors will get full powers...

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On 10/29/2022 at 9:19 AM, filmlover said:

I haven't watched any of that Lord of the Rings show since the first two episodes (which I didn't hate but weren't good enough for me to add it to my appointment TV). Should I even bother with the rest of the season?


If you're a fan of Tolkien and the LOTR trilogy, it's a must watch. Excellent.

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37 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Bosnaro not conceding; some of his spokesman spreading  doubt about the honsesty of the election.

He is gong to try to do a Donald Trujmp.


Lula seems to be in a tough spot though like Biden.


All the govenors in major rich areas went right, the congress as well

The race was super  close about 1.5%.means he the right will be highly motivated.

Country is very split and divided.  


This is not like the early 2000s at all for Lula.






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