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New Year's Day Weekend Thread: Late Friday estimates (DHD) - TLJ 19.5M, Jumanji 17.5M, PP3 6.7M, TGS 5.3M

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2 minutes ago, The Dark Shape said:

This reminds me of 2004, when lots of people were predicting sub-300m for Episode III.


Oh wow. People really though it would go sub 300M? That sounds just like as bizarre as anyone saying Episode IX could make under 450M DOM.


I really hope nobody here would have an insane idea like that :lol:

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I really appreciate people like Empire giving us early numbers and taking the time to essentially give us raw data.  And I don't think attacking him (even when he's wrong) is the way to go about this.


I ALSO don't think when users (especially regulars) in this forum post an unpopular opinion that they should be shit on.  By anyone.  From anywhere. 


Disagreeing is one thing, but the week TLJ came out I, along with MovieMan and a handful of others posted that what WE were seeing in our small sample sizes of friends, colleagues and theaters was a lot of mixed opinions.  And how that might affect the box office.  Some of us were effectively called idiots for daring to think it might not have the legs it historically should have.  And for me, it crossed a line.  I followed the forums at Mojo religiously since I was 14 (I'm 29 now) and that was the most bummed and insulted I had ever been here.  That kind of stuff goes nowhere and just makes this place something it doesn't need to be.


When you're wrong, just say you're wrong and move on.  And when you're right don't make someone else feel like shit even if you want to.

Edited by RyneOh1040
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Just now, NoLegMan said:

I also find it hard to believe that a majority of the reviews are by accounts made just this month. it's very fishy.

The point was that the online reaction was mixed but refused to accept it (he probably still refuses it).


Metacritic was a 4chan troll raid.. RT all bots... etc etc

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2 minutes ago, RyneOh1040 said:

I really appreciate people like Empire giving us early numbers and taking the time to essentially give us raw data.  And I don't think attacking him (even when he's wrong) is the way to go about this.


I ALSO don't think when users (especially regulars) in this forum post an unpopular opinion that they should be shit on.  By anyone.  From anywhere. 


Disagreeing is one thing, but the week TLJ came out and I, along with MovieMan and a few others posted that what WE were seeing in our small sample sizes of friends, colleagues and theaters was a lot of mixed opinions and how that might affect the box office some of us were effectively called idiots.  That kind of stuff goes nowhere and just makes this place something it doesn't need to be.


When you're wrong, just say you're wrong and move on.  And when you're right don't make someone else feel like shit even if you want to.

Nah yeah you're probably right I'm giving Empire a hard time for something that happened a week ago, his posts seem really composed now and have good info. If you're out there Empire I apologise for still giving you grief for the online reaction saga!

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1 minute ago, NoLegMan said:

I also find it hard to believe that a majority of the reviews are by accounts made just this month. it's very fishy.

A lot of people were disappointed with the movie for various reasons.  When a movie is this big and there's fan backlash, I think its reasonable to expect a bunch of new user accounts to pop up and give their opinion.  I mean its star wars, everyone is gonna see it.


I think this is doubly true when the professional critics seem to be giving positive reviews that are undeserved.  A lot of people are confused by that, they don't understand how it can happen.  Everyone jumps right to conspiracy theories... the reviewers must be bought off!  I don't think that's any more true than the various troll conspiracies.

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