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Jurassic World: Dominion | June 10 2022 | 6th Most Profitable Movie of 2023

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1 hour ago, Rebeccas said:

This is literally the one movie this year where it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if it sucks. People are going to see the dinosaurs. It's going to make bank. 


It's the Transformers of this era.

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It's not Transformers of this era.....


Seriously Jurassic World & Fallen Kingdom can't be compared to something like Transformers with racism, sexism, exploitation etc.....


They had Romeo Juliet law being discussed in a movie about why it's legal for adults to date non adults, shot of robot balls, constant sexual shots which were only for male gaze, racist stereotypes, and each movie would contradict it's own canon wirh retconing every previous movies.


Also Atleast you can tell 2 species of Dinosaurs apart in Jurassic World movies, unlike Bayformers where 90% of transformers look the same. 

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15 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

It's not Transformers of this era.....


Seriously Jurassic World & Fallen Kingdom can't be compared to something like Transformers with racism, sexism, exploitation etc.....


They had Romeo Juliet law being discussed in a movie about why it's legal for adults to date non adults, shot of robot balls, constant sexual shots which were only for male gaze, racist stereotypes, and each movie would contradict it's own canon wirh retconing every previous movies.


Also Atleast you can tell 2 species of Dinosaurs apart in Jurassic World movies, unlike Bayformers where 90% of transformers look the same. 

I was more referring to how these movies may very well be critic proof, much like the Transformers movies were for a while. As dumb as FK is, it was nowhere near as painful an experience for me as watching Age of Extinction. 

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10 hours ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

I'm really excited for Prehistoric Planet and only problem is Apple+, but most of Warriors can't stop pissing on Dominion for no reason at all.


I'm gonna go see Dominion and I'll get a base level of haha dinosaurs enjoyment out of it but I don't think it's unfair to say that the franchises commitment to outdated portrayals of dinosaurs can be harmful to science comms from actual paleontologists and paleoartists and what not. I don't think it's a huge deal or anything but it just makes things more difficult and there's really no reason why they can't keep up with the times.

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4 minutes ago, aabattery said:


I don't think it's unfair to say that the franchises commitment to outdated portrayals of dinosaurs can be harmful to science comms from actual paleontologists and paleoartists and what not.

I'll give you an example, i had no idea that Spinosaurus was even a thing, i was perplexed with something that killed T Rex and then it made me search for it and then i found that not only it existed, it was indeed the biggest carnivore dinosaur. So it's not necessarily harming, a Jurassic World will always have bigger reach than a Prehistoric Planet for general population and If it can generate interest of Dinosaurs in kids and even in teens then it's a win.

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5 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

I'll give you an example, i had no idea that Spinosaurus was even a thing, i was perplexed with something that killed T Rex and then it made me search for it and then i found that not only it existed, it was indeed the biggest carnivore dinosaur. So it's not necessarily harming, a Jurassic World will always have bigger reach than a Prehistoric Planet for general population and If it can generate interest of Dinosaurs in kids and even in teens then it's a win.


Honestly, I think the interest is already there. I think the more in-tune with paleontology people just want them on the big screen in a way that's more true to life than what JW has been serving. Obviously they're in no way obligated to do so but it's a shame nonetheless.


JP3 is legit my least favourite movie of all time so I can't get on board with any defense of it lol.

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8 minutes ago, aabattery said:

I don't think it's a huge deal or anything but it just makes things more difficult and there's really no reason why they can't keep up with the times.

It's basically rule of cool over accuracy. It's a fantasy over reality which can often be disappointing.


Spinosaurus was an extraordinary creature, but Jurassic Park 3 Spinosaurus will always be more famous, or infamous. You could see disappointment of many people even in social media when they found out that their big & strong Spinosaurus turned out to be a fish eater with short legs and flipper tail. It doesn't change the reality, but people want more fantasy then reality.


It's a business decision..... A Cassowary is most dangerous bird in the world, it's basically a Raptor with feathers, a six foot turkey..... But a crocodile will always be more popular and will attract more crowd outside their pond.


And it's not like they don't have feathers, or they have completely disowned the accuracy, surely designs are bit here & there, but Only real problem i can find is the prologue where Giga and T Rex are living together in same time & same place, but that it's again according to the cinematic story director is narrating.


It is a Science Fiction fantasy where they bring dinosaurs back from extinction, it has nothing to do with realism. 


And Truth to be told..... There are tons of documentaries made on dinosaurs and I'm sure none of them have complete accuracy.

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8 minutes ago, aabattery said:


Honestly, I think the interest is already there. I think the more in-tune with paleontology people just want them on the big screen in a way that's more true to life than what JW has been serving. Obviously they're in no way obligated to do so but it's a shame nonetheless.


JP3 is legit my least favourite movie of all time so I can't get on board with any defense of it lol.

The trailer reaction of 2nd trailer of Jurassic World Dominion, the scene which got biggest reaction from reactors was Allosaurus eating that person on scooter. 


Indominus Rex vs T Rex & Raptors video on You Tube has close to 300 million views.


It's basically what a large amount of public want from this franchise, Dinosaurs wrecking stuff up, Dinosaurs eating people and Dinosaurs roaring on camera is cinematic.


As a director, they need to cater to the audience demand, even if it means at times to curb their creativity a bit.

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I think it's less that audiences want inaccurate dinosaurs and more that the brain trusts behind the franchise have a dogmatic commitment to not changing anything. That's not a unique problem to JW since almost every running franchise is guilty of it, but it is a shame.


They also have a semi-flanderisation kinda thing going on where every big bad dinosaur has to be more monstrous and mean than the last which has taken away from some of the things that made the first great but I don't think that'll push the GA away much.


Anyway, I think you can have all the things you want from the franchise without having, say, a baryonyx that looks nothing like a baryonyx. Some of the things they change are just baffling.

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3 hours ago, aabattery said:

I think it's less that audiences want inaccurate dinosaurs and more that the brain trusts behind the franchise have a dogmatic commitment to not changing anything. That's not a unique problem to JW since almost every running franchise is guilty of it, but it is a shame.


They also have a semi-flanderisation kinda thing going on where every big bad dinosaur has to be more monstrous and mean than the last which has taken away from some of the things that made the first great but I don't think that'll push the GA away much.


Anyway, I think you can have all the things you want from the franchise without having, say, a baryonyx that looks nothing like a baryonyx. Some of the things they change are just baffling.


I mean they always have the argument that the dinosaurs in JP/JW are genetically designed theme park animals and not "real" dinosaurs. Besides that, in Dominion we will atleast get some dinosaurs with feathers (Pyroraptor/Therizinosaurus in the trailer), so for a JW movie, Dominion will probably be the most "accurate".

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6 hours ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

It's not Transformers of this era.....


Seriously Jurassic World & Fallen Kingdom can't be compared to something like Transformers with racism, sexism, exploitation etc.....


They had Romeo Juliet law being discussed in a movie about why it's legal for adults to date non adults, shot of robot balls, constant sexual shots which were only for male gaze, racist stereotypes, and each movie would contradict it's own canon wirh retconing every previous movies.


Also Atleast you can tell 2 species of Dinosaurs apart in Jurassic World movies, unlike Bayformers where 90% of transformers look the same. 

He meant Jurassic World is reception-proof, not what you listed...

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6 hours ago, filmlover said:

The best Transformers movie doesn't even come close to competing with the original Jurassic Park. Heck, not even the worst Jurassic sequel is as brutal to sit through as most of the movies in that franchise are.

Maybe The Last Knight is pretty close to being as terrible as FK, I felt physical pain while watching it, but other Transformers sequels are not as bad as FK. If my eyes could bleed while watching a movie, it would be FK's second half, one of the worst theater experiences of my life. If Jurassic franchise had an active fanbase and especially as toxic as SW fanbase, they would eat Trevorrow alive, even the worst SW movies didn't sink that low.

Edited by Firepower
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happy 25th anniversary to The Lost World






the script is kind of weak but the film is still well directed by Spielberg with some really intense and memorable moments (the trailers over the cliff, the T-Rex sticking its head in the tent, the Raptors in the long grass), a fantastic score from John Williams, probably the best blend of animatronics and CGI in the series,  Jeff Goldblum of course and Pete Postlethwaite as the awesome Roland Tembo

Edited by John Marston
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