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The Summer Game is Here!! Infernus wins it... pipping WrathofHan in the final revels who had to settle for second after leading the whole way... Wrath wrapped it up in third!

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Total Scores After Week 11 - 

Rank Name Week 9-11 Total Previous rank
1 Sheikh 2,57,000 9,56,000 2
2 WrathOfHan 2,32,000 9,39,000 1
3 Simionski 2,48,000 9,09,000 3
4 ZeeSoh 2,28,000 8,79,000 4
5 Deja23 2,23,000 8,47,000 5
6 Jake Gittes 2,29,000 8,43,000 7
7 Wrath 2,20,000 8,34,000 8
8 chasmmi 1,98,000 8,20,000 6
9 glassfairy 2,23,000 8,05,000 9
10 Infernus 2,46,000 7,95,000 13
11 kayumanggi 2,26,000 7,91,000 11
12 aabattery 2,12,000 7,89,000 10
13 MrPink 2,15,000 7,76,000 12
14 JJ-8 2,55,000 7,64,000 17
15 24Lost 2,55,000 7,60,000 18
16 That One Guy 2,07,000 7,20,000 16
17 Baumer 2,10,000 7,13,000 19
18 Fancyarcher 1,97,000 6,98,000 20
19 Empire 2,09,000 6,52,000 21
20 MovieMan89 1,07,000 6,35,000 15
21 Panda 98,000 6,29,000 14
22 bcf26 1,56,000 5,56,000 23
23 Chewy 2,07,000 5,09,000 27
24 captainwondyful 1,01,000 4,96,000 24
25 Kalo 0 4,03,000 22
26 grey ghost 62,000 3,96,000 26
27 George 0 3,53,000 25
28 The Dark Alfred 0 2,90,000 28
29 Tree 0 2,16,000 29
30 Slambros 0 1,96,000 30
31 pasta 0 76,000 31
32 tele 0 70,000 32
33 mike hunt 0 64,000 33
34 andyll 0 59,000 34
35 schumacherftw 0 53,000 35
Edited by Infernus
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Nice. I still have a better than 0% chance of going 15/15.


All I need is for Skyscraper to hold on and pass Book Club (not certain, but probable), Spy Who Dumped Me to not overachieve (better than 50/50), and for The Meg to beat expectations and pass Book Club (pretty unlikely, but possible). I'm guessing I've got a 1 in 10 shot of getting there, which is nice because by this point I'm usually solidly at a 0% chance of hitting that mark.


Realistically, I think the first two will happen, but The Meg will probably fall well short and Book Club will sneak into the #15 spot.

Edited by Wrath
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Part A:


1. Will Hotel Transylvania Open to more than $42.5M? 1000 YES

2. Will Hotel Transylvania Open to more than $47.5M? 2000 NO

3. Will Skyscraper Open to more than $32.5M? 3000 NO

4. Will Skyscraper Open to more than $37.5M? 4000 NO

5. Will the two highest new entries combine to more than $80? 5000 NO


6. Will Antman stay in the top 2? 1000 YES

7. Will Jurassic World stay above Incredibles 2? 2000 NO

8. Will Uncle Drew stay above Ocean's 8? 3000 YES

9. Will any film in the top 10 drop more than 62%? 4000 NO

10. Will Sicario's PTA stay above $1,800? 5000 YES


11. Will The Purge fall more than Uncle Drew? 1000 NO

12. Will Tag drop more than 30% on Sunday? 2000 YES

13. Will Will You be my Neighbour increase again? 3000 NO

14. Will Deadpool increase more than 60% on Friday? 4000 NO

15. Will the top 6 make more than $150M? 5000 NO


16. Will Sanju stay above Whitney? 1000 NO

17. Will Incredibles increase more than 30% on Saturday? 2000 YES

18. Will Ocean's 8 drop less than 44%? 3000 YES

19. Will Purge cross $50M by the end of the weekend? 4000 NO

20. Will The Rock at some point say Yippie Kay Yay just because reasons? 5000 




12/20    3000

13/20    5000

14/20    8000

15/20   12000

16/20    16,000

17/20   20,000 

18/20    26,000

19/20    32,000 

 20/20   40,000  



Part B:


The top 3 predictions will score points as follows:


Closest:  Within 1% - 15,000,  Within 2,5% - 12000,   Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000  Outside 10% - 3000 points  

2nd Closest:  Within 1% - 12,000,  Within 2,5% - 10000,   Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000  Outside 10% - 2000 points

3rd Closest:  Within 1% - 10,000,  Within 2,5% - 8000,   Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000  Outside 10% - 1000 points


1. What will Skyscraper make for its 3 day OW? $24,905,015

2. What will Tag's Sunday gross be? $372,993

3. What will Deadpool's PTA be for the 3 day weekend? $1,338



Part 😄


There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here:


1. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

3. Skyscraper

5. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

7. Sorry to Bother You

10. Ocean's 8

12. Tag


Because I realised bonuses are stupid...


1/6   4,000

2/6   10,000

3/6   18,000

4/6   25,000

5/6   36,000

6/6 - 50,000

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1 aabattery 57,000 12,000 50,000 119,000
2 MovieMan89 54,000 10,000 50,000 114,000
3 kayumanggi 57,000 0 50,000 107,000
4 grey ghost 52,000 7,000 36,000 95,000
5 JJ-8 53,000 4,000 36,000 93,000
6 WrathOfHan 55,000 0 36,000 91,000
7 Infernus 53,000 1,000 36,000 90,000
8 Jake Gittes 56,000 9,000 25,000 90,000
9 Fancyarcher 50,000 0 36,000 86,000
10 Wrath 49,000 0 36,000 85,000
11 Sheikh 57,000 0 25,000 82,000
12 MrPink 55,000 8,000 18,000 81,000
13 ZeeSoh 55,000 0 25,000 80,000
14 captainwondyful 50,000 0 25,000 75,000
15 chasmmi 57,000 0 18,000 75,000
16 glassfairy 53,000 0 18,000 71,000
17 bcf26 50,000 2,000 18,000 70,000
18 Simionski 51,000 0 18,000 69,000
19 Deja23 41,000 0 25,000 66,000
20 Empire 43,000 0 10,000 53,000
21 Baumer 34,000 0 18,000 52,000
22 That One Guy 35,000 0 10,000 45,000
23 24Lost 25,000 12,000 4,000 41,000
24 Panda 0 0 0 0
25 The Dark Alfred 0 0 0 0
26 Chewy 0 0 0 0
27 George 0 0 0 0
28 Kalo 0 0 0 0
29 Tree 0 0 0 0
30 Slambros 0 0 0 0
31 pasta 0 0 0 0
32 tele 0 0 0 0
33 mike hunt 0 0 0 0
34 schumacherftw 0 0 0 0
35 andyll 0 0 0 0
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Rank Name Week 12 Total Previous rank
1 Sheikh 82,000 1,038,000 1
2 WrathOfHan 91,000 1,030,000 2
3 Simionski 69,000 978,000 3
4 ZeeSoh 80,000 959,000 4
5 Jake Gittes 90,000 933,000 6
6 Wrath 85,000 919,000 7
7 Deja23 66,000 913,000 5
8 aabattery 119,000 908,000 12
9 kayumanggi 107,000 898,000 11
10 chasmmi 75,000 895,000 8
11 Infernus 90,000 885,000 10
12 glassfairy 71,000 876,000 9
13 MrPink 81,000 857,000 13
14 JJ-8 93,000 857,000 14
15 24Lost 41,000 801,000 15
16 Fancyarcher 86,000 784,000 18
17 That One Guy 45,000 765,000 16
18 Baumer 52,000 765,000 17
19 MovieMan89 114,000 749,000 20
20 Empire 53,000 705,000 19
21 Panda 0 629,000 21
22 bcf26 70,000 626,000 22
23 captainwondyful 75,000 571,000 24
24 Chewy 0 509,000 23
25 grey ghost 95,000 491,000 26
26 Kalo 0 403,000 25
27 George 0 353,000 27
28 The Dark Alfred 0 290,000 28
29 Tree 0 216,000 29
30 Slambros 0 196,000 30
31 pasta 0 76,000 31
32 tele 0 70,000 32
33 mike hunt 0 64,000 33
34 andyll 0 59,000 34
35 schumacherftw 0 53,000 35
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With the actuals for this weekend, I think I'm winning points in all 3 of the Part B questions for the week being the closest in one and second closest in the other two (losing on mamma mia's PTA by 3$...) and within 1% in 2 and 2.5 % in the other one ....  :what::mouthdropped:

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Week 13


Part A:


1. Will Mamma Mia Open to more than $35M? 1000 NO

2. Will Mamma Mia Open to more than $40M? 2000 NO

3. Will The Equalizer Open to more than $25M 3 Day? 3000 YES

4. Will The Equalizer Open to more than $30M 3 Day? 4000 YES

5. Will the 2 films combine to more than $65? 5000 YES


6. Will Unfriended open above $7.5M?  1000 NO

7. Will Hotel Transylvania stay above $25M? 2000 NO

8. Will Incredibles finish above Unfriended? 3000 YES

9. Will Uncle Drew stay above Ocean's 8? 4000 NO

10. Will Skyscraper have a bigger percentage drop than The First Purge? 5000 YES


11. Will Sicario's PTA stay above $1,400? 1000 NO

12. Will Ant Man drop more than 50%? 2000 NO

13. Will Three Identical Strangers enter the top 12? 3000 NO

14. Will Jurassic World stay above $10M? 4000 YES

15. Will Piers Brosnan singing be more painful than anything done by Denzel? 5000  




9/15    5000

10/15   8000

11/15    12,000

12/15   16,000 

13/15    20,000

14/15    24,000 

 15/15   30,000  



Part B:


The top 3 predictions will score points as follows:


Closest:  Within 1% - 15,000,  Within 2,5% - 12000,   Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000  Outside 10% - 3000 points  

2nd Closest:  Within 1% - 12,000,  Within 2,5% - 10000,   Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000  Outside 10% - 2000 points

3rd Closest:  Within 1% - 10,000,  Within 2,5% - 8000,   Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000  Outside 10% - 1000 points


1. What will Mamma Mia make for its 3 day? $34,952,180

2. What will Skyscraper's percentage change be? -54.4%

3. What will Sorry to Bother You's PTA be for the Weekend? $2,727



Part 😄


There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here:


1. The Equalizer 2

3. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

5. Incredibles 2

8. The First Purge

10. Sorry to Bother You

11. Sicario: Day of the Soldado


Because I realised bonuses are stupid...


1/6   4,000

2/6   10,000

3/6   18,000

4/6   25,000

5/6   36,000

6/6 - 50,000

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Week 13 Scores



1 Infernus 54,000 0 36,000 90,000
2 WrathOfHan 53,000 0 36,000 89,000
3 MrPink 53,000 0 36,000 89,000
4 aabattery 54,000 12,000 18,000 84,000
5 JJ-8 39,000 9,000 36,000 84,000
6 kayumanggi 53,000 0 25,000 78,000
7 Deja23 53,000 0 25,000 78,000
8 Baumer 53,000 7,000 18,000 78,000
9 Jake Gittes 43,000 15,000 18,000 76,000
10 24Lost 47,000 16,000 10,000 73,000
11 Simionski 54,000 0 18,000 72,000
12 Sheikh 38,000 8,000 25,000 71,000
13 grey ghost 45,000 0 25,000 70,000
14 bcf26 40,000 0 25,000 65,000
15 glassfairy 46,000 0 18,000 64,000
16 captainwondyful 44,000 0 18,000 62,000
17 ZeeSoh 41,000 0 18,000 59,000
18 chasmmi 40,000 0 18,000 58,000
19 Chewy 31,000 0 25,000 56,000
20 Fancyarcher 32,000 5,000 18,000 55,000
21 ChD 35,000 2,000 18,000 55,000
22 Wrath 32,000 12,000 10,000 54,000
23 MovieMan89 34,000 0 10,000 44,000
24 Empire 32,000 0 10,000 42,000
25 That One Guy 22,000 0 18,000 40,000
26 Panda 0 0 0 0
27 The Dark Alfred 0 0 0 0
28 George 0 0 0 0
29 Kalo 0 0 0 0
30 Tree 0 0 0 0
31 Slambros 0 0 0 0
32 pasta 0 0 0 0
33 tele 0 0 0 0
34 mike hunt 0 0 0 0
35 schumacherftw 0 0 0 0
36 andyll 0 0 0 0
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Total Scores after Week 13



Rank Name Week 13 Total Previous rank
1 WrathOfHan 89,000 1,119,000 2
2 Sheikh 71,000 1,109,000 1
3 Simionski 72,000 1,050,000 3
4 ZeeSoh 59,000 1,018,000 4
5 Jake Gittes 76,000 1,009,000 5
6 aabattery 84,000 992,000 8
7 Deja23 78,000 991,000 7
8 kayumanggi 78,000 976,000 9
9 Infernus 90,000 975,000 11
10 Wrath 54,000 973,000 6
11 chasmmi 58,000 953,000 10
12 MrPink 89,000 946,000 13
13 JJ-8 84,000 941,000 14
14 glassfairy 64,000 940,000 12
15 24Lost 73,000 874,000 15
16 Baumer 78,000 843,000 18
17 Fancyarcher 55,000 839,000 16
18 That One Guy 40,000 805,000 17
19 MovieMan89 44,000 793,000 19
20 Empire 42,000 747,000 20
21 bcf26 65,000 691,000 22
22 captainwondyful 62,000 633,000 23
23 Panda 0 629,000 21
24 Chewy 56,000 565,000 24
25 grey ghost 70,000 561,000 25
26 Kalo 0 403,000 26
27 George 0 353,000 27
28 The Dark Alfred 0 290,000 28
29 Tree 0 216,000 29
30 Slambros 0 196,000 30
31 pasta 0 76,000 31
32 tele 0 70,000 32
33 mike hunt 0 64,000 33
34 andyll 0 59,000 34
35 ChD 55,000 55,000 36
36 schumacherftw 0 53,000 35
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Week 14


Part A:


1. Will MI6 Open to more than $65M? 1000 NO

2. Will MI6 Open to more than $72.5M? 2000 NO

3. Will Teen Titans Open to more than $12.5M? 3000 NO

4. Will Teen Titans Open to more than $17.5M? 4000 NO

5. Will the 2 films combined PTA be higher than $22,000? 5000 NO 


6. Will Equalizer stay above Mamma Mia?  1000 NO

7. How many of last weeks new releases will finish above Teen Titans? 2000 TWO

8. Will Hotel Transylvania drop less than 42%? 3000 NO

9. Will Sicario stay above Ocean's 8? 4000 YES

10. Will Jurassic class be closer to Incredibles or Skyscraper (in dollars) with its 3 day total? 5000 Incredibles 2


11. Will Ant Man's PTA stay above $2,700? 1000 YES

12. Will Purge drop more than 53%? 2000 YES

13. Will Blindspotting enter the top 8? 3000 NO

14. Will Unfriended stay above Sorry to Bother you? 4000 YES

15. Will Tom Cruise jump off the moon in this latest MI entry? 5000  




9/15    5000

10/15   8000

11/15    12,000

12/15   16,000 

13/15    20,000

14/15    24,000 

 15/15   30,000  



Part B:


The top 3 predictions will score points as follows:


Closest:  Within 1% - 15,000,  Within 2,5% - 12000,   Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000  Outside 10% - 3000 points  

2nd Closest:  Within 1% - 12,000,  Within 2,5% - 10000,   Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000  Outside 10% - 2000 points

3rd Closest:  Within 1% - 10,000,  Within 2,5% - 8000,   Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000  Outside 10% - 1000 points


1. What will Mission Impossible make for its 3 day? $61,236,534

2. What will Unfriended's percentage change be? -59.7%

3. What will Mamma Mia's PTA be for the Weekend? $4,297



Part 😄


There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here:


2. Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

4. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

7. Incredibles 2

9. Skyscraper

11. Unfriended: Dark Web

13. Blindspotting


Because I realised bonuses are stupid...


1/6   4,000

2/6   10,000

3/6   18,000

4/6   25,000

5/6   36,000

6/6 - 50,000

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Week 14 Scores



1 Infernus 52,000 37,000 25,000 114,000
2 Deja23 51,000 15,000 36,000 102,000
3 Baumer 58,000 15,000 25,000 98,000
4 grey ghost 58,000 15,000 25,000 98,000
5 Fancyarcher 58,000 10,000 25,000 93,000
6 WrathOfHan 36,000 0 50,000 86,000
7 Sheikh 45,000 16,000 25,000 86,000
8 JJ-8 32,000 0 50,000 82,000
9 ZeeSoh 46,000 10,000 25,000 81,000
10 Wrath 53,000 0 25,000 78,000
11 glassfairy 41,000 0 25,000 66,000
12 MrPink 38,000 0 25,000 63,000
13 kayumanggi 40,000 0 18,000 58,000
14 chasmmi 38,000 0 18,000 56,000
15 Chewy 37,000 1,000 18,000 56,000
16 That One Guy 31,000 0 18,000 49,000
17 Simionski 25,000 0 18,000 43,000
18 aabattery 24,000 0 18,000 42,000
19 Jake Gittes 24,000 0 18,000 42,000
20 Empire 17,000 0 25,000 42,000
21 bcf26 22,000 0 18,000 40,000
22 24Lost 21,000 0 4,000 25,000
23 captainwondyful 0 0 0 0
24 ChD 0 0 0 0
25 MovieMan89 0 0 0 0
26 Panda 0 0 0 0
27 The Dark Alfred 0 0 0 0
28 George 0 0 0 0
29 Kalo 0 0 0 0
30 Tree 0 0 0 0
31 Slambros 0 0 0 0
32 pasta 0 0 0 0
33 tele 0 0 0 0
34 mike hunt 0 0 0 0
35 schumacherftw 0 0 0 0
36 andyll 0 0 0 0
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Total Scores After Week 14



Rank Name Week 14 Total Previous rank
1 WrathOfHan 86,000 1,205,000 1
2 Sheikh 86,000 1,195,000 2
3 ZeeSoh 81,000 1,099,000 4
4 Simionski 43,000 1,093,000 3
5 Deja23 102,000 1,093,000 7
6 Infernus 114,000 1,089,000 9
7 Jake Gittes 42,000 1,051,000 5
8 Wrath 78,000 1,051,000 10
9 aabattery 42,000 1,034,000 6
10 kayumanggi 58,000 1,034,000 8
11 JJ-8 82,000 1,023,000 13
12 chasmmi 56,000 1,009,000 11
13 MrPink 63,000 1,009,000 12
14 glassfairy 66,000 1,006,000 14
15 Baumer 98,000 941,000 16
16 Fancyarcher 93,000 932,000 17
17 24Lost 25,000 899,000 15
18 That One Guy 49,000 854,000 18
19 MovieMan89 0 793,000 19
20 Empire 42,000 789,000 20
21 bcf26 40,000 731,000 21
22 grey ghost 98,000 659,000 25
23 captainwondyful 0 633,000 22
24 Panda 0 629,000 23
25 Chewy 56,000 621,000 24
26 Kalo 0 403,000 26
27 George 0 353,000 27
28 The Dark Alfred 0 290,000 28
29 Tree 0 216,000 29
30 Slambros 0 196,000 30
31 pasta 0 76,000 31
32 tele 0 70,000 32
33 mike hunt 0 64,000 33
34 andyll 0 59,000 34
35 ChD 0 55,000 35
36 schumacherftw 0 53,000 36
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