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Rampage (2018)

Grade it  

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I enjoyed the movie. Not as goofy as I was expecting. Still plenty goofy at parts. But the word I'd use is grizzly. Violent deaths, bloody. But the emotional weight of Johnson and George work pretty well. 


3rd act is a monster ride of Destruction, that perhaps my only complaints are the effects could have used more time and money, and the final battle drags just a bit too long. But otherwise it's a lot of fun.


I'd almost describe it like 2014 Godzilla, if you cared about the humans, and you saw the action towards the start of the third act instead of cockteased till the climax.


That was an unfortunate choice of words.


Solid B flick.

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WTF? I'm disappointed in myself. I went in knowing I would hate this movie and... ended up liking it? FML. I only saw this movie because I was craving popcorn and AMC was offering me a free large popcorn + I have moviepass. I have avoided every single one of the rocks movies except for the past 6 months; I saw Jumanji and now this.  I have always hated him since his WWE days lol. Anyways... back to the movie. It was actually really enjoyable and I typically hate these kind of movies that heavily use CGI, but for some reason this movie was enjoyable to me. I saw a lot of complaints about the dialogue, but its like... you know what type of movie this is going to be, the dialogue is to be expected. The action scenes were good and dwayne johnson is a decent actor. The chemistry between the rock and Naomi is palpable, they seem like they could be a couple in real life. I like that she didnt play a stereotypical role that black women tend to play in movies. Besides the niche "all black cast" movie black panther, it is rare to see a non-mixed/light-skinned black woman in a seemingly love interest/playing a doctor type role. Its on television but rarely seen on the big screen.


Since this movie really surprised me... I'll give it an A-.(My real rating is around a B/B+) I enjoyed it more than RPO and Tomb Raider tbh.


Top movies of 2018 so far:


1. Black Panther

2. Love, Simon

3. Red Sparrow

4. Game Night

5. Rampage

Edited by YLF
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8 hours ago, YLF said:



Top movies of 2018 so far:


1. Black Panther

2. Love, Simon

3. Red Sparrow

4. Game Night

5. Rampage

Great review. I would react but I ran out for the day. I too expected I’ll hate the movie because I never even liked the game yet I’m a giant monster fan. 


Speaking of which have you seen Pacific Rim 2? If so where would you rank it for the year? Same with a quiet place 

Edited by MrSinister
Rampage world tour-Kong vs Zilla vs Varan
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Sure you don't go to a movie like this expecting great things from human characters, you come for the monsters...and that was fine enough. I guess.


It's the giant pockets of dealing with these dull ass people that got me down. As stupid as the villains were, at least they injected a bit of life into this thing.

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4 hours ago, MrSinister said:

Great review. I would react but I ran out for the day. I too expected I’ll hate the movie because I never even liked the game yet I’m a giant monster fan. 


Speaking of which have you seen Pacific Rim 2? If so where would you rank it for the year? Same with a quiet place 

I haven't seen pacific rim yet and not sure if I will because I never got the chance to see the first one. I saw a quiet place and I'd put it behind rampage. The thing is, I went into rampage with really low expectations and I think thats why I ended up liking it. I went into a quiet place with really high expectations... and wanted to be scared. It didnt really land with me. What about you?

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8 hours ago, YLF said:

I haven't seen pacific rim yet and not sure if I will because I never got the chance to see the first one. I saw a quiet place and I'd put it behind rampage. The thing is, I went into rampage with really low expectations and I think thats why I ended up liking it. I went into a quiet place with really high expectations... and wanted to be scared. It didnt really land with me. What about you?

Haven’t seen rampage but I did enjoy a quiet place. I think part of it was I had no expectations going in. I heard the critic reviews but hadn’t heard a user review when I saw it, barely saw the previews and his no plans to see it (though my date did). It may not have scared me so much as it kept an air of good tension that had the crowd on the edge of their seats the whole film and it escalated well. It’s probably the first horror film I remember the audience giving a standing ovation for at the end, and we saw it at a random multiplex. Then again I haven’t seen many horror films on opening night.

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Awful.  Mapped out the entire plot in my head about 20 minutes in and it went exactly where I expected it to go with maybe one slight difference.  Takes itself way too seriously.  Even something that could be cool like The Rock hovering a helicopter over a falling building is rendered as boring as possible.  Almost fell asleep a few times.

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1 hour ago, MrSinister said:

Haven’t seen rampage but I did enjoy a quiet place. I think part of it was I had no expectations going in. I heard the critic reviews but hadn’t heard a user review when I saw it, barely saw the previews and his no plans to see it (though my date did). It may not have scared me so much as it kept an air of good tension that had the crowd on the edge of their seats the whole film and it escalated well. It’s probably the first horror film I remember the audience giving a standing ovation for at the end, and we saw it at a random multiplex. Then again I haven’t seen many horror films on opening night.

Haha I have to say, rampage is a movie I would usually rate poorly. Idk if I was high on the buttery popcorn, or since I just finished working out I was in a different state of mind... I'm pretty sure you'd rate a quiet place higher than this movie. I enjoyed the experience of a quiet place more than the movie. Everyone in the theater trying to remain quiet was an interesting and something I haven't experienced in a theater. My crowd seemed to not enjoy it much either though. I overheard a group saying they should've seen I can only imagine instead.

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This was so dumb. But George was so awesome that I have to forgive a lot of what this movie did. I’m not ashamed to say I teared up when I thought George died (though I suspected he was faking) and I felt so bad when he got stabbed. It just seemed like the best parts of the movie were few and bridged by a lot of boring nothingness. Didn’t care for Johnson’s character, JDM’s character, the geneticist, or the coporate siblings and their asinine plan. It was awesome to see George eat Malin’s character, though it didn’t make much sense. Hearing Johnson’s character get called Okoye was irritating for some reason. The only Okoye I like is the one in BP. Don’t get how his character survives and is able to run through wreckage after a gunshot wound either. I’ll just chalk that up to adrenaline rush and stop myself from nitpicking too much. I would’ve given it a C+, but George moves it up to a B-. I was smiling at the end so yeah, fun movie. 

Edited by Deja23
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thought it was okay. Didn't like it as much as I wanted to. not as boring as San Andreas but not as fun as it should be.


Some of the dialogue was laugh out loud hilarious. The military commander saying "But I didn't think we had any active submarines in Chicago" had me in tears. Other bits were cringey, the whole bit at the start with the young girl asking The Dwayne for his "submission techniques", the side characters being betas and The Dwayne being the alpha, was just quite crude and out of place. Maybe in a deodorant advert, not in a allegedly family-friendly movie. Speaking of which, some of it was actually tense and dark - like the scenes hunting the wolf. Which were in complete contrast to other bits.


Also love the Trump kids trying to destroy the world to make money from the top of their tower.


Jeffrey Dean Morgan was so good that I might watch the walking dead since apparently that's the same performance he gives.


Edited by Treeze Rutledge
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14 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:

and the opening space scene was cool. 


Eh I disagree with this.  It immediately took me out of the film.  Thought it was an absolute bore and having it being preceded by us having to read unnecessary information just made it worse.  Way too serious and out of place.  Could've been cut  from the film tbh

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Can someone tell me I'm not going crazy that the CGI was pretty hokey in this? All the closeups of the animals were good, but the shots of them running were really static/robotic and didn't look like they are connected to the ground.


And that helicopter on fire... hoooooly. I wouldn't expect CGI fire that poor on a TV show let alone a hollywood tentpole. Laughed in embarrassment for the film at that point.

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18 hours ago, Jay Hollywood said:

Jeffery Dean Morgan is the only one who fully understand what this movie is. 


It was not good. Exposition the movie. God damn the first 2/3rd of this movie is an endless amount of unneeded exposition.The whole backstory thing about Crsiper (gentics thing) or what ever the fuck was entirely unneeded. The movie could have worked with out that. There doing experiments in space, ok cool. dont need to know about 25 years of backstory about it. 


The Rock is no Arnold. He plays everything so serious all the time, its kinda a drag. The Rock's final one-liner. yeah no. You cant do San Andreas 2. This has the same tone but instead of a divorced dad with a dead daughter and another daughter he has to save and revive. He crys over his pet. 


Not one joke in this movie landed, it was awkward.  




This movie was so back heavy. No 2nd act action set piece, bad decision. By the time we got to the fun stuff I didn't care anymore. Theres the small wolf acton scene then nothing until the ending. 


Brad Peyton is really good and just randomly uping the ante in action set pieces though, he gets that extra beat. I loved the running on the side of the building on the cracking windows gag, and the opening space scene was cool. 


C (74)






I have the complete opposite opinion.  The first two thirds of the movie were probably the best part of the movie.  The exposition about the experiments was excellent.  And we do need to know about it or else it's just another action movie with cool CGI.  The backstory gives us a villain to hate.  Then you add the stuff about animal poaching and it elevates the film from an action movie about giant animals rampaging through Chicago to a movie about a man who cares about George and will do anything he can to bring him home.  The backstory with Davis and his desire to save animals and eradicate poaching from the world was one of the best things about the movie.  Without these plot pieces, the rest of the movie doesn't have the emotional gravitas it does.


Where's the RAMPAGE?  Did you go to the bathroom for the last 30 minutes and miss the destruction of Chicago?  


I loved this movie.  JDM was basically playing Negan in this and it worked beautifully.  He's a worthy adversary and then ally to Dwayne.  He has just as much charisma as DJ and putting them on screen together was a stroke f genius.


Rampage shocked me.  I went in expecting to be mildly entertained and came away with a movie that had a lot to say about playing God, animal protection and it had anti-poaching theme as well.  The action and destruction was terrific and it even added some good comedic bit.  One of my faves of the year for sure.



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2 hours ago, baumer said:


I have the complete opposite opinion.  The first two thirds of the movie were probably the best part of the movie.  The exposition about the experiments was excellent.  And we do need to know about it or else it's just another action movie with cool CGI.  The backstory gives us a villain to hate.  Then you add the stuff about animal poaching and it elevates the film from an action movie about giant animals rampaging through Chicago to a movie about a man who cares about George and will do anything he can to bring him home.  The backstory with Davis and his desire to save animals and eradicate poaching from the world was one of the best things about the movie.  Without these plot pieces, the rest of the movie doesn't have the emotional gravitas it does.


Where's the RAMPAGE?  Did you go to the bathroom for the last 30 minutes and miss the destruction of Chicago?  


I loved this movie.  JDM was basically playing Negan in this and it worked beautifully.  He's a worthy adversary and then ally to Dwayne.  He has just as much charisma as DJ and putting them on screen together was a stroke f genius.


Rampage shocked me.  I went in expecting to be mildly entertained and came away with a movie that had a lot to say about playing God, animal protection and it had anti-poaching theme as well.  The action and destruction was terrific and it even added some good comedic bit.  One of my faves of the year for sure.




yeah what do you know they made an actual movie that also has crazy ass destruction.  What a concept?


Obviously I'm with you on almost the whole review :)  I just have a slightly less grade



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It was ok but they should've gone crazy with it like the monsters eating people and getting power-ups like in the actual game (They did let George eat the villain which was a nice homage). Not really much to break down in terms of positive/negative. The Rock has no memorable one-liners in this. Very disappointing. 


I'll give it a C- just because Jeffery Dean Morgan and George made me laugh a few times. Pacific Rim was way more fun. 

Edited by EarlyDeadlinePredictions
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