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The Walking Dead | AMC

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okay , lmao, I watched tonights twice- gotta love that amc replay.  Okay the part Eugene admitted his lie and then abe rocks him...I lmfao at the sound effects and the fall.  Okay that has to be one of the greatest just dead body falls I've ever seen.  That was simply amazing. The noise effect hahahah- they used like a zombie stabbing effect when eugenes face hits the ground...i was like okay he has to be dead after u use that sound effect. 


Great episode.  Abe is a gnarly guy- i like him but he is dumb.  And of course what most have thought eugenious , ha, has been full of shit

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I don't hate Eugene for what he did.  He's trying to survive just like everyone else and he felt like no one would help him or even be his friend if he wasn't some kind of important guy.  Was it unscrupulous?  Sure.  But the whole thing with people dying to protect him, hmm, people die in this world.  They don't have to be protecting someone to die, it just happens.

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I don't hate Eugene for what he did.  He's trying to survive just like everyone else and he felt like no one would help him or even be his friend if he wasn't some kind of important guy.  Was it unscrupulous?  Sure.  But the whole thing with people dying to protect him, hmm, people die in this world.  They don't have to be protecting someone to die, it just happens.

They did die protecting Eugene can't deny that. You have to admit those that died, likely died because of Eugene's big talk and decided to follow him and Abraham. We don't know (could have survived) if they didn't follow Eugene.

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I think you do what you can to survive.  Eugene wasn't honest but he did what he had to do.  Zombies are everywhere and those that died because of Eugene could have easily died while sitting down to use the restroom.  It's a brave new world but it has also gone to shit.

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Eugene lying is a non-twist. Everyone saw that coming. I saw last week's episode on Sunday and I am sure Carol was faking some injury to get into the hospital.

Edited by CJohn
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I like how they went through all of Carol's timeline until she met back up with Tyrese at the prison. They also went back to some of her backstory of being abused.

The whole Carol/Daryl aspect of the episode was well done too

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