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And again something is being trashed simply because it was atypical. Woodbury may be gone, but the Governor is not. The arc will obviously carry over to season 4.

No, I'm trashing it because it was a bad ending. I know good, and I know bad, and that was bad. Another certain AMC show led audiences to believe that a catastrophic explosion would kill or ruin the lives of several main characters for a whole season, only for it to be revealed in the finale that it was just a plane crash. That was an atypical ending, only it was good.

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Speaking of Season 1 finales, this show's was much better than either of the ones following it. There seems to be a mentality with Mazarra that the finales need to be action-packed showdowns or sieges to be finales, when season one had a great, quiet finale that carried more tension and weight than either of the next two.

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No, I'm trashing it because it was a bad ending. I know good, and I know bad, and that was bad. Another certain AMC show led audiences to believe that a catastrophic explosion would kill or ruin the lives of several main characters for a whole season, only for it to be revealed in the finale that it was just a plane crash. That was an atypical ending, only it was good.

Okay, then go ahead and write us a better episode. What would you have done?

Edited by PDC1987
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Okay, then go ahead and write us a better episode. What would you have done?

Well I don't need to do better because I'm not the one who is writing the show. It's their job to create a satisfying ending, not fine. That said, Numbers already provided a better alternative scenario.
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Wow, talk about going off with a wimper.


The good: Karl shoots first, Milton doing his best to save Andrea, sad music played from the moment the group finds Andrea to the end


The bad: everything else. Governor going berserk and killing his people was really WTF instead of intimidating. Woodberrians moving into prison. Great, more useless characters like Beth, Carol and bloody Ass Kicker.


I`m really pissed that in the last 2 episodes they killed the best characters - Merle and Milton. Seriously, those 2 were keepers, much more so than over the half of characters they spared.


Andrea had to go because they ruined her completely and who would really trust her after everything that happened? Neither side could. I`m glad they didn`t pull the cliche last moment escape since that would be unrealistic in her situation.




I suspect that with Woodberrians moving in they`ll smush the plots of the prison/Woodberry and Arkadia (since Arkadia was too similar and would be redundant). Governor will be back with a new force. They have to have that big battle they`ve been promising the whole season.

Edited by fishnets
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It really doesn't make much sense since the whole point of the Prison storyline in the comics is that Woodbury wins with a Pyrrhic Victory. They kill like half of the prison group and force the rest to free, but with such a high cost that the survivors murder the Governor. Instead we get the Governor slaughtering most of the able-bodied people of Woodbury after they run, then disappearing with Martinez and random Black Guy while all the old folk, children, and the few other people join the Prison Group. How is the Governor going to be a threat now that it's just him and 2 other dudes? Will he somehow take over that random gang that popped in for a couple episodes late in Season 2?

 The thing about the Governor is he is not physically intimidating. And yet no one fights back in the show. How come when he was punching Milton, he didn't headbut him, fight back? Same with Andrea. And the slaughter of his own people, retarded. Then you have Martinez and Will.i.am looking at him with a horrified look. Why not just shoot him at that point? He has clearly lost touch with reality and you would never be able to trust him again. Do these two guys really want to sleep with one eye open looking for him?I hated the last episode. No arc, no catharsis, just a bunch of filler and two commercial breaks in the last 15 minutes. And then we finally get one death. Andrea dies but it wasn't that big a deal. By that point we all wanted something to happen.They kepy promising us a huge last episode and all we got were a bunch of extras dying and one main character that we all knew was going to happen. Very pissed at the last episode.
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Okay, then go ahead and write us a better episode. What would you have done?

 An all out bloodbath. Andrea dies, no problem. But Darryl, Machone, Maggie and Glen (in my episode) would have have all taken the Governor limb by limb and then Machone would toss her sword to Darryl and he would give him the coup de grace with it. Cut his head off. And I would of had the Governor in hand to hand combat with Milton. Milton dies of course but when you are faced with certain death, I don't care who you are, you don't go out like a wimp when your life is on the line. I would of had people fighting a lot more than they did.
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MIlton did try to kill the Governor and got his ass quickly handed to him. Because the only two characters less physically capable than Milton were Beth and Lil' Asskicker.

 When did he try to fight the Governor? I watched the whole thing last night and I didn't see it. He took a stab at him but that was pathetic.
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MIlton did try to kill the Governor and got his ass quickly handed to him.


Because the only two characters less physically capable than Milton were Beth and Lil' Asskicker.




This finale really was a disappointment... after a great 2nd to last episode. WTF were they thinking?


Even the "big battle"... the trucks drive into prison, Glenn and Maggie shoot a few rounds at them, and they retreat... "it was a slaughter!!" Did any Woodburians even die in that battle? Governor killed more of them than anyone from the Prison. And why is it only Glenn and Maggie holding down the fort? Retarded...


Still don't get what they did to Andrea this season. They built her up so high last season only to turn her into a naive bimbo-slut who can't make up her mind this season. And then you think "ok, well at least she'll redeem herself by killing the Governor or saving the prisoners"... but nope. She runs away, gets dragged back, bit by a walker and offs herself. Talk about redemption.


And great points about the Governor. So many people have had the chance to take his ass out this season, all knowing he's a sadist, yet nobody pulls the trigger. Does he have mind control over them?

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When did he try to fight the Governor? I watched the whole thing last night and I didn't see it. He took a stab at him but that was pathetic.


Exactly. He's physically weak and incompetent, which is how his attempt to fight lasted about five seconds.

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