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That One Girl

The House That Jack Built | Lars Von Trier's next film | Prompts over 100 walkouts at Cannes | "Lars has gone too far this time"

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14 minutes ago, Haha what a joke said:

You sure about that? I mean you just told us that you watched Django Unchained in school. That movie is only a few years old.. And you also just told us that you think that Hayden Christensen in Star wars, made art, now thats a joke if anything is :)


I mean that sounds pretty much like someone that still watches Tele Tubbies (or is that before your time?). Also the rest of your dialogue does reek of teenage angst and the joy of hearing yourself speak.


Regarding this movie.. Come now.. Some things are better left unseen. LVTs movies included.

:thinking: Hello Mr. Pot.

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1 minute ago, FantasticBeasts said:

Never watched a Von Trier film but I definetely want to check some. 

I don't mind grotesque stuff but well I do have my crossing line too so gimmie a relatively light reccomendation.


Dancer in the Dark is the only one I've seen but it's not grotesquely violent (although the last 30 minutes are emotionally devastating) 

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25 minutes ago, Haha what a joke said:

You sure about that? I mean you just told us that you watched Django Unchained in school. That movie is only a few years old.. And you also just told us that you think that Hayden Christensen in Star wars, made art, now thats a joke if anything is


Now, the fault as to why the prequels aren't viewed as art mainly lies on George Lucas. Hayden Christensen was doing his best with the character; fans dislike it because it was, for the most part, a more subdued and dramatic approach to Star Wars than many people were expecting. That's not to suggest the films are good. I mean, I haven't seen the first two prequel films all the way through, but to me, at least that scene that I was commenting on -- not the prequels in their entirety -- treated its subject matter with a better sense of empathy than the description of the overly grotesque depictions of murder in Von Trier's film.


35 minutes ago, Haha what a joke said:

I mean that sounds pretty much like someone that still watches Tele Tubbies (or is that before your time?).


You can go to the thread where everyone was posting their top 100 lists, and see for yourself that I've watched some pretty visceral films, including (but not limited to) The Matrix, Do The Right Thing, Jean Luc-Godard's Breathless, Festen / The Celebration, Ghost in the Shell, The Dark Knight (which I've seen several times), Children of Men, Raging Bull, Logan, Whiplash, Die Hard, American Sniper, and, of course, Passion of the Christ. Of course, these are balanced with a lot of films that would generally be considered acceptable for all audiences, such as Spirited Away, Wall-E, and Mary Poppins, which I genuinely believe should be considered classics along those more violent movies. Oh, and I don't know why I forgot to put Snowpiercer on my list.


So I mean no offense, but I would consider doing proper research before attempting to label me as a child.


49 minutes ago, Haha what a joke said:

Also the rest of your dialogue does reek of teenage angst and the joy of hearing yourself speak.


Why shouldn't I do everything I do with joy? Why shouldn't I be happy that I have the freedom to express my opinion? And why should my age and inexperience hold me back from having something to say?


53 minutes ago, Haha what a joke said:

Regarding this movie.. Come now.. Some things are better left unseen. LVTs movies included.


I do agree with this.

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18 hours ago, The Futurist said:

I mean, after all that champagne and jewelry and supermodels and your  2000$ shoes, of course you re shocked.

And they should have known what they signed up for when they went to see a Von Trier film.

It's not like Von Trier has not been pushing the shock envelope farther and farther in his films.

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6 hours ago, SpiritComix said:



"this time with a personal edge"



Hey, if you do something outrageous and disgusting on screen, you will probably find a few critics who will find it 'Provacative and Daring" just to prove how "cool" and "edgy" they are.

I never cared for Von Trier very much,but in his early days he was trying to do something interesting, even if I think he failed most of the time.

But his last few films he has pretty much played the "Let's Shock the Bourgeosis" card without much substance to his films, and I think most of the critics have caught on. But  he will always find a few supporters, who will applaus anything it's seen as "provocative". I think to be called art you have do something more then just provoke or disgust the audience. Any Porn Director can do that...


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No love for MELANCHOLIA here??  That's my jam...


Comedians don't have a line (even though Conservatives thought they could tell Michelle Wolf that she crossed one).


So why should filmmakers? 


And we can argue about what is and is not "art" until the cows come home...for me, film is "art" regardless of its origins, from LVT to Avengers.  The endless argument is where on the scale that art is.  Film was first taken seriously around 1915's Birth of a Nation, but it's been struggling ever since to retain that legitimacy.  Everytime someone walks out of a movie and says "the book was better," they are not respecting it on its own terms. 


...And this is also what film festivals and these forums are for.  It's nice that at least everyone's being civil about it in this thread...so far. 

Edited by Macleod
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1 hour ago, Slambros said:


Now, the fault as to why the prequels aren't viewed as art mainly lies on George Lucas. Hayden Christensen was doing his best with the character; fans dislike it because it was, for the most part, a more subdued and dramatic approach to Star Wars than many people were expecting.

No thats not the reason. Its because he can not act. At all.


You can go to the thread where everyone was posting their top 100 lists, and see for yourself that I've watched some pretty visceral films, including (but not limited to) The Matrix, Do The Right Thing, Jean Luc-Godard's Breathless, Festen / The Celebration, Ghost in the Shell, The Dark Knight (which I've seen several times), Children of Men, Raging Bull, Logan, Whiplash, Die Hard, American Sniper, and, of course, Passion of the Christ. Of course, these are balanced with a lot of films that would generally be considered acceptable for all audiences, such as Spirited Away, Wall-E, and Mary Poppins, which I genuinely believe should be considered classics along those more violent movies. Oh, and I don't know why I forgot to put Snowpiercer on my list.


So I mean no offense, but I would consider doing proper research before attempting to label me as a child.

This is a joke right? You are making my point. I would venture that most of us here have seen thousands of movies and that 9 out of 10 have seen every one of those you list there. Also thats visceral films to you? How can you even put the matrix on the same list as breathless?


LVTs movies are not unwatchable because they contain "hard to watch" scenes but because he has such a bleak and antisocial view of the world. Why bother with that shit. He is manic depressive and has borderline personality. Dont dive down that rabbit hole Alice.


2 hours ago, RandomCat said:

:thinking: Hello Mr. Pot.

No no mine is not teenage angst. Quite the opposite actually mine is more of an old grumpy man syndrome / tired of the YA attitude that you Know stuff because you are! Or what ever that drivel states that makes young people today scoff at knowledge and experience.

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17 minutes ago, Haha what a joke said:

No no mine is not teenage angst. Quite the opposite actually mine is more of an old grumpy man syndrome / tired of the YA attitude that you Know stuff because you are! Or what ever that drivel states that makes young people today scoff at knowledge and experience.

I'm thinking you don't even understand the Irony of this statement. Of course, you've spent your two posts on this board trying to belittle and insult another poster, so I shouldn't be all that surprised. Whatever. you're just showing that you lack any real knowledge or experience worth paying attention to.

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7 hours ago, That One Guy said:


Dancer in the Dark is the only one I've seen but it's not grotesquely violent (although the last 30 minutes are emotionally devastating) 

I caught the end on tv one day and a 10 year old me was pretty disturbed. Watched the whole thing later on and it was even more heartbreaking. 

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21 hours ago, FantasticBeasts said:

Cheers I may check it tonight.

Melancholia is a good starter film for Von Trier. It has a lot of his idiosyncrasies but is still relatively accessible. He's since disowned it as being 'too mainstream' which is rather silly.

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Good lordy, this trailer...is this an SNL parody of 'edgy auteur films about the depths of human depravity' or something? Looks awful (and stupid).  And yes, I know that I have a Deadpool avatar, which clearly means that I don't mind stupid films. Purposely stupid films...


Can't wait to see the people who hate SAW films with a passion (for being "torture porn") defend this crap because it is designated by the powers that be as "art." 




Edited by StevenG
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