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BSG Movie Trivia worth 20,000 points is up.

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Pre-season questions before a sign up list?I say wait until after The Hunger Games since that's kind of attracting the most attention atm. A lot of people are looking at the film to see how other blockbusters do this year.

Not a bad idea at all. Plus, with the new move to BO.com, its a good bet that the forums will be attracting attention and new members as we get closer to summer. For anyone unfamiliar with the game, it might help if they can dive in to the beginning along with everyone else.

You're a genius Shawn. I love this.And yes I will be sure to have a list of the deadlines at the top of the thread. Thanks for doing this. I love it.

Thanks, buddy! :)

Im not great with excel but if you guys can figure out a way to make it easier for scoring, then that's perfect.And btw...DAMN GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE TOWNZY!!For those who don't know, townzy was the runner up in the very first game.

I still have an Excel spreadsheet from 2011 that I used all year to keep track of each score for each category. Its not the most elaborate sheet ever, but it helped me a lot as time went on. I'll send that over before the game and if you decide to use it or something like it, a good option might be to upload it to Google Docs and have it publicly viewable for everyone to see. (And it can be set to only allow you to edit it.) ;)
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QUESTION:Yes, we are only in the middle of March, but would you guys object to me putting up the first preseason questions? I have been working on them for the last week and I think i have some good ones. But I don't want you guys to think it's too early.First 12 responses I'll consider.Thanks

The thing is, the questions might end up changing before the game starts. I would say let people have 2 weeks before the game starts to answer them.
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Thanks for the suggestion about the derby, but no thank.This game is completely different than the derby and I'd like to keep it that way.

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All questions worth 1000 points unless otherwise specified.All questions are for the top 12 unless otherwise specified.1) Will 21 Jump Street open to more than 34 mill? 30002) Will Lorax drop less than 35%?3) Will John Carter fall less than 50%?4) Will John Carter fall less than 50% WW this weekend?5) Will Casa De Mi Padre have a theater average of more than 6500?6) Will Act of Valor have a Saturday increase of more than 55%?7) Will 21 Jump Street have a Saturday increase of more than 10%?8) Will Lorax have a better Saturday increase than The Phantom Menace?9) Will Safe House have the biggest Friday increase?10) Will Silent House fall less than 45%?8/10 Correct: 3000 bonus9/10: 5000 bonus10/10 correct: 8000 bonusBonus 1: Tell me what the top 10 cume will be to 3 decimal points: 4000Bonus 2: Tell me what the combined gross will be of Lorax, Journey 2 and This Means War: 4000Bonus 3: What will be the best % drop in the top 10 (I don't need the film, just the % number...to three decimal points) 4000If anyone wants to answer these questions this weekend, I'll score you.

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You can answer the questions in here.Just make sure they are answered before 9PM tonight...which is a little less than 12 hours from the time of this post.

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Since there is no derby, what do you think about working that into the scoring? Like just predict the openers, and do percentage * 100 for points. Or maybe * 50 if that's too many potential points. Work it out, I think it would be pretty cool.

http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/2622-bocom-forum-derby-game-2-pg-2-get-your-predictions-in-deadline-friday-3am-est/#entry129740This is the alternative for derby until the official one launches
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1) Will 21 Jump Street open to more than 34 mill? 3000-YES

2) Will Lorax drop less than 35%?-NO

3) Will John Carter fall less than 50%?-NO

4) Will John Carter fall less than 50% WW this weekend?-NO

5) Will Casa De Mi Padre have a theater average of more than 6500?-YES

6) Will Act of Valor have a Saturday increase of more than 55%?-NO

7) Will 21 Jump Street have a Saturday increase of more than 10%?-NO

8) Will Lorax have a better Saturday increase than The Phantom Menace?-YES

9) Will Safe House have the biggest Friday increase?-YES

10) Will Silent House fall less than 45%?-NO

Bonus 1: Tell me what the top 10 cume will be to 3 decimal points: 4000-104.325M

Bonus 2: Tell me what the combined gross will be of Lorax, Journey 2 and This Means War: 4000-28M

Bonus 3: What will be the best % drop in the top 10 (I don't need the film, just the % number...to three decimal points) 4000-33%

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Thanks to both Xeno and Townzy for sending me your excel stuff. I won't get chance to really look at it until the weekend. So bear with me. Thanks.

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1) Will 21 Jump Street open to more than 34 mill? 3000 No2) Will Lorax drop less than 35%? Yes3) Will John Carter fall less than 50%? No4) Will John Carter fall less than 50% WW this weekend? No5) Will Casa De Mi Padre have a theater average of more than 6500? Yes6) Will Act of Valor have a Saturday increase of more than 55%? Yes7) Will 21 Jump Street have a Saturday increase of more than 10%? Yes8) Will Lorax have a better Saturday increase than The Phantom Menace? No9) Will Safe House have the biggest Friday increase? Yes10) Will Silent House fall less than 45%? No8/10 Correct: 3000 bonus9/10: 5000 bonus10/10 correct: 8000 bonusBonus 1: Tell me what the top 10 cume will be to 3 decimal points: 4000Bonus 2: Tell me what the combined gross will be of Lorax, Journey 2 and This Means War: 4000Bonus 3: What will be the best % drop in the top 10 (I don't need the film, just the % number...to three decimal points)

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Just a request. Please start your BSG in 2013 from HORIZONS, scheduled on April 26th.

If there are a lot of requests for that I might do it, but it has always started the first week of May.
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1. Will 21 Jump Street open to more than 34 mill?Yes2. Will Lorax drop less than 35%?Yes3. Will John Carter fall less than 50%?No4. Will John Carter fall less than 50% WW this weekend?No5. Will Casa De Mi Padre have a theater average of more than 6500?No6. Will Act of Valor have a Saturday increase of more than 55%?No7. Will 21 Jump Street have a Saturday increase of more than 10%?Yes8. Will Lorax have a better Saturday increase than The Phantom Menace?Yes9. Will Safe House have the biggest Friday increase?No10. Will Silent House fall less than 45%?NoBonus 1: Tell me what the top 10 cume will be to 3 decimal points:$95,483,209Bonus 2: Tell me what the combined gross will be of Lorax, Journey 2 and This Means War:$31,363,795Bonus 3: What will be the best % drop in the top 10 (I don't need the film, just the % number...to three decimal points)23.463%

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If there are a lot of requests for that I might do it, but it has always started the first week of May.

I recalled last year in 2011 the BSG started with weekend of April 29 with Fast Five.By the way I am thinking I might not play the game this year, thinking I might get to buzy to play this year around the first/second week of June, with other things going on with my life. Plus I think coming up with the top 12 movies of summer is going to be harder this year, atleast for me. I thinking I am totally clueless to how much some the summer movies are going to make this far out. Edited by The Turk
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