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Ezen Baklattan

Spaghetti Kitchen: Quinquennial Edition (Guess My Top 25!)

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The Freddy Zapper Award for Best Hero


Freddy Zapper simply tried to escape an evil queen in marriage but found himself in a TERRIBLE PLIGHT before becoming a hero. Here are some of my favorite heroes in the game so far.



Scrooge McDuck in The Adventures of Scrooge McDuck @cookie

David Tennant, which I know he was on the show, is perfect casting, and Cookie gives his story a good bit of flair.



Odysseus in The Odyssey @Rorschach

Thanks to Hugh Jackman's capable performance, this epic tale becomes a ride I'll cherish for a very long time.



The Whole Gang in Pillars of Eternity @4815162342

If I may cheat a bit, I loved every one of these rascals, from Ana De Armas as the capable hero to Aloth (and his friend), Daddy M'Baku, and J.K. Simmons Wizard.



Tamara in The Scavenger Wars @cookie

With two lead roles in wholly different ensembles, she's a perfect view into another world while shining brightly as a budding queen herself.



Doreen Green in The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl @YourMother the Edgelord

YourMother's style of writing brings out the best of the titular Squirrel Girl, and her spunk, optimism, and genuinely pure heart makes it impossible to hate her.


And the winner is...





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Yep, There's a reason I gave her time as Antigone Ska. She single-handedly makes this franchise something truly special, even as she takes on radically different roles in both movies.


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The Inversion Award for Best Technical Prowess


Let's use our imagination, just as we can imagine two lovers that can never meet, doomed to live an INVERTED life from one another. Here are the films with the biggest technical marvel.



Bambi: A Life in the Woods @Rorschach

Ang Lee's flair really helps this tale shine into something truly bright.



Resonance @Alpha

This psychological horror flick is wickedly engaging, thanks to its truly spine tingling creation.



Silent Hill: Innocence Lost @Xillix

Truly eerie and gorgeously atmospheric, Xillix knew how to turn this lowly franchise around in a big way.



Voltron: Defenders of the Universe @cookie

Cookie brings the magic, joy, and exhilaration in creating a new live action Sci-Fi world.



War of the Gods @Xillix

Gods of Egypt walked so Xillix could run.


And the winner is...



Bambi: A Life in the Woods


Image result for bambi gif


Traumatizing audiences is all the more rewarding when you have the magic of visual storyteller Ang Lee and some truly excellent darkness. It's somber, dark, and cynical, but also so full of beauty and life thanks to some glorious tech work. Expect this flick on quite a few categories from my Oscar ballot this year.


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1 hour ago, Spaghetti said:

The Meg Hollis Award for Most Inventive Premise


CAYOM's had a variety of unique, impressive products, and just as Meg Hollis imagined her own world in NOTES FROM THE OTHERSPACE, these users created new worlds and stories that took us by surprise. These winners were chosen on a mix of premise and execution, I liked all these films!


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And the winner is...


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Liam Neeson does F*****g what?!

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25 minutes ago, Reddroast said:

Liam Neeson does F*****g what?!


Curtis agrees and goes to the rear of the sub where he arranges for himself to be fired out of the rear torpedo tube. This happens with him getting zoomed out into periscope depth water (Yeah yeah this is crap physics and whatnot but it's cool and it's Liam Neeson damnit!).

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5 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


Curtis agrees and goes to the rear of the sub where he arranges for himself to be fired out of the rear torpedo tube. This happens with him getting zoomed out into periscope depth water (Yeah yeah this is crap physics and whatnot but it's cool and it's Liam Neeson damnit!).

This is so stupid. I love it

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The Summit of Unity Awards


Named after a refurbished political system in the SPARK saga, even as it's been overtaken by shitty people, this award speaks to the idea of unity, hope, and joy that unite us in this game. Thus, I'm going to give a special shout-out to our regular players, with a little bit of a description on what I love about their films. To keep things simple, I'm focusing on players who have been active in the game for multiple years since at least Year 3. They also must have made films in multiple years, just so I can get a sense of what their stories are like. New players who do not meet this criteria will recieve a special shoutout at the end.


In alphabetical order, the awards will be given. Each award will be a blurb on why I like your work, as well as my favorite film from you, and my most anticipated.










@Ethan Hunt








@YourMother the Edgelord


NEW PLAYER SHOUTOUT: @Slambros @Reddroast

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Numbers is always a safe bet for a clean-cut, yet simply intoxicating and damn well made film. You've always got a pitch perfect and intriguing sense of storytelling (even in the fascinating misfire of BioShock) and can find a way to make even a nearly-three-hour war drama exciting as hell. I'd go so far as to say the plots of these films could easily fit in perfectly to any real world film library, and they'd be big hits there. A lot has been said about your specialty genre of crime adventures, with 24 Hours being the latest brilliant addition, but you're also a pretty solid jack of all trades, as you can see in Sylvarius (pls port Celluloid Heroes for 3.0 soon) and even the stirring drama of And The Band Played On. You're probably one of the most of the most seasoned veterans in this game, but one can always count on you for cutting edge and exhilarating storytelling. 


Favorite Film: And the Band Played On


Most Anticipated Film: The Last Policeman


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One of your greatest assets is the confidence and faith you have in your stories, and your sharp eye for adaptation. Flowers for Algernon and Amulet are both truly terrific films, but even as you venture into more curious and intriguing territory, there's a confidence, clarity, and insight that really shines through. Unfortunately, we haven't seen much of your work since Y1, which I admit I understand completely and even sympathize with. Real life can be demanding as hell at times. However, when you are able to set aside the time to create something, there's a unique edge to it that really helps the talent in this game shine. 


Favorite Film: Flowers for Algernon


Most Anticipated Film: StarFox


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The fact that you incepted Johnny Johnny just goes to show what an absolutely surreal, delightful writer you are. Not only would I call you one of the most inventive and joyous writers in the game, but you are able to deftly walk the line between genres. You can easily go from wacky musicals to sobering dramas to intense thrill rides and back again. I remember starting 2.0 again around the same time you did, and we got to grow side by side, which I admit is where this is getting a bit corny, but what the f ever. You're got a unique spunk and sense of imagination that really makes you one of the writers I'm most excited to follow in this game. Also, let it be known that the same also applies to EGK!


Favorite Film: By The Balls


Most Anticipated Film: Who Erased Roger Rabbit?


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Epic, ambitious, jaw dropping. These describe many of some of your finest films in this game, from the wonderfully controlled chaos of Scrooge McDuck to the wondrous excitement and Spielbergian joy and darkness of Voltron, as well as the vast epic ambition of The Scavenger Wars. I can tell you pull your heart and soul into these movies (the word counts almost exemplify this) and there's just such an amazing sense of cinematic storytelling and imagination here. Reading Part 2 of TSW felt like reading an epic sci-fi serial and enjoyably watching it all unfold. It takes a special skill to write like that, and I believe you've got it. Thank you for keeping us on our toes and making us wonder why nobody ever calls the police.


Favorite Film: The Scavenger Wars


Most Anticipated Film: Dragonborns


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@Ethan Hunt




You're not always a player who goes by the book, but I do have to remark that the fact makes everything from your reviews to your films super fun to focus on. There's the wild craziness of Tom Cruise riding a fucking rhino through a zoo to making one of the weirdest animated movies I've read in this game. I am very interested to see how you create more drama oriented films, but some of the stuff you've announced does seem very intriguing. There's a lot of potential in you, and I look forward to seeing what else you conjure up in this game.


Favorite Film: 2 Lonely 2 Zookeepers (yep, lol)


Most Anticipated Film: Relatively Easy


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Few users would touch the concepts that Hiccup embraces with open arms There's a disregard for taboo and an embracement of the odd that really helps your films stand out, including the audacity of the Poison and Wine saga, which I will limit my discussion on for a bit. Even when your aim is off the mark, there's a passion and confidence you have for you films that makes it hard to look away. I'd love to see what else you can come up with for CAYOM, as you've been an original voice who can shift easily across genres but work to create something truly astonishing and magical. I look forward to seeing what else you can bring to this game.


Favorite Film: The Chrysalids


Most Anticipated Film: We Are the Ants

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50 minutes ago, Spaghetti said:

(pls port Celluloid Heroes for 3.0 soon)



Year 10, since it fits for a 10-year celebration, will be reworked substantially to fit in the 3.0 canon, though some shoutouts to older generations.



I have started thinking about the roster of "heroes" to include and a couple I want to plug would be



Marion and Aera. More comedy factor than say Alex or Kozar.


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17 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


Year 10, since it fits for a 10-year celebration, will be reworked substantially to fit in the 3.0 canon, though some shoutouts to older generations.



I have started thinking about the roster of "heroes" to include and a couple I want to plug would be


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Yeah they’re your best bets for pure comedy.

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I believe you mentioned you took a film class as you were starting to write for 3.0. Let me tell you - it shows! There's truly gorgeous cinematic writing in your language, as well as a maturity, wit, and full control of your style that makes reading your films a true delight. As you branch out into more and more genres, I'm really excited to see how things fare as you explore different styles, but I really have been impressed with much of your work so far. There's a real sense of awe I felt in The Odyssey and Bambi, and even One Punch Man had some truly inspired moments of hyperkinetic energy that really made it a blast to follow. There's a real spark to your films that no one else could really get but you, and I'm glad to have you in this game.


Favorite Film: The Odyssey: Counsel of the Dead


Most Anticipated Film: Dr. Juul (and the rest of the title I don't remember off the top of my head)

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Xillix certainly has one of the most singularly vast varieties of films in this game. It's clear that your realm of comfort is in grand scale rollercoasters, but you can easily wade into dramas, horror, and, well, whatever the hell Rock and Roll Heart Attack will be. Beyond making sure we have a full schedule, there's a directness and atmosphere that prevails in your storytelling that allow readers to get truly sucked in to the worlds you create. Be it Silent Hill or the far out planets, there's always exhilarating film-making and enjoyable popcorn entertainment to be found in your films. I'm very much intrigued to see where you go from here.


Favorite Film: Faces and Voices: The True Story of Milli Vanilli


Most Anticipated Film: Rock and Roll Heart Attack

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2 minutes ago, Spaghetti said:

Most Anticipated Film: Dr. Juul (and the rest of the title I don't remember off the top of my head)

Mr. Juul, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Hit


We'll see when that gets made. I have a lot of ideas bouncing around in my head for that film. Just gotta find the right angle and go from there.

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@YourMother the Edgelord



If I had to pick one word to describe YourMother's bread and butter when it comes to CAYOM, it's this: fun. Pure, uncyncial, and joyous fun. The heart that you put into your films is very clear, and I think that you're at your best when you approach your stories with sincerity and emotion, as you do with works like the touching and inventive Can You Imagine? or the hilarious and charming Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Gotta also hand it to you that I love how you're reviving unreleased animated projects - may get on that bandwagon again myself. I'm intrigued to see you tackle different topics and genres, but there's something about your films where you can just sit back and feel good.


Favorite Film: Can You Imagine?


Most Anticipated Film: Super Mario Bros.

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