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2 minutes ago, MOVIEGUY said:

Don't know if this has been discussed but do you think Adelaide was aware the entire she had switched with her other self? I'm assuming so because she obviously remembers the event and could've not been telling the whole truth when she told Gabe about it. I'm wondering because the ending kind of plays it like a revelation to her, so maybe she repressed it? It felt like another one of those open-ended things. I could be overthinking this lol.

It definitely seems like she subconsciously knew of it, and that what she truly feared deep down was her past catching up to her, but repressed the memories. There's also the whole issue of memories between tethered counterparts potentially being mixed between the two, because it does seem like she truly remembered it from Red's point of view. I imagine that the fact that they share one soul also means they somehow share memories, or at least memories from when the two have different actions, i.e. when one resists the tethering.

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I think one of the main complaints I'm seeing is people saying they have to suspend disbelief in order to enjoy it.


But I think that's true of most horror films. You have to kind of look past some of the impossibilities. Like with Get Out, obviously it's not possible since you can't remove a brain from one person's body and put it in the next person. The brain dies when you sever it from the spinal cord. And if a doctor could actually find a way to keep it alive, he wouldn't be working small time in his basement for the neighbors. He's be making billions worldwide helping anyone who wanted a donated dead body.


And with US, you have to believe the government sends supplies to the people living underground in some way.

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5 hours ago, MOVIEGUY said:

Don't know if this has been discussed but do you think Adelaide was aware the entire time she had switched with her other self? I'm assuming so because she obviously remembers the event and could've not been telling the whole truth when she told Gabe about it. I'm wondering because the ending kind of plays it like a revelation to her, so maybe she repressed it? It felt like another one of those open-ended things. I could be overthinking this lol.

Yeah, I definitely got the impression that she repressed it and it all eventually came back to her. 

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Can we talk about how insanely good Lupita Nyong'o is in this film? The characterizations of Adelaide and Red are so well done - so clear - that it feels like they are inhabited by different actresses. The depth of feeling, the vocalizations, the gestures, the movement and posture. Both Red and Adelaide feel like they have history to them, in large part due to the performances from Nyong'o.


The blend of horror and comedy in this is often sublime.


The film is engrossing, entertaining, and visually captivating. It avoids typical horror movie tropes. The plot isn't propelled forward by the mistakes the characters make , but instead by their capability, their tenacity, their capacity for action. There is something to be said for Adelaide's journey, her perseverance, in living in this world she wasn't born into.


There are so many earlier scenes that carry greater meaning once you reach the end of the film. I need to go watch this again.


The film leaves a lot of things unanswered, and I found myself largely unbothered by the lack of practical explanation. I agree with earlier comments that the moments in the film in which it tried to "explain" what is going on were the least interesting.


Even as the film seems messy thematically (and Peele seems to try to say a lot of different things, perhaps not totally successfully), the film doesn't hinge on this for me, because the journey itself was so good. From the home invasion to the Red/Adelaide fight, there are so many terrific extended sequences in the film. In short, the film is just flat out entertaining.


For me, it was a visual and intuitive experience. It resonates with me, and I'm still unpacking it.


Peele clearly has a lot of horror influences, but overall, if I were to compare 'Us' to another horror film, it most made me think of 'The Shining'. Us is a very deliberate film. The Shining has that great fan theory doc, Room 237. I almost feel like Us could have a documentary like that.


I'll share more of my thoughts about the film at a later date.









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5 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

I wonder if Peele should have just cut out the scene where they explicitly reveal the twist and just left it with Jason seeing his mum and showing her smile. But overall it was great though I think I enjoyed Get Out a bit more. 

Nah. Not a bad thought though. I'd have left everything the same but cut most if not all of the dialogue in the classroom. Still showed the montage. Used the montage to show the audience that it all flooded back to Adaliene. Then, Red turns around as she does in the movie, tears the two hand and hand cutouts apart and that's that. No government experiment explanation, etc. 

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