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Crowd Reports Thread

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SKYFALL 7.50pmcarribean cinemas megaplex 7 about 90% fullcrowd was skewing on the old side 70% over 40yrs about the crowd , it was so pleasing to be among adults who aren't stuck to their blackberries , there were very few young people and no kids and there was no talking or noise! THAT SAID i wish the projector guy would check his tool while ushers clean the room because once again the movie started and the bottom of the pic was at the top (imagine a screen split 10/90% wise) for a good 2 minute, and during ads the volume was super low trailer:FLIGHT damn denzel sure knows how to sell a film! i'm going to see it when it comes out here(that's the only trailer i saw the rest was local island ads pfffffff)the movie: what can i say i'm not enamoured with it , it was a bit slow in parts! some scenes were very slow in unfolding, like the camera seemed in slow motion on certain shots , okkk we saw the cool scenery /photography "lets move people"plot was ok , loved the way they hinted at lack of $ so no fancy gadgets /or cars, not sure about finding out so much about bond past, what a dreary house that evoked so much to me (i imagined heathcliff from wuthering heights lives on an estate like that)ps: adele bond theme had a very bond-ish sound to it (reminded me of tina turner's bond song)if i'm honest i've never liked daniel craig as james bond, doesnt take anything away from the films but i'm a fan of pierce brosnan! mind you i've like the previous bond incarnation by sean connery and roger moore alsoso i'll give the film an A-

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Wreck it Ralph12:30PMAbout 50% full (or 50% empty??? ;))Trailers:Dino Time 3D: Well I first heard of this a couple weeks ago when I saw a TV spot. The animation looks meh, when the date came up people were going "its coming out soon?" One giggle in the entire trailer!The Croods: Looks really good. Laughs. I was going "Pebbles Flintstone!"Despicable Me 2 (New trailer): Fantastic reaction. Tons of laughs.Smurfs 2: I don't think I've ever seen a traier for a kids film at a kids film that was met with groans instead of laughs. Nobody seemed intrested.Oz: Great and Powerful: Audience really enjoyed this.The Hobbit: Quite a few "I got to see this"Monsters 3D: At first most people thought this was Monsters U.Movie: Very very fun. Now while most people will like this-not everyone will quite get some parts. Some funny parts like The Konami Code, Dig Dug, Pac Man and other video game refrences were comedy gold. Also quite sweet at times. And I have that dang Sugar Rush song in my head! Animation was very clear and quite well done. I had more thought out earlier for my review, but yeah tied with Brave as the best animated film of the year.A+

Edited by Impact
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Felt lazy and decided not to write a whole Crowd Report for Skyfall in IMAX, but here's the summary from my 2nd viewing on Saturday afternoon (500/500 seats sold out) :

Experience - 26/30

Story/Writing - 14/20 (way too similar to TDK)

Acting - 12/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 14/15

Directing - 9/10

Music - 9/10

VERDICT: 84/100, B

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Skyfall2:40PMOn the biggest screen-about 90% full! This thing was PACKED! Quite a few older people (Well the franchise is 50 years old so yeah)Trailers:Zero Dark Thrity: No reaction. Looks decent.Django (New trailer): Quite a bit of laughs.Last Stand (New trailer): TONS of laughs.Bitter Pill: Never even heard of this till today. Looks...intresting. Some laughs at the rather cheesy tagline.Good Day to Die Hard: Some laughs and people really wanted to see this.Identify Theft: I noticed they changed the Spring 2013 on this. Laughs. Looks okay.Movie: Probably the best Bond. M's character was in it more then ever (Though I think it might be because Dench is getting ready to retire-feel sorry for her right now). The Bond girl was barley in it. Bardem was great. The part by Albert Finney was great. Audience really loved it.A

Wreck it Ralph12:30PMAbout 50% full (or 50% empty??? ;))Trailers:Dino Time 3D: Well I first heard of this a couple weeks ago when I saw a TV spot. The animation looks meh, when the date came up people were going "its coming out soon?" One giggle in the entire trailer!The Croods: Looks really good. Laughs. I was going "Pebbles Flintstone!"Despicable Me 2 (New trailer): Fantastic reaction. Tons of laughs.Smurfs 2: I don't think I've ever seen a traier for a kids film at a kids film that was met with groans instead of laughs. Nobody seemed intrested.Oz: Great and Powerful: Audience really enjoyed this.The Hobbit: Quite a few "I got to see this"Monsters 3D: At first most people thought this was Monsters U.Movie: Very very fun. Now while most people will like this-not everyone will quite get some parts. Some funny parts like The Konami Code, Dig Dug, Pac Man and other video game refrences were comedy gold. Also quite sweet at times. And I have that dang Sugar Rush song in my head! Animation was very clear and quite well done. I had more thought out earlier for my review, but yeah tied with Brave as the best animated film of the year.A+

Looking over these-I had a pretty good movie going weekend.
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5:15PM Monday, November 12th

Landmark Kendal Square Cinemas

Theater Capacity: ~200 (100% full, sold out; there were some families, about a third between 20-34 years old, and a sea of grey hair making up the rest)

Ticket Price: $9.00

Concessions: small popcorn, $5.50


The Flat - Israeli/Nazi documentary, looks very interesting; great reception and lots of talking from audience (*I knew this would play well for old people!)

Hyde Park on Hudson - a period comedy with Bill Murray is a comedy all the same; looks funny and got some laughs.

The Waiting Room - may possibly be the most depressing movie ever if the trailer is accurate: a whole day in a public hospital. Got a crescendo of talking from the audience when it ended.

Rust and Bone - this must be the Marion Cotillard movie I've heard a lot about; something about whales and her becoming disabled. Got whispers.

The Impossible - once again, the trailer played well in front of this audience; looks powerful.


Steven Spielberg.

Daniel Day Lewis.

John Williams.


Seriously, anybody who's ever watched a Steven Spielberg war-time film or Band of Brothers knows what to expect out of this movie. If you've ever watched a Daniel Day Lewis performance, you know he's going to act the sh*t out of the role. And it's never a Spielberg movie without a fittingly epic John Williams score.

Lincoln has the ensemble cast every filmmaker dreams of who give equally excellent performances. But without question the only performance from this film people will be discussing is Lewis' as the title character, Abraham Lincoln. Not since Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight have I seen an actor completely disappear into the character they are playing--COMPLETELY! I mean, seriously, I feel honored to have witnessed this movie if only for the fact that I feel like I've now watched some mysterious time-warped footage of the 16th President of the United States of America. There may have been a couple armies on screen fighting on behalf of the Confederates and the Union, but it's the army of make-up artists, special effects technicians, voice coaches, and Spielberg's direction that impressed me the most about this film.

While everything I've said so far is happy and dandy, the reality is that this is a historical drama--light on action and very heavy on political dialogue. I imagine US History teachers will probably have wet dreams over the historical intricacies of this film; however, I believe mainstream audiences might find the 2 hour and 30 minute runtime too long to enjoy. For example, the couple sitting next to me felt inclined to check emails on their smartphones a good nine or ten times throughout the movie, and I personally counted about three or four old people who walked out of the movie about 80 to 90 minutes in. The movie's worth checking out, even if just for the valuable history lesson (which sadly I feel like many Americans must have been deprived of).

Experience - 22/30 (mostly reduced because of the texting duo to my left)

Story/Writing - 16/20

Acting - 15/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 15/15

Directing - 10/10

Music - 10/10

Bonuses: Awards Caliber +5 (Best ACTING, directing, make-up, cinematography, original score)

THE VERDICT: 93/100, A

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SkyfallLast Sunday 7:50pm95%fullMovie: ABest Bond ever. Craig officially tops Connery as the best actor to play the role. Bardem is one of the best Bond villians ever. The action is stunning (especially the sequence in a Shanghai tower), and the last hour really diverts from the usual cliches that this franchise normally panders to. Wishaw and Craig have great chemistry. Harris is a bit stilted in a couple scenes, but she's decent enough. Best movie of the year so far.

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November 16, 9:10 AM, 100% full (School field trip)

Cinemark, Valparaiso, IN


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Laughing when the trailer started. Some explanation: apparently one of the teachers threatened to go to a different theater if they didn't show the Hobbit trailer. When the trailer started, everyone was laughing at our teacher's craziness.

Lincoln - Confusion, and then a standing ovation at the end, with jokes about how short the movie was.

Good movie, but the crowd sucked, as expected for a completely full crowd of juniors. I was surprised I got a good seat though, and the biggest laugh was the precision f-strike. In the middle of the movie, someone stood up and demanded vampires, and there was general talking throughout the movie... so yeah, I hated the crowd. Good movie, Spielberg's best since Catch Me If You Can.

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Cloud AtlasFri, 7pm, undubbed25 people - and this on opening weekend - meh.Trailers:Life of Pi (looks good but no reaction)Hobbit1 (looks good, good reaction but it sounded like everyone will be showning up anyway for the Hobbit)The film: Good reactions, but mostly for the comedy elements (Jim Broadbent ...); I'll write a review. In short: I liked it a lot and think it looks better than Prometheus!Outlook: Not good, the other shows war also far from overbooked. Maybe understandable as it's far from a crowdpleasing experience even though most threads get happy endings.

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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Eastbourne Cineworld 6, UK

19:30 11/16/2012


No empty seats at all


Mix of ages, but skewed about 90% female, there were a lot of asian teenagers there nattering in some form of cantonese.


The Impossible: Looks good, no reaction

The Hobbit (Teaser): The teaser was too much fanservice than anything else, nonetheless, it got the girls talking

Jack Reacher: I think this looks fun, it got a smattering of chatter

Life of Pi: Looks interesting to me, no reaction

Les Miserables: Looks brilliant! Had a little bit of talking.

The Movie

The movie was not what I expected. The actors seemed to be genuinely enjoying the experience this time around which made me care more about their fate than I had in the previous 4 films. The build up was more interesting than I expected it to be as it seemed like such a drag during the book, and the ending was SOOOOOO much better than the book. The Battle was pure awesome, and pushed the boundaries of what I thought was allowable in a PG-13 movie. It was brilliant. It's probably my favourite film out of the five.


The Crowd

The Crowd for this was great. With any sell out crowd there's a great atmosphere, but this was probably the best crowd I've had since I saw Kick-Ass on opening night. When Jacob takes his shirt off, half the audience swooned while the other half laughed at them. When the BBFC card came up at the start the chattering of excitement was amazing.

The Best part though was

When Bella in Aro's decapitated face and it then goes back to Alice holding Aro's hand, proving it was essentially foreshadowing

. The groan at that point was one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed in a cinema. 200 people reacted with a cross between relief and annoyance, it was brilliant.

For the experience, 10/10 best of 2012.

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Breaking Dawn Part 2Friday 5:20 pm showing400+ seat auditorium, only about 90% fullTrailersI know there were 4, but I can't for the life of me remember the first 2World War Z- First time I've seen the trailer, crowd really liked liked it, as did IWarm Bodies- Now this is an interesting take on zombies. I'd never even heard of this movie but I'm really intrigued. Crowd definitely sounded interested, although nowhere near as much as they were for WWZ.The movie.This is the first Twilight I let myself be dragged to since that god awful New Moon, but I actually found it not bad. Sure there was the expected wooden acting and cheesy dialogue but it mostly worked, all except the total cop out ending.The crowd seemed to enjoy it more than I did (well, duh, the crowd was mostly die hard fans with a smattering of us tag alongs), although there were audible groans at the cop out ending. I won't spoil it, but if you saw it you know exactly the spot I mean. Too bad too, I was really liking the way the culmination was going, and that should have been the way it went.I'll still give it a 6.5/10, maybe even a generous 7

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FLIGHT 3.20pm 40% full

trailers i missed a few but saw jack reacher and red dawn no reaction to either...

film was really good i was on the edge of my seat during the whole flight accident! personally if i was a passenger on that flight i'd be glad denzel was the pilot and not the green co-pilot....

you know the red head actress i keep seeing her round in films now, i'm impressed with her trajectory so far i first saw her in a french film called ' l'auberge espagnole" ,her southern accent was pretty good for a british actress i have to say

i think i'm cursed though, the movie cut off when denzel character went to see his son and ex wife, screen went off and lights came on , everyone was like wtf some people even left but after 2 mn it came back on , its getting annoying i might file an official complain about the projector guy maybe he's drunk on the job...i'd like to watch film without being distracted by all the technical glitches

movie was an A+ for me...

next BD2 on the 21st or after...so staying away from spoilers and people comments who aren't receptive to this franchise which personally as a fan i'm very sad to see end

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FLIGHT 3.20pm 40% full

trailers i missed a few but saw jack reacher and red dawn no reaction to either...

film was really good i was on the edge of my seat during the whole flight accident! personally if i was a passenger on that flight i'd be glad denzel was the pilot and not the green co-pilot....

you know the red head actress i keep seeing her round in films now, i'm impressed with her trajectory so far i first saw her in a french film called ' l'auberge espagnole" ,her southern accent was pretty good for a british actress i have to say

i think i'm cursed though, the movie cut off when denzel character went to see his son and ex wife, screen went off and lights came on , everyone was like wtf some people even left but after 2 mn it came back on , its getting annoying i might file an official complain about the projector guy maybe he's drunk on the job...i'd like to watch film without being distracted by all the technical glitches

movie was an A+ for me...

next BD2 on the 21st or after...so staying away from spoilers and people comments who aren't receptive to this franchise which personally as a fan i'm very sad to see end

Did any employee come and tell you the issue?
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Silver Linings Playbook

6:05PM Sunday, November 18th

AMC Boston Common 19 & Lie-MAX

Theater Capacity: 179 (65% full; mostly 20-34 year-old demographic, and an even 50/50 gender ratio)

Ticket Price: $12.00

Concessions: n/a


Life of Pi - this was a nice, small featurette selling the movie; it got some talking, but interestingly someone next to me said "that must be a kids movie" because of its PG rating. We'll see about that.

Side Effects - great cast and great director, we'll see if the interesting trailer produces an equally great movie in time. Got whispers from audience.

Hyde Park on Hudson - good trailer, got some talking from audience.

Iron Man 3 - great trailer, no reaction

Zero Dark Thirty - no reaction

Django Unchained - such a funny/awesome/genius/Tarantino-esque trailer, got a great reaction

Parental Guidance - LOL, got lots of talking and a good reaction

Killing Them Softly - some talking, meh trailer


There is a lot to love about Silver Linings Playbook, chief among the lot being the excellent performances from the film's principle cast members. Jacki Weaver and Robert DeNiro give equally award-worthy performances as the parents of a recently-released mental patient played by Bradley Cooper. In his most developed role yet, Cooper spends the film's duration showcasing the culmination of all his lessons from Inside The Actors' Studio and gives unquestionably his best performance to date. And also worthy of praise is Jennifer Lawrence, whom hot off her success with The Hunger Games has proven with Silver Linings Playbook that she can play just about any character perfectly.

I realize that the film is being categorized as a "romantic comedy", but I think that's kind of a stretch considering how many dark moments appear throughout the film's story. There were definitely a couple "NO WAY!" moments and long, loud laughs during the film, though--especially when the characters really get into how deeply attached they are to a certain Philadelphian football franchise. There is definitely great chemistry between the two leads, albeit in a very unconventionally executed, quirky way. And in hindsight, the way the movie plays out is inconspicuously foretold early on during a diatribe Bradley Cooper's character goes on about Ernest Hemingway novels, something that I guess works for Hollywood movies even if it goes against the "playbook" in the literary world.

This is another win for David O. Russell; for me he's right up there with Darren Aronofsky and Jason Reitman for directors who really know how to direct their actors. The music works for the movie; however, it's the music you don't hear that really makes the movie for me (you'll know what I mean when you watch it). A couple things did bug me, mainly the sound editing and some of the cinematography--there were a handful of scenes where it just felt off. Nitpicking aside, I think Silver Linings Playbook was fantastic and has the potential to be this holiday season's unlikeliest of successful movies. Think The Blind Side, Jerry Maguire, or even The Wedding Singer; if you enjoyed any of those you can't go wrong with this movie.

Experience - 27/30

Story/Writing - 19/20

Acting - 15/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 9/15

Direction - 10/10

Music - 9/10

Bonuses - Awards Caliber, +5 (Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director)

VERDICT: 94/100, A

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SkyfallAmstar Stadium 14$6.00, 9:30PM, 40% full- my first Tuesday movie in a longgg timeRed Dawn- shortened trailer, too short to even tell the premise of the movie, felt like TV ad, no reactionIron Man 3- a lot of "whoa, oohss, ahhhs" when IM fell on the snow, mild reaction at the end- finally good to see this on the screenJack Reacher- better trailer than the previous, the crowd liked the end with Tom getting out and posing as a pedestrianDjango Unchained- mild reactionSide Effects- no reaction, felt like the trailer was trying too hardFull review coming soon in my blog, but in short, this was sweet. The movie was long, but it is an engaging story that makes up for it. Daniel Craig is a great as Bond and Bardem supplied some chuckles with my audience and was good. Its like they tried to make him cheesy but he ended up serious. The action sequences were great and the movie lowers the tone on cliches and predictability- I tried to predict the climax ending over and over, and to my surprise the movie kept going. This should keep playing well throughout the holidays.A http://jaysonb593.blogspot.com/2012/11/twilight-2-twi-harder.html

Edited by jandrew
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I'm guessing your community prefers arthouse-type films?

It's all relative. When you're going to see a borderline "arthouse movie" like Silver Linings Playbook, it's expected that the audience would have a warmer reaction for an arthouse trailer than a superhero action film. Had I gone to watch Skyfall in the auditorium next door, I'm sure Iron Man 3 would've had a positive, explosive reaction from the audience.

I personally enjoy all genres of movies, and I certainly watch more "arthouse" movies than the average movie-goer. But I think a glance at my crowd report history is indicative of the behaviors Bostonians have toward all types of movies. That's one of the reasons I enjoy writing crowd reports so much: it's like an ongoing social experiment on the range of human behavior to an artistic medium.

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