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DHD Saturday (03.24): 50.0 M | THE HUNGER GAMES

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That analysis is wrong.Avg ticket prices were roughly:IMAX - $15Non-IMAX 3D - $10.22D - 7.5And yes, all IMAX screening for DH2 were in 3D.

How can I trust your numbers over those numbers. And no they were not. I watched it in IMAX twice. It was 2D both times...wtf?
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Your the guy who works for a studio right? What are the studios' opinion of Darling Nikki?We have a love/hate relationship with her here. Mostly love on my part though. I think she's out Queen :D

No, I left a few years back, and Nikki wasn't on my radar screen at all. But I was in legal affairs, so there's not much reason she would have been.
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Guys I am just measuring the tickets sold accurately, not expressing any opinions. I have already said that THG is more impressive.

I'm not questioning your bias. You're analysis just seems inaccurate IMO.
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1. WOW. Incredible number. I'm ecstatic over its success, I just came back from my second viewing, and I liked it more than my first viewing.2. DH2's opening weekend adjusts to $150m-$152m, which means it sold right around the ballpark of 19m tickets. 3. Potter was always more popular than Twilight, that should have never been a question. We can't say the same about The Hunger Games...yet. We have to wait to see its sequels. It's so incredibly premature to say that THG is more popular than Potter in the States when it owes quite a bit of its success to it. 4. YES. $50m! :D I hope it beats DH2's final gross.

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3. Potter was always more popular than Twilight, that should have never been a question. We can't say the same about The Hunger Games...yet. We have to wait to see its sequels. It's so incredibly premature to say that THG is more popular than Potter in the States when it owes quite a bit of its success to it.

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How can I trust your numbers over those numbers.And no they were not. I watched it in IMAX twice. It was 2D both times...wtf?

Assume that analysis is true and let IMAX price be $15.2011 Box-office:IMAX - $360M - 24M ticketsNon-Imax 3D - $1600M - 147.5M tickets2D - $8214M - 1080.8M ticketsTotal - 1252.3M ticketsBut the total admissions were 1283M. So that analysis is wrong, plain and simple.As for IMAX 2D for DH2, I was wrong it seems, but I have seen many time that studios report IMAX+3D share, and IMAX 2D is included in that. If it doesn't, then the admissions figure will go down by ~0.25M.
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Assume that analysis is true and let IMAX price be $15.2011 Box-office:IMAX - $360M - 24M ticketsNon-Imax 3D - $1600M - 147.5M tickets2D - $8214M - 1080.8M ticketsTotal - 1252.3M ticketsBut the total admissions were 1283M. So that analysis is wrong, plain and simple.As for IMAX 2D for DH2, I was wrong it seems, but I have seen many time that studios report IMAX+3D share, and IMAX 2D is included in that. If it doesn't, then the admissions figure will go down by ~0.25M.

IMAX was 15.83 last year. Have to find the source but that's about what it was. Edited by spizzer
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it's nice to see something new and fresh (and incredible) happening in the box office, i just wish it was because of a really good movie (like TDK), and not because of a superb campeign. i saw this movie, and i've read the books. the movie is OK, the book kinda sucks. i think it's becoming successful because people are looking for somethink to replace harry potter. as a movie? ok. but as a book series? it isn't even close.anyway, to say that it's more popular than harry potter? no, it will never be. in a couple of decades everyone will remember the name harry potter (the books, ok? not the movies), THG is just a hit. that's all.

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Deadline quotes an analyst from a Wall Street firm who says the movie would have made more had more of its showings been in 2D rather than 3D.

The analyst points to figures that show the movie pulled in only 38 percent of its $90 million box office gross from non-IMAX 3D screenings, down from percentages above 50 percent from some of last year's 3D family films. The analyst says small children refuse to wear 3D glasses, and more viewers in general would rather save money and see the movie in 2D rather than spring for the extra cash. He estimates that non-IMAX 3D movie tickets cost an average of $10.85 while 2D tickets are $7.60

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Noctis defends DH2 at every turn. I'm surprised he isn't here saying the OW record is still safe. :lol:

Oh, shut the fuck up, for God's sake. Did I not say before that I wanted TDKR to beat it? And I'm absolutely ECSTATIC for The Hunger Games' success and I WANT it to sell more tickets than DH2.
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I'm a big fan of both HP and THG and I think there are a lot of people who are in the same boat. Most of the animosity with HG fans has been towards Twilight so it's similar to Potter in that way. One reviewer mentioned joking about Team Peeta and Team Gale and she got a lot of backlash on Twitter. Most HG fans hated it.

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