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12/3/2020 The Day BO Died. RIP Movie Theaters

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I'm not convinced this is the death of Cinemas just yet.  Do I think the business model will need to be tweaked over the next year as come out of the COVID world.  Absolutely.  


I'm actually thinking we may see a situation where studios will own cinemas themselves and remove the middle man so to speak.  I know many of you have been against this, but i'm beginning to doubt the current cinema chains will die out in some form (maybe someone will survive but i beginning to think something will give) As for the independants - it will be a mixed bag for the current survivors, however i do feel like they will continue to be around as long as there is product to sell.


Cinemas are not dead, maybe the business model is however, but will go through a few changes.  Will be interesting what Disney, Paramount, Universal and Lionsgate, do in the face of this move by AT&T - do they follow in a similar pattern or chase something different (ALA Universal).


Interesting times ahead but i'm still a believer once we have a Vaccine there is a business there for theatres.  

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3 hours ago, JJ-8 said:

I'm actually thinking we may see a situation where studios will own cinemas themselves and remove the middle man so to speak. 

At this moment i feel like this the likely thing to happen and i also agree that the business model will change. i definitely feel like the theater going experience will be more of a niche thing which is sad.


What are the odds that this move by the studios actually make the theater chains try to improve the theater experience? there has already been grumbling for awhile about poor screen quality and poor experience at theaters etc. and I myself am usually willing to pay the extra money for a ticket to IMAX or other premium formats.


I don't think theaters will ever completely go away because studios are going to want their hand in every possible pie, but at this point its hard not to say that theaters will be much more than a novelty at some point in the future. 

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This solidifies my position. I still believe theatres will continue to exist but more niche. 

just finished watched the video below which nails it. In their current firm /business model movie theatres are dead. They will survive but I do think the big chains are in real trouble now. Worth a watch ...




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Certainly for me, as long as I can see something in theatres I will. Because honestly, I’ve said this before, but it’s often the only way I can sit through a movie all the way through. It helps me not to be able pause and fuck around a bit and jump on my phone halfway through and distract myself or something. And I know I’m not fully normal like this, my parents just watch movie after movie and show after show, and I know other people can just binge stuff like that. But not me. So it might well be the case that I start to see significantly less movies overall.


There’s also been talk in other threads how the potential new model we’re moving towards will see the business case for $200m movies go out the window, might cause those kinds of movies to instead be turned into series instead. And those certainly I know I’m never going to watch. The Mandalorian: The Movie released theatrically I would’ve gone to see, but The Mandalorian the show on Disney+ I have no interest in. 


My other problem is that I’m so gosh darn nostalgic. Every time I go see a movie in the theatre, it’s a full on nostalgia trip. Movie popcorn and movie coke is overpriced sure, but it ain’t the same as at home. It takes me back to the vague good past. And I’m going to seriously miss it if it really does go away forever.


So I’m gonna get whatever fill I can for as long as I can, before I’m totally cut off from modern pop culture. 

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38 minutes ago, lab276 said:

Certainly for me, as long as I can see something in theatres I will. Because honestly, I’ve said this before, but it’s often the only way I can sit through a movie all the way through. It helps me not to be able pause and fuck around a bit and jump on my phone halfway through and distract myself or something. And I know I’m not fully normal like this, my parents just watch movie after movie and show after show, and I know other people can just binge stuff like that. But not me. So it might well be the case that I start to see significantly less movies overall.


There’s also been talk in other threads how the potential new model we’re moving towards will see the business case for $200m movies go out the window, might cause those kinds of movies to instead be turned into series instead. And those certainly I know I’m never going to watch. The Mandalorian: The Movie released theatrically I would’ve gone to see, but The Mandalorian the show on Disney+ I have no interest in. 


My other problem is that I’m so gosh darn nostalgic. Every time I go see a movie in the theatre, it’s a full on nostalgia trip. Movie popcorn and movie coke is overpriced sure, but it ain’t the same as at home. It takes me back to the vague good past. And I’m going to seriously miss it if it really does go away forever.


So I’m gonna get whatever fill I can for as long as I can, before I’m totally cut off from modern pop culture. 


There's also kind of a social aspect to it as well. It's always fun to go to a movie with friends or a date and then the movie becomes a point of conversation for whatever you decide to do after. Obviously people still talk about TV shows and movies they've recently streamed but... it just isn't the same. 


Who knows, maybe I'll get into going to the actual theatre (like plays) lol

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I remember studying when people thought HBO and other premium channels was going to kill movie theaters. Then when home media market came it was going to kill theaters. Then Netflix was supposed to kill movie theaters.


I think people forget that the people who liked going to the movie theater and can afford it will still go to the movie theater because most of those people don't have a 50 feet screen in their home. 


Movie theaters might need to change but they were going to change anyways. There was no way around it: life is about change and adjusting to that change. But not everybody is going to pick to watch blockbusters on streaming services. At least not every blockbuster.  But take this: IMAX and premium formats are more expensive than a normal theater screening. And given a choice between the two, plenty of people STILL picked to pay more for the premium formats.


Yes movie theaters are losing that exclusive window but that window has been and was going to close anyways. Movie theaters just can't delay it anymore with big movies. But they still have something streaming can't offer: the full theatrical experience. And it's THAT experience that people will pay for despite HBO, despite the home media market at it's heyday, despite Netflix, and despite now big movies being released on streaming at the same time as movie theaters.


Because I'd, and I wager I'm not alone, much rather watch once COVID is over movies like Wonder Woman and Mulan the first time on the big screen. 

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2 hours ago, Water Bottle said:

I remember studying when people thought HBO and other premium channels was going to kill movie theaters. Then when home media market came it was going to kill theaters. Then Netflix was supposed to kill movie theaters.


I think people forget that the people who liked going to the movie theater and can afford it will still go to the movie theater because most of those people don't have a 50 inch screen in their home. 


Movie theaters might need to change but they were going to change anyways. There was no way around it: life is about change and adjusting to that change. But not everybody is going to pick to watch blockbusters on streaming services. At least not every blockbuster.  But take this: IMAX and premium formats are more expensive than a normal theater screening. And given a choice between the two, plenty of people STILL picked to pay more for the premium formats.


Yes movie theaters are losing that exclusive window but that window has been and was going to close anyways. Movie theaters just can't delay it anymore with big movies. But they still have something streaming can't offer: the full theatrical experience. And it's THAT experience that people will pay for despite HBO, despite the home media market at it's heyday, despite Netflix, and despite now big movies being released on streaming at the same time as movie theaters.


Because I'd, and I wager I'm not alone, much rather watch once COVID is over movies like Wonder Woman and Mulan the first time on the big screen. 

As I stated, a lot of people in this thread are rushing to judgement, and positng "THaters are Dead" crap without stoping to think.

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3 hours ago, Mango said:


There's also kind of a social aspect to it as well. It's always fun to go to a movie with friends or a date and then the movie becomes a point of conversation for whatever you decide to do after. Obviously people still talk about TV shows and movies they've recently streamed but... it just isn't the same. 


Who knows, maybe I'll get into going to the actual theatre (like plays) lol

Ever been to live theater? It has a feeling and a connection withe audience you don't get with movies, which is why it has survived.

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21 hours ago, hw64 said:

Look at you all, a big bunch of drama queens writing cinema's obituary prematurely. This thread will be embarrassing to look back at in a few years.

I 1000% agree. Huge rush to judgement here.

And, yes, a lot of it is typical internet hysteria.

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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

Ever been to live theater? It has a feeling and a connection withe audience you don't get with movies, which is why it has survived.


Location hasn't allowed me to! Not a ton of options but that will be changing once the world is managing the virus better. Certainly something I should try out one day. 


One positive to this could be the added challenge to really change up the set up of theaters I guess. Better projection, better seats, etc... the usual "premium" stuff. Do whatever you can to really make it an experience you can't get at home. Knock down some walls and make the screens large format... you don't really need 25 screens anyway.


One thing that someone should at least consider should be the revitalization of 70mm IMAX. Now THAT'S something you can't beat. 



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I really believe that current business model is dead for studios /theatres.  

it’s going take some pain but a new business model is coming which will hopefully keep cinemas in business in some form. I believe there is a place for cinemas in this structure but how that looks and how much pain those businesses go through I just don’t know. 

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Piracy is gonna explode next year. All my friends and even I watched Mulan on the September 4-6 weekend. Guess when the movie came out here on Disney+? December 4. The same will happen with WW84. 

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