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Eric Quinn

House of the Dragon | GOT Spin-off | Season 2 June 2024

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Viserys was so tragic. he wanted sons but even when got them, Raenyra remained his favorite child. So much so that he really wanted to honor his comittment to making her his heir and believed she was the one. But was so delirious, he revealed that to Alicent thinking she was Raenyra. And Alicent heard what she wanted to hear (that he was speaking of Aegon). Dammit. What a way to start a successon war. 


Finale synopsis leaked so careful out there. It's going to be talked about. 

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5 hours ago, James said:

Also, Milly did a better job than Emma. They should have just condensed the timeline and kept her as an Rhaenyra.


As good as Milly was this would have been a horrible decision. The story relies on characters that, per your idea, would be children still, and could not do the things that they do.

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Obviously Paddy was incredible, and there's little I can add to what has already been said.


But I give props to Alicent for the humane way she treated the maiden who got raped by her son. Although she did slightly threaten her, she nevertheless showed empathy.


Most in her position would have had that woman imprisoned or killed.

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10 hours ago, Noctis said:

Obviously Paddy was incredible, and there's little I can add to what has already been said.


But I give props to Alicent for the humane way she treated the maiden who got raped by her son. Although she did slightly threaten her, she nevertheless showed empathy.


Most in her position would have had that woman imprisoned or killed.


To be fair, she treated her humanely only because the show doesn't want backlash from fans who view everything through modern era lenses. She showed no empathy for Rhaenyra when she commanded her to show her her newborn son seconds after giving birth, before she could even expel afterbirth. So that she could inspect the baby's hair as a proof of adultery.  So that she would actually care for some servant girl whose task was pretty to please the lord of the house is total pandering BS. Same goes for Laenor's death being faked so that he and his lover could live HEA. Not because it makes any sense to hurt your parents who just lost a daughter, or to be suspect in murder since you remarried right after, but because they didn't want backlash over tretament of gay characters (Criston bashing Joffrey's head at the wedding - for gossip not his sexual orientation - immediately created twitter shitstorm which I think they knew would happen so they made some concessions down the line). 


Nevertheless, Olivia Cooke is one of MVPs. 

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Having now rewatched Episode 8 3 times, i can say without any feeling of shame that



Viserys's throne room entrance


is for me the first scene since Boromirs Death in Fellowship of the Ring that continues to make me cry every time i see it. For the fully realized storyline of this character alone im so glad this show was made. I do think this scene will go down as one of the finest hours of fantasy/drama television even though the episode is barely a week old.

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30 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

:bravo: it also works cause



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Daemon is the unsung hero. feels really kick in when he picks up the crown and helps him up. cause their relationship made a full circle.



It hit home to me 


Reminds me of my father and his brothers.

They have so much history and problems that you could make a whole tv show out of it (lol) but they are there for each other in the end. 

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2 minutes ago, Torontofan said:


It hit home to me 


Reminds me of my father and his brothers.

They have so much history and problems that you could make a whole tv show out of it (lol) but they are there for each other in the end. 


Hear hear! the show succeeds and resonates cause characters act like actual human beings. Everyone can see themselves or people they know in those relationships.

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So, a few thoughts.



First, I was sure that they were going to get to a certain point in this episode, so I was surprised they actually had the scope of this episode be very narrow and confined to King's Landing over the course of about 36 hours. Some of the stuff felt a little bit like filler so they could fill out an hour's worth of content as a result.


I liked how they stayed true to Aegon being initially reluctant to get involved in his family's scheming, but the actor did a very good job of selling his realization at the coronation that "Oh wow, these people cheering me, it's fucking awesome, yes I want this. I want all of this." When the chips were down, his narcissism took over his lack of ambition.


What I did not like was them having the coronation at the Dragonpit and Rhaenys busting out and not immolating everyone on the spot. They can try to justify it however they like behind the scenes, but at the end of the day it converts a cool moment for her into a hindsight moment where she could have resolved the show then and there but didn't because the writers had to write a way out of it. They could still have given her a cool moment by having her and the Good Twin Kingsguard sneak to the Dragonpit upon seeing the city watch herding people elsewhere for the coronation, and do a bit of breaking and entering and dragon escaping as a result. She gets a cool escape and exit sequence without having to create a plot contrivance.


The less said about Quentin Larys Strong Tarantino the better.


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Good episode overall. The ending was sort of iffy , didn't understand rhaenys choice and part of it felt style over substance.


Was a slow character driven episode that worked pretty well until the end .


Alot of generic shows would have tried to escalate the plot way too fast and jumbled up shit.


Last two episodes to me will probably be calm before the storm with both sides setting themselves up for the war





This episode was clearly focused on the greens and next episode will probably heavily be focused on the blacks.


So clearly understand why the plot was confined this episode.



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Agreed, Rhaenys only having the dragon yell into King, Queen Mother's, etc faces achieved nothing. It's going to rile them up. A useless stunt on her part. 


LOl Criston crushing that defiant Green's skull. You can't have HoTD meeting without beheading, skull crishing, neck breaking, etc. :lol:


Aegon going from I want to disappear, you be King to hey I like this, bring it on, was great. War is coming. 


Slower episode as a build up for the finale. Intersting choice to have it only from Greens POV. 


Criston and Alicent are shippy af. 




this isn't the Rings of Power thread



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The end scene was extremely awesome until you realize what actually happens and then it becomes pretty dumb from a logical point of view and in terms of hindsight/how the story will progress, though you can make the argument that



Rhaenys didnt want to kill Alicent and her children because shes a mother as well and knows the feeling of loosing her children/having your family destroyed. Mind you, this still doesnt make it more logical, but since this is Rhaenys and prior episodes have established her struggle with deciding who's side she should join, it can be explained.


All of the episode before this last scene was very good imo. Its very slow-paced and dialogue-heavy but thats exactly what i want to see in a GoT property, so ... i wont complain, especially since the dialogue is just good and all the actions the characters take here make sense and have been well established. Theres one more scene that i found iffy:



Larys masturbating and seemingly having a Tarantino-like foot fetish. I get what they want to show here, its meant to further emphasize the kind of "relationship" he and Alicent have and that this sight is pretty much what hes getting as a reward for beeing loyal to her but its ... weird.


The use of music in this episode was also great. Overall, id say its more on par with Episodes 6 and 3 than the last 2, simply because that ending is a bit dumb, but i can forgive one such moment of the rest of the episodes (and season) remains this good.

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Oh one more thing about the ending that can explain Rhaenys actions when i think more about it:



Rhaenys spoke to Alicent about how she should ask herself if she wants to be controlled by Otto and the others or if she could proceed another path. Basically, weve seen throughout the show that Rhaenys doesnt want war, she just wants to protect her family and peace. So actually, her killing the Greens would go against her character and it can be argued that by NOT killing them, she wanted to send a signal to Alicent that War with Dragons isnt an option that would leave them alive and they should make peace with Rhaenyra instead.


Seeing it this way - and i do think this is how the showrunners see this scene - it does make sense.

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