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charlie Jatinder

Christmas-New Year Weekdays Thread || Avatar $20.1M THU - Top 10 DOM or Bust!

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15 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I think 60m is giving it some pretty crappy weekend holds… not saying it won’t since these weekdays have been great, but we can hardly rule out something more like $65m. At that point we’re right in the ballpark of A1s 3rd weekend with a $90m lead or so. Failing to see how 700+ would be outlandish at that point with literally one of the worst January’s of this century for competition…


Well i hope it makes over 60M 3 day. that would be great. Not sure its a lock though. 65 seems tough but I guess possible. I still think 700 is below a 10% chance and thats what I mean by not realistic. Possible but very unlikely. But not 1 in a million.

Edited by Ronin46
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2 minutes ago, Dale Cooper said:

As for the possibility for A3 to outperform A2, I highly doubt that. It would need China to step up big for that to happen. Sequels to huge movies that comes out a few years after the last tend to go down quite a bit. I see absolutely no reason for this to not do so (unless of course, exchange rates gets back to A1 level). After all, Avatar is no LOTR.

I agree with this fully

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I think Avatar 3 will be kind of The Last Jedi to Avatar 2 (TFA) in a box office sense ofc. The novelty of beeing the sequel to Avatar is now gone and Avatar 3 will be "just the next journey to Pandora", which means ofc still HUGE numbers, but anything other than a decline from Avatar 2 would shock me.

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I don't see Avatar 3 increasing anywhere besides China. By 2024, hopefully, China will be recovered from COVID fully and back open which will let it show its full box office power. Everywhere else though I think you'll be seeing declines.

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4 minutes ago, Dale Cooper said:

As for the possibility for A3 to outperform A2, I highly doubt that. It would need China to step up big for that to happen. Sequels to huge movies that comes out a few years after the last tend to go down quite a bit. I see absolutely no reason for this to not do so (unless of course, exchange rates gets back to A1 level). After all, Avatar is no LOTR.

Well i was only being half serious with the '3bil locked' for A3. But sequels dont always drop from the previous films, they do more oftne than not, but not always, and there are realictic things holding back A2, things that dont effect most films.

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2 minutes ago, stuart360 said:

Well i was only being half serious with the '3bil locked' for A3. But sequels dont always drop from the previous films, they do more oftne than not, but not always, and there are realictic things holding back A2, things that dont effect most films.

True, not all films do, but almost all sequels to huge films does (at least, almost all films released a couple of years after). It's very unlikely this will not (I can barely think of a single sequel that has done so). Of course, if China comes good and does 800m instead of 200m, it could increase a bit.

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15 minutes ago, BuzhuWarrior said:

I'm not a major Cameron Stan (although I certainly respect him). I'm a Star Wars geek and have been for about forty years now.

That said, it genuinely feels to me (anecdotally) that the response to A2 amongst people I know is roughly the same as it was to the first Avatar. Quite a lot of people seem to being an approximately similar response in terms of enjoyment (and potential rewatchability). A few like it a bit less, and a few like it a bit more.

The truly odd thing about it, is that I really can't remember a film where so many people I know were looking forward to it (if not necessarily highly excited about it) and definitely planning to see it, but really *weren't* in any particular hurry as to when. This may be partly due to it being Christmas, and partly due to the pandemic, but I also think it's because the first Avatar at this point occupies a fairly strange space in the public consciousness.

Despite being the sequel to the most successful movie of all time, this really doesn't feel like the typical sequel response at all. It feels as though the general public had become collectively fairly neutral to the franchise over the past 13 years or so. With all the positivity that comes from the first one being such a juggernaut on one side, off set by the years of criticism and apathy on the other, and the majority of the public sort of ambivalent and waiting to see what the response to the film would be.

All of which has contributed to this being one of the most difficult box office runs to predict prior to release, and even to extrapolate from as the numbers have come in.


I think Avatar is closer to an old fashioned epic like Titanic than it is to something like Star Wars or superhero movies. Something Hollywood doesn't really do anymore, so it behaves in a way people aren't used to

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39 minutes ago, Bruce said:

Nobody think he is best director

But this is box office forum,and he is king of box office

James Cameron is the best director in the world, and it's not even close. T1, T2 and Aliens are awesome. He has two of the top 3 movies ever in box office. 

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1 minute ago, Dale Cooper said:

True, not all films do, but almost all sequels to huge films does (at least, almost all films released a couple of years after). It's very unlikely this will not (I can barely think of a single sequel that has done so). Of course, if China comes good and does 800m instead of 200m, it could increase a bit.

Well thats mainly what i was getting at, and have said the same a few times on here.

I also am one of the poeple that believes cinema going will get better as the years go on past the pandemic, and A3 will be a further 2 years past it.

And of course exchange rate changes happen, but its especially bad now, and will probably be better in 2 years.


So yeah A3 could well drop admissions, but those factors could mean A3 grossing more than A2.

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53 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

still no one talks about rewatchability, Jim's not so secret secret power and the reason the first Avatar is the best selling blu-ray of all time.


More like timing.  Just like it popularized 3D in theaters, Avatar BD was released when 3D tvs suddenly became all the rage and people wanted to see if they could duplicate the experience at home. 

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32 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Under 10k posts means that youre a mid-budget-level poster and as one, youre only logical place now is on day and date-streaming! People are sick of reading posts of people who have less than 10k posts in this forum, so reading those posts on a streaming plattform is the only solution! Premium large formats are the future of box office posts, coupled with the day and date-streaming so that people get to choose. Ah, streaming and especially day and date-streaming is here to STAY.




24 minutes ago, Reddroast said:

@XXR M37's Club Is Deadis the best mod on the site.


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45 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

@XXR M37's Club Is Dead that is a harsh name. Consider @M37's feelings. As a Mod, shoundt you be a good example to us all in a moral sense?

I mean, that this point both @XXR M37's Club Is Dead and @M37 are going for the BOFFY Bear Comedy Bit Win. So, 💁‍♂️



43 minutes ago, Mulder said:

All I'll say is that if you think people really genuinely give that much of a shit that there's some mass conspiracy on here to go after Avatar fans and not just that you, Jimbo, Sheldon/Kal etc are annoying and some of the most frequently unkind, holier then thou, and rude people on here making people not want to root for you guys idk what to say lol.

Whoa Whoa,




I don’t think we need to go this far. Let’s pull back just a little bit.

31 minutes ago, Reddroast said:

@XXR M37's Club Is Deadis the best mod on the site.


I’m gonna assume that’s because I’m an Admin

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45 minutes ago, Mulder said:

All I'll say is that if you think people really genuinely give that much of a shit that there's some mass conspiracy on here to go after Avatar fans and not just that you, Jimbo, Sheldon/Kal etc are annoying and some of the most frequently unkind, holier then thou, and rude people on here making people not want to root for you guys idk what to say lol.

Jennifer Lopez Yes GIF by mtv

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