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Issac Newton

Weekend Thread | Transformers $25.6M FRI

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2 minutes ago, Mulder said:

220 is with The Batman level of WOM which is...unlikely. I won't get into the budget debate with you again but if you think the budget is only 190 million, then I have a bridge to sell you.

the Batman had a higher starting point (OW) so the legs couldn't be as good, and it was a 3 hour neo-noir detective movie. On top of that Flash has Summer weekdays, so I could see it having better legs.


Flash having a 190m budget makes sense to me. It had a long pre-production and post-production but that doesn't drive up budget much. Actual production was not that long, and that's the most expensive part. Since it wasn't long, the budget could be not that high.


Take Fast X, which had a short pre-production and post-production, but actual production was much longer than expected due to the director quitting, causing it to have a 340m budget because it was longer than expected.

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1 minute ago, Mulder said:

Also the source for that '190 million' budget?



An offhand remark from Variety that was more being general. Everything else is saying 200-220.

It's 190M budget. I mean, show me a different TRADE saying it and not Twitter accounts 

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Just now, Bob Train said:

the Batman had a higher starting point (OW) so the legs couldn't be as good, and it was a 3 hour neo-noir detective movie. On top of that Flash has Summer weekdays, so I could see it having better legs.


Flash having a 190m budget makes sense to me. It had a long pre-production and post-production but that doesn't drive up budget much. Actual production was not that long, and that's the most expensive part. Since it wasn't long, the budget could be not that high.


Take Fast X, which had a short pre-production and post-production, but actual production was much longer than expected due to the director quitting, causing it to have a 340m budget because it was longer than expected.

The source which said 190 million was just a Variety article talking in an off-handed way. Everything else is saying 200-220. 

https://variety.com/2023/film/news/the-flash-release-ezra-miller-premiere-secret-ending-sequel-1235632040/ This is the 190 source, and it's not speaking authoritatively. Flash's reviews are lower then The Batman and while reviews=/=WOM it's not a good sign to start with and there's nothing pointing to Flash having a 3x multi when that's insanely rare for superhero movies in general, not just DC films. The Batman had a crazy good multiplier that was more cut off by an early HBO Max release. The Flash also did have extensive reshoots several times that have been widely reported.

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Just now, Mulder said:

The source which said 190 million was just a Variety article talking in an off-handed way. Everything else is saying 200-220. 

https://variety.com/2023/film/news/the-flash-release-ezra-miller-premiere-secret-ending-sequel-1235632040/ This is the 190 source, and it's not speaking authoritatively. Flash's reviews are lower then The Batman and while reviews=/=WOM it's not a good sign to start with and there's nothing pointing to Flash having a 3x multi when that's insanely rare for superhero movies in general, not just DC films. The Batman had a crazy good multiplier that was more cut off by an early HBO Max release. The Flash also did have extensive reshoots several times that have been widely reported. 


And which are these authoritative sources saying much higher. 


I'm asking for authoritative ones, not random tweets 

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1 minute ago, grim22 said:

It's 190M budget. I mean, show me a different TRADE saying it and not Twitter accounts 

https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/paul-austerberry-the-flash-movie-1.6826721 The production designer said they had a 220 million budget. I'd trust him over a random Variety article not even saying it in an authoritative way.

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2 minutes ago, Mulder said:

https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/paul-austerberry-the-flash-movie-1.6826721 The production designer said they had a 220 million budget. I'd trust him over a random Variety article not even saying it in an authoritative way.

And is that before rebates of filming in the UK? Because tax rebates of 30M makes sense on that budget from the UK government.


Also, the production designer never states the budget there, it's by the magazine.


I know people want it to flop badly but this is just reaching.

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Just now, grim22 said:

And is that before rebates of filming in the UK? Because tax rebates of 30M makes sense on that budget from the UK government.


I know people want it to flop badly but this is just reaching.

Dude how is it reaching? You asked for an authoritative source, I gave you one. You're now trying to find fault in the production designer's statements by bringing up 'tax rebates' which could be done for everything. Variety is the only source for 190, and again wasn't speaking authoritatively but in a rather general way about Ezra.

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1 minute ago, Mulder said:

Dude how is it reaching? You asked for an authoritative source, I gave you one. You're now trying to find fault in the production designer's statements by bringing up 'tax rebates' which could be done for everything. Variety is the only source for 190, and again wasn't speaking authoritatively but in a rather general way about Ezra.


Question - in that article, please link to the quote of the production designer saying 220 M budget.


Please, I'm asking of you. Is there the direct quote in there.


That's reaching pretty much, the guy never says 220M, it's the article writer. Who doesn't mention it authoritatively, just a throwaway line.

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Just now, grim22 said:


Question - in that article, please link to the quote of the production designer saying 220 M budget.


Please, I'm asking of you. Is there the direct quote in there.


That's reaching pretty much, the guy never says 220M, it's the article writer.

And the production designer's reps would just let a false number slip through? That's how articles are always written, rarely is it direct quotes. Variety's not quoting WB either in that 190 article. We're at an impasse here. Also, Deadline said the budget was 200 million back in 2022-


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Just now, Mulder said:

And the production designer's reps would just let a false number slip through? That's how articles are always written, rarely is it direct quotes. Variety's not quoting WB either in that 190 article. We're at an impasse here. Also, Deadline said the budget was 200 million back in 2022-



Did the production designer say it was 220M?


Simple question - yes or no. Not asking for an essay trying to justify your high number, did he say it? If no, then I'm going with the trade.


So - did he say it?

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4 hours ago, CJohn said:

Lmao you fool. Original movies in general are dead. Not just animation.

I´m eager to see what Hollywood will do when people get completely exhausted from the same IP´s, remakes, rebrands, revivals etc


It´s so painfully obvious a healthy industry should be creating new stories [and potentially new IP´s] and actually putting effort in making them relevant and interesting to be worthy in a theater, that´s the only way for this industry to keep it´s relevancy.


There´s just too many directors and artists actively saying this and still executives blindely ignores everyone and keeps completely happy redoing things that doesn´t need much effort to convince people to pay for the same old thing rebranded, let´s see they´re freaking out when the trick stop working.

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Transformers ROTB was just okay. Mediocre really.


People can heap praise on it and bumblebee and bash Bay all they want, but the action sequences by Bay are just on another planet than these other 2 films.


The first Transformers is from 2007 and I recently rewatched and it still has better CG and set pieces than this.


End of the day these are movies about alien robots smashing into eachother to sell toys. The spectacle is the only selling point. Not the human drama.


They need another action director to take over.

Edited by Dominic Draper
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