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Fri: SW 20.3m; MIB 8.3m; TA 5.65m/Sat DHD: SW 21.5m; MIB 12m; TA 9m

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To be fair thats what i like about Baumer, he doesn't really have fanboyism tendancies, he doesn't play along with whatever is 'cool', if he likes a film then he says it no matter how uncool it seems (Twilight) and no matter what film it is, likewise he won't just like a film because everyone else does.

That's fair and admirable, but there comes a point when you must ask what metrics of film quality can possibly lead someone to respect Twilight as a better film than, say, the HP movies. Twilight is one of the few films I have ever seen with very close to no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and I'm not saying that out of some macho bias despite baumer's theories on why most rational thinking people hate the series..
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Yeah, I'd wait awhile, the food isn't a big deal, but running with a couple brews in you doesn't sound like a good idea. How's your running going BTW?

Really awesome. I logged an 8.5 mile run last week. My goal was to be half-marathon ready by October but at this pace it should happen in the summer sometime. I only just crossed the 5 mile barrier in March or April so the gains are coming at a much quicker rater than they had been up until that point.
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My problem with baumer's film criticism (and no, it's not a "problem", I'm not losing any sleep over it), is that there seems to be contradictions. He takes the shenanigans in Twilight and Transformers etc at face value but then in movies he doesn't like, such as The Hunger Games or Snow White, he questions every little detail and "how is that possible? why did that happen?", when these movies are clearly fantasies and aren't rooted in logical reasoning to begin with. The complaints about Snow White had to do with why were the animals helping her, and why does she wake up from the witch's spell.... these are all canon Snow White legend. Do they really need an Inception-style exposition?I can understand other questions, for example some things I was wondering was what could Snow White possibly understand about war strategy, politics of the kingdom, how does she know how to swim or ride a horse, when she's been locked in a dungeon for basically her whole adolescence? Those seem like more reasonable plot holes to question to me but hey..

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I think you're giving way too much credit to the jump films get from 1-2 if the first is good. What Shrek 2 did was astonishing, and I can't just say what it did was expected given how the first one was received. When an animated film sells in the neighborhood of 75m tickets and no other animated movie since The Lion King has even sold 60m, then that tells me that Shrek 2 had something to it that isn't easily explained.

Ok, fair enough and good point.
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My problem with baumer's film criticism (and no, it's not a "problem", I'm not losing any sleep over it), is that there seems to be contradictions. He takes the shenanigans in Twilight and Transformers etc at face value but then in movies he doesn't like, such as The Hunger Games or Snow White, he questions every little detail and "how is that possible? why did that happen?", when these movies are clearly fantasies and aren't rooted in logical reasoning to begin with. The complaints about Snow White had to do with why were the animals helping her, and why does she wake up from the witch's spell.... these are all canon Snow White legend. Do they really need an Inception-style exposition?I can understand other questions, for example some things I was wondering was what could Snow White possibly understand about war strategy, politics of the kingdom, how does she know how to swim or ride a horse, when she's been locked in a dungeon for basically her whole adolescence? Those seem like more reasonable plot holes to question to me but hey..

Snow White is a fairy tale, told to kids. This is a movie. I'd like a little more explanation. And the problem with a film is that when you begin questioning something, or something bothers you, then it's tough to get the enjoyment back. It's the one thing about this place and mojo (which are mostly the same members) that bugs me. Why do you question my taste in film? Why must I convince you guys that I don't like something. It's like I need to justify why a film doesn't or does appeal to me. I know what I like. And I don't think I need to justify it to the members of this or any other site. If i can tell you in detail the things that bother me or that I like about a film, for some of you that's not enough. Why? Why is it not enough? What you call shenanigans, I call good story telling in Twilight. What you call story arc in Snow White, I call bullshit. Saying I should be familiar with the Snow White story and that's why i should enjoy this is like saying that I should have read all the Potter books so that I can understand it better. A film should stand alone, and it shouldn't require that someone reads the source material first.
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Really awesome. I logged an 8.5 mile run last week. My goal was to be half-marathon ready by October but at this pace it should happen in the summer sometime. I only just crossed the 5 mile barrier in March or April so the gains are coming at a much quicker rater than they had been up until that point.

Very nice. I ran a half marathon my junior year. It is definitely one of those things that takes a lot of base building so you're on the right track. Just up your mileage and before your half marathon make sure include some long runs in your weekly splits. You need to know what a 13 mile run feels like before doing it in a race. :)
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Snow White is a fairy tale, told to kids. This is a movie. I'd like a little more explanation. And the problem with a film is that when you begin questioning something, or something bothers you, then it's tough to get the enjoyment back. It's the one thing about this place and mojo (which are mostly the same members) that bugs me. Why do you question my taste in film? Why must I convince you guys that I don't like something. It's like I need to justify why a film doesn't or does appeal to me. I know what I like. And I don't think I need to justify it to the members of this or any other site. If i can tell you in detail the things that bother me or that I like about a film, for some of you that's not enough. Why? Why is it not enough? What you call shenanigans, I call good story telling in Twilight. What you call story arc in Snow White, I call bullshit. Saying I should be familiar with the Snow White story and that's why i should enjoy this is like saying that I should have read all the Potter books so that I can understand it better. A film should stand alone, and it shouldn't require that someone reads the source material first.

Have you been in the Prometheus thread lately?, there are some real conspiracy theories going on in there as to why myself and others were dissapointed with the film even though it was my most wanted film for the past couple of years. :rolleyes:
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It's the one thing about this place and mojo (which are mostly the same members) that bugs me. Why do you question my taste in film? Why must I convince you guys that I don't like something.

Dude, that's what happens when you're a celebrity around here. Your opinions become highly regarded/prolific, just be happy people are actually reading. :)I really don't mind, I would debate another person about another film I like too, it's not always you. You just set me off on a tangent on this particular film. I never told you you shouldn't like Twi/TRF, I think it's great that you do and I also thought it was pathetic the way people attacked you because of Twilight back at BOM.
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Very nice. I ran a half marathon my junior year. It is definitely one of those things that takes a lot of base building so you're on the right track. Just up your mileage and before your half marathon make sure include some long runs in your weekly splits. You need to know what a 13 mile run feels like before doing it in a race. :)

Nice, yeah I definitely will try to do it the right way. And I officially decided on the "not" for today. Too drowsy, too much crap in my stomach, I'll get a lot of rest tonight and crush it during tomorrow's rain. :)
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  • Founder / Operator

Haven't been following the conversation much, but, I'm in baumer's general camp on Snow White (we've been discussing it off the forums today). Happy for the guy that made a boat load of cash selling the script to Universal after Alice was a success (he's like 30 years old and fresh out of film school), but the final product was a real mess.Theron did as much as any actress possibly could with her role, but the logic of the plot falls flat on its face several times.

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Haven't been following the conversation much, but, I'm in baumer's general camp on Snow White (we've been discussing it off the forums today). Happy for the guy that made a boat load of cash selling the script to Universal after Alice was a success (he's like 30 years old and fresh out of film school), but the final product was a real mess.Theron did as much as any actress possibly could with her role, but the logic of the plot falls flat on its face several times.

I seriously think that after I enter in a theater room, I turn my brain off. What fails so badly in the plot of Snow White? And I know that after you say it to me, I will agree, but right now I am thinking on the movie and nothing seems wrong in the plot.
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Even turning your brain off and flowing with it doesn't help. The movie is utterly boring whenever Theron isn't there.

But sometimes I really miss some huge fails in the plot of a movie. That is why I asked :lol:Theron was the best in the movie, but I also liked Chris (I really didn't care about the accent to be honest).
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  • Founder / Operator

I seriously think that after I enter in a theater room, I turn my brain off. What fails so badly in the plot of Snow White? And I know that after you say it to me, I will agree, but right now I am thinking on the movie and nothing seems wrong in the plot.

Well, you might not. :lol:Just off the top of my head: Ravenna stays in the castle the whole film before randomly deciding to try and kill Snow near the end ... why wait?; the white horse that led Snow White out (pure luck, no substance was given to this at all even for a fantasy movie); the love story was built up and never went anywhere ... just a few things.I could have forgiven at least one or two of those things with a better script, but it wasn't any fun at all and could have been trimmed by at least 20 minutes. The forest scenes were at once the best part and also the most unnecessary. The entire idea of her fate was really poorly explained, IMO. Most of the movie was just outright dull and a bore to sit through. Hemsworth and the Dwarves were entertaining for a bit, but ultimately wasted.And let's not even talk about how blatantly they ripped off LOTR in several scenes (be it visually or in dialogue). :lol:There are definitely worse movies out there, but, this was only a notch or two above Battleship for me. Edited by ShawnMR
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Haven't been following the conversation much, but, I'm in baumer's general camp on Snow White (we've been discussing it off the forums today). Happy for the guy that made a boat load of cash selling the script to Universal after Alice was a success (he's like 30 years old and fresh out of film school), but the final product was a real mess.Theron did as much as any actress possibly could with her role, but the logic of the plot falls flat on its face several times.

Shawn, don't post this here or Universal will sue you. :P
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Well, you might not. :lol:

Just off the top of my head: Ravenna stays in the castle the whole film before randomly deciding to try and kill Snow near the end ... why wait?; the white horse that led Snow White out (pure luck, no substance was given to this at all even for a fantasy movie); the love story was built up and never went anywhere ... just a few things.

I could have forgiven at least one or two of those things with a better script, but it wasn't any fun at all and could have been trimmed by at least 20 minutes. The forest scenes were at once the best part and also the most unnecessary. The entire idea of her fate was really poorly explained, IMO. Most of the movie was just outright dull and a bore to sit through. Hemsworth and the Dwarves were entertaining for a bit, but ultimately wasted.And let's not even talk about how blatantly they ripped off LOTR in several scenes (be it visually or in dialogue). :lol:There are definitely worse movies out there, but, this was only a notch or two above Battleship for me.

All true. And I agree with almost them all.

The horse thing was really the only thing that made me went WTF since it was so random...Why didn't Ravenna tried to kill Snow White earlier by leaving the castle is also a good question, even if is magic can't be used in the dark florest, but that isn't an excuse because they leave the dark florest long before Ravenna tries to kill her.The love story didn't bother me. I noticed that didn't went nowhere, but I just thought of sequel.There were poorly explained things like the fate or the nature being so kindly to her (white horse anyone?), but they seem to think everyone saw the animated version that explains all that. I didn't. Yes, shocking, I know.

Sorry for some bad english.

Edited by CJohn
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Cjohn, you don't ever have to apologize for using a verb in the wrong tense, or something trivial like that. The day we come into a Portuguese thread and mess up our verb tenses is the day you should worry about your English here. I like reading your posts as you are knowledgeable, articulate and humourous at times. I never pay attention to your misspelled words or any minor incorrectly worded sentences. Those who make you feel subconscious of your words are not worth worrying about.:)

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Cjohn, you don't ever have to apologize for using a verb in the wrong tense, or something trivial like that. The day we come into a Portuguese thread and mess up our verb tenses is the day you should worry about your English here. I like reading your posts as you are knowledgeable, articulate and humourous at times. I never pay attention to your misspelled words or any minor incorrectly worded sentences. Those who make you feel subconscious of your words are not worth worrying about. :)

Thanks Baumer. :)
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