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Big Hero 6 | November 7, 2014 | Now available on home video

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 Hey calm down there Mojoguy! That was just a joke, though admittedly a cheap one indeed  :P, and didn't really mean anything. To be honest if the pepper guy did not like the movie then maybe he indeed is among the only 100% who didn't like it and thought it was super overrated. I liked it, I definitely did, infact I think almost everybody did. It was a good movie afterall! I just think that it was terribly overrated. Anyways it was a joke as I said, I am not a Frozen(h)ator, I liked it and enjoyed it. (BTW what did spidey freak mean by bait? do people here like to and usually do bait each other into saying bad things to each other? I am new so i do not really know).



Anyways you are right we guys should get back on topic. Somehow we guys seem to get back to Frozen after every few days. Its been almost a year! I think its high time we get over it.  -_-

Just to to clear things up, I'm a girl ;)

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SOme people online seem to think 

that the brother is the main villain

What do you guys think?


One of the fan theories circulating... lol. People are now expecting twists ever since Frozen's.

But I think Disney will refrain on doing it twice, but if you consider Wreck-it Ralph then thrice, in a row.

As per sayings, "You fooled me once, shame on you. You fooled me twice, shame on me." or "Once is enough, twice is too much" or somewhere along those lines.

Also, there are still 2 supporting characters that are not shown on any trailers yet. (just google them)

Also, Jennifer Lee is not involved in BH6, I considered her the mother of animated movies plot-twists.

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A real "feel good" trailer, and a quite an interesting theory about the villain definitely in the same vein as frozen in terms of plot twist (although I wish I hadn't read that now in case it turns out to be right). Among my most anticipated hits for 2015 (we get it next year :( )

Edited by Rsyu
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The Incredibles says hi.


The Incredibles, if I'm not mistaken, did not become a cultural phenomenon nor a game changer for that matter.


The potential game changer that Big Hero 6 will leave in today's Hollywood movies is the usage of multiracial main casts with the main character is not a pure White American but a mixed-race one. And take note, neither the black guy nor the asian one will die first!

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The Incredibles, if I'm not mistaken, did not become a cultural phenomenon nor a game changer for that matter.


The potential game changer that Big Hero 6 will leave in today's Hollywood movies is the usage of multiracial main casts with the main character is not a pure White American but a mixed-race one. And take note, neither the black guy nor the asian one will die first!

Seriously what does this matter?

Besides we haven't had a game changer in years.

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Seriously what does this matter?

Besides we haven't had a game changer in years.


Incredibles is the best. 


I was not ridiculing The Incredibles, calm down! I was replying to the previous thread by Spidey Freak and Infernus, take a look.


BH6 has lots of potential but if they live up to it and earn both critically and financially then great! But we have to wait and see, if they can "do in cinematic superhero animated movies like what Frozen did for Disney Princess movies" as quoted from Spidey Freak above.


And if worse comes to worst that BH6 wouldn't make any dent then it will turn into a forgettable movie.

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The Incredibles, if I'm not mistaken, did not become a cultural phenomenon nor a game changer for that matter.

The potential game changer that Big Hero 6 will leave in today's Hollywood movies is the usage of multiracial main casts with the main character is not a pure White American but a mixed-race one. And take note, neither the black guy nor the asian one will die first!

So you think this will be a bigger movie than The Incredibles? C'mon that was one of the of the best animated movie of all time!! Almost all critics consider this to be the best pixar movie aside from the toy story trilogy. That "was" a phenomenon, people still remember it as one of the greatest animated movies more than a decade after its release. Yeah maybe it was not a "cultural phenomenon" in the vein of 2001 or Titanic but do you think that there's even a minute chance that BH6 will be ? And since we are here comparing this to frozen - was it a culural phenomenon? No. It was a box office hit but still you'll find very few persons who'll consider it better than incredibles. And, adjusted for inflation, it wasn't far behind even in the box office field.

And as for your "game changer" thing. Even if it does encourage inter-racial casts (which will be a very good thing) how will that be of any help to animated superhero films? Here we are only talking about what effect it will have on "animated superhero" movies not movies as a whole. There has not yet been any movie that has done as much for animated superhero movies as The Incredibles and I doubt BH6 will come even close to matching it ( I calculate the chances to be below 7% ). And since we are comparing it here to what frozen was to the animated princess movie genre ( a 100 year old genre with a legion of movies far better and a lot more more influential than frozen), I think there is no doubt that Incredibles did more, much more, to the hitherto rarely explored (cinematic) animated superhero genre.

Edited by Infernus
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I have a strong feeling even Disney expected it to perform weaker than Tangled as it was more girlier and more musical-y.

Well, some at Disney might have seen Frozen as being more "girly" and many other people seem to assume the same, but when examining the movie there is hardly anything about it that I can identify as being such. The movie seems rather gender-neutral to me in virtually every way. It may have two female leads (so?), but for example when Elsa was strutting toward us during "Let It Go" I definitely was NOT thinking "This part is so girly that it doesn't appeal to me as a red-blooded male at all." ;)



I too really miss 2D hand drawn animation. There was an art form to it. It took me a long time to warm up to computer animation.

Well, these are all art forms, and while I do miss hand-drawn feature animation, what won me over was seeing Disney's style of character animation--of human characters in particular--realized so completely in CGI, starting with Tangled.



Fredzilla in a monster suit is so stupid. Why don't they have him transform into his monster form like the comics? Too scary for kids? :rolleyes:

It's not that it's too scary. I think that the filmmakers wanted the team to uniformly be ordinary humans (at least physically) who use science, engineering, and technology to solve problems and become more than who they were (much like Iron Man). This seems to be one of the major themes or subtexts, and having one team member actually transform into a giant kaiju would seem to undermine this. This is another difference between the movie and the comic...actually almost everything is different, obviously.



And I'm really liking the music on the BH6 website.  Hopefully its a sample of the soundtrack.

I hope so, too. Because of their similar chord progression, it reminds me of a piece from Kick-Ass, which composer Henry Jackman also worked on. I guess the Big Hero 6 team must have reminded Jackman of those other non-superpowered superheroes. :)



I think that Disney's version is far more appealing (whether or not she looks like Rapunzel, and in the movie itself, at least, she does not).



I doubt. Frozen had weak competition for months. BH6 will have PoM, Annie, Into The Woods, NATM3 among others as competition.But lol at that 47M opening. I highly doubt this will open lower than WiR.

Frozen went up against some heavy-hitters if we don't count just animation (actually opened in second place), and it outlasted them all. The relative lack of competition was not the primary reason this movie was so successful--to say this would be to ignore the pervasive, ubiquitous cultural phenomenon that surrounded and to some degree still surrounds this movie. Other animated features this year that have played against little or no direct competition haven't fared nearly as well at the box office, while last summer there was one animated hit that opened quite close to an animated mega-hit. The competition factor should not be ignored, but I think that its effects are often overstated.

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Since LEGO, pretty much every animated film has under performed at the box office, or at best, matched expectations.

True, but this could change at any time.


I still don't know why folks think this would out-perform Wreck-It Ralph by any wide margin.

Wreck-It Ralph followed Tangled and involves video games, while Big Hero 6 will follow Frozen and involves superheroes. The movies themselves matter, too, of course, but this and all else being equal, both Disney (WDAS) and Big Hero 6 are generally in a better position to succeed now.

Okay, that's TOTALLY Rapunzel. WTH Disney?! Everybody else though is awesome.

Hey, Rapunzel is pretty awesome! But I see what you mean. It seems that in promotional images Honey Lemon looks more like Rapunzel when in costume for some reason (perhaps it's an old CGI model), but in the movie itself she looks quite different from Rapunzel, even when in costume--we can see this much just from the trailers and clips that use actual footage from the movie. Don't worry about it--Honey really does not look like Rapunzel in the movie (I mean her face, and the rest of her looks very different, of course--Honey is far taller and slenderer).

This is kind of like the old version of Elsa that was leaked last year. Her CGI model was changed quite a bit for the movie, but strangely I still see the old leaked version around, even on some merchandise and promotional material. The same may be true of Honey, who will look a lot more like Rapunzel on occasion than she actually does in the movie.



Gogo, what a babe.

GoGo is very cute, and unfortunately overlooked, it seems. Interestingly, out of all of the Disney heroines/princesses, GoGo proportionately (relative to height) has the largest head, while Honey proportionately has the smallest head, and obviously they're both in the same movie.


Elsa, Anna and Rapunzel have excactly same bodies. Elsa just has the one sexy dress.

Their heights are all different, though, for one thing--Elsa is a couple of inches taller than Anna, while Anna seems to be a few inches taller than Rapunzel. Additionally, Rapunzel has different-looking hands (also different from her own mother's), different feet (small by human standards, but Anna's are even tinier, and Elsa's are maybe...similar--I don't know, but this much is obvious from memory), slightly different torso contour (although Elsa's and Anna's are practically identical to one another), and smaller breasts. In addition, Elsa has more tone and muscle definition in her arms than Anna, for some reason. Yes, they all have very similar bodies, but there are definitely some differences. Of course, this is not an issue in Big Hero 6, except perhaps that GoGo and Honey almost look like they belong in different movies. :)


SOme people online seem to think

that the brother is the main villain

What do you guys think?

Many people are suggesting this, but while anything is possible, I highly doubt it.


So you think this will be a bigger movie than The Incredibles? C'mon that was one of the of the best animated movie of all time!! Almost all critics consider this to be the best pixar movie aside from the toy story trilogy.

But The Incredibles is hardly the biggest Pixar movie by a long shot, and I for one think that while it is good it is highly overrated. Maybe the general audience likewise is not as enamored of it as critics and many Internet forum denizens are, and will like Big Hero 6 more. I'm not saying that this will happen, but it could, and for all we know maybe critics will like it more, too. The trailers and promotional clips so far have revealed very little.

Edited by Melvin Frohike
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