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19 minutes ago, fabiopazzo2 said:

Not bad

Tomorrow is D-Day (I don't know if screens will increase much) but most big MC movies started to ramp up PS at this point so let's see if CM will do the same 40k + would be good 50k + great. 

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14 hours ago, Charlie Jatinder said:

How is it doing in comparison with Black Panther and Homecoming. Those are better comps. Jurassic World is anomaly, why is it in comps.

We do not have daily presale comparisons for Panther and Homecoming. Jurassic World was fairly large in presales and adds a perspective from below. 


13 hours ago, Thanos Legion said:

I believe that AoU, CW, IW, and JW2 are simply the biggest Hollywood presale movies in recent history. CM got put on the same chart since it also started with big numbers.

This is correct. Also they're the only ones we have daily info on rather than spotty comparisons


2 hours ago, pepsa said:

It was 116.083 at midnight

Thanks as usual!


T-6 Days - Captain Marvel Presales:

The Captain finally hits 100k, with a ~16% increase. Nothing spectacular, but I imagine we need to wait for more screens to be added at this point. This should happen over the next 48 hours hopefully. 


Looking for 150k at least tomorrow, otherwise it will start to fall behind Civil War, showing signs that this isn't going to be as big as presales initially indicated.


Age of Ultron Civil War Infinity War Jurassic World 2 Captain Marvel
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D-13 0.40% 513 4.80% 3,001 --- --- 2.70% 4,085 --- ---
D-12 2.60% 4,286 13.20% 12,074 --- --- 5.60% 11,064 --- ---
D-11 10.70% 13,215 17.80% 26,612 34.70% 106,782 6.90% 19,430 7.50% 32,014
D-10 45.20% 25,412 28.70% 36,353 50.90% 151,194 11.70% 26,727 12.5% 46,652
D-09 52.60% 52,621 68.40% 47,764 82.30% 195,842 30.40% 32,446 27.4% 62,546
D-08 60.50% 89,148 69.50% 65,652 82.80% 255,893 28.40% 42,774 25.0% 81,951
D-07 74.60% 202,790 70.30% 85,648 83.10% 312,278 21.70% 50,417 21.5% 99,054
D-06 74.20% 254,789 69.40% 108,114 83.60% 381,412 43.10% 60,752 31.7% 116,083
D-05 72.00% 304,101 71.80% 157,805 83.00% 441,715 37.50% 78,272    
D-04 78.90% 355,901 70.70% 209,254 80.00% 521,066 35.90% 105,020    
D-03 93.60% 436,244 80.10% 252,771 83.80% 587,489 49.80% 139,672    
D-02 93.50% 564,163 95.10% 304,951 92.10% 684,782 76.80% 197,643    
D-01 94.30% 723,132 94.30% 434,834 93.30% 869,316 76.20% 312,877    
D-00 95.90% 935,461 95.60% 621,285 96.50% 1,156,280 76.20% 596,941    
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9 minutes ago, Thanos Legion said:

+25.8, right, not 23.8? That’s 22%, would have hoped for higher but doesn’t seem so bad.

Yeah sorry mb, and yeah it's not super bad but we need a bigger increase right now. 


14 minutes ago, fabiopazzo2 said:

Any comp with marvel solo movies?

I ll look it up, give me a sec 😛


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On 2/7/2018 at 5:50 PM, Olive said:

Black Panther 6 days  



about 4x SMH same point prior to OD


On 2/11/2018 at 4:01 PM, Olive said:

Black Panther 2 days  
= SMH 10 hours to go


This were PS for black panther. But it had a holiday start so PS probably exploded a bit more than usely at the end. (Ended with 408k)

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Presales antman at midnight.


Thusday: 36,583 (21.0%) Ant-man and the Wasp       %increase:                  flat increase: 

Friday: 53,857 (20.3%) Ant-Man and the Wasp          47.2% increase             17.274

Satday: 73,136 (30.0%) Ant-Man and the Wasp         35.7% increase             19.279

Sunday: 120,619 (65.5%) Ant-Man and the Wasp      65.0% increase             47.483

Monday: 152,447 (69.2%) Ant-Man and the Wasp     26.4% increase             31.828

Tuesday: 246,552 (80.0%) Ant-Man and the Wasp     61.7% increase             94.105


Didn't find the data for Wednesday but on Tuesday AMATW ps were not in the top 5.

Antman had a Wed OD of 400k no Culture day.


CM saw an 25.8k increase from Wed to Thurday.

Let's see how it does tomorrow.

Friday 35k   or it's stays flat : 26k

Sat 35k                                  30k

Sun 55k                                 50k

Mon 50k                                40k

Tuesday 110k                        100k


Would give it 426.8k and  387.8k in the second senario.

I am pretty sure 100k is the smallest jump it will have on Tuesday because BP and Ant did it with a lot less ps and other marvel movie had big jumps on the last day. (IW, CW and AOU also had very big jumps but won't use it as a comparison anymore).

That said it has cultures day so I might see a bigger increas in the last few days. 


So i am guessing final PS will be around 420k - 520k by the end. It's ps to OW multi won't be as big as Antman (AMATW was also released during summer). OD should be big thinking 650k - 750k with a low ticket price, followed by a big drop on Thurday small increase on friday big Sat jump and small Sunday drop. 

My guess would be: and AMATW side by side

680k Wed           404k

340k Thurday     300k

540k Friday        403k

1000k Sat           820k

860k Sun            695k


So an OW of about 3.45m admission and AMATW did 2.625m admission OW.  A lot of thing can change based on PS increases in the next couple of days so take my guess with a grain of salt I am mostly pretty optimistic 😛 








Edited by pepsa
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T-5 Days - Captain Marvel Presales:

So it's still not increasing as others have, and because of that I'm going to remove Infinity War and Ultron from the mix. I will replace with Ant-Man 2 and Homecoming, which you'll see a big difference still - showing that Carol is in fact quite far ahead still.


As you can see, CM has more than 4x the presales of SM and AM2 at the same point in time, showing that, for a solo movie, these presales are mighty. However its disappointment is not with the absolute numbers, it's with the increases. Every other large film had much better increases daily, which shows signs of frontloading. I still believe it'll cross 500k presales, but perhaps just barely. 


Civil War Jurassic World 2 SM: Homecoming Ant-Man and Wasp Captain Marvel
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85,648 21.7% 50,417 ---


--- --- 21.5% 99,054



43.1% 60,752 10.8% 20,959 --- --- 31.7% 116,083
D-05 71.8% 157,805 37.5% 78,272 14.2% 31,988 21.0% 36,583 29.7% 141,873
D-04 70.7% 209,254 35.9% 105,020 15.7% 44,252 20.3% 53,587    
D-03 80.1% 252,771 49.8% 139,672 --- --- 30.0% 73,136    
D-02 95.1% 304,951 76.8% 197,643 53.5% 75,569 65.5% 120,619    
D-01 94.3% 434,834 76.2% 312,877 67.1% 128,586 69.2% 152,447    
D-00 95.6% 621,285 --- 596,941 79.8% 242,444 80.0% 246,552    
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*CM doesn't open on culture day, sorry it was my mistake.


the thing is CM had bigger early presale number by big fans when it doesn't have that huge hype like avengers team movie by locals. that's all.

so don't expect team movie numbers. still great pre sale number, but I won't expect huge number. afterall more important thing is having lack of competition and good wom. (like spider man did +900k more than antman with same pre sale number.)


looking at movie release schedule, there's no mainstream movie in first week, and only competition in second week is escape room. then 2 local movie in third week. 

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4 hours ago, feasby007 said:

966 screens today, finally seeing an increase.


Also at 160k already, will definitely hit 20k with a chance at 30k

We already hit 20k, it's at pace for 30k + EDIT..

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T-4 Days - Captain Marvel Presales:

Just a 30k increase as I suspected. Falling behind Civil War quite a bit now and am worried it may not clear 500k total. 

Also AM&W and SMH both increased much better on relative days. 

Hopefully hit 200k, then bare minimum I'd think would be 240k -> 300k -> 400k. Since the increases have been muted since the large start, I'm thinking perhaps the increases will come later. 


Hope for the best I guess.


Civil War Jurassic World 2 SM: Homecoming Ant-Man and Wasp Captain Marvel
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85,648 21.7% 50,417 ---


--- --- 21.5% 99,054



43.1% 60,752 10.8% 20,959 --- --- 31.7% 116,083
D-05 71.8% 157,805 37.5% 78,272 14.2% 31,988 21.0% 36,583 29.7% 141,873
D-04 70.7% 209,254 35.9% 105,020 15.7% 44,252 20.3% 53,587 40.2% 172,546
D-03 80.1% 252,771 49.8% 139,672 --- --- 30.0% 73,136    
D-02 95.1% 304,951 76.8% 197,643 53.5% 75,569 65.5% 120,619    
D-01 94.3% 434,834 76.2% 312,877 67.1% 128,586 69.2% 152,447    
D-00 95.6% 621,285 --- 596,941 79.8% 242,444 80.0% 246,552    
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1 hour ago, feasby007 said:

T-4 Days - Captain Marvel Presales:

Just a 30k increase as I suspected. Falling behind Civil War quite a bit now and am worried it may not clear 500k total. 

Also AM&W and SMH both increased much better on relative days. 

Hopefully hit 200k, then bare minimum I'd think would be 240k -> 300k -> 400k. Since the increases have been muted since the large start, I'm thinking perhaps the increases will come later. 


Well let's see if it follows AMATW in dailies. Tomorrow another 30k - 33k then 50k, 60k and over an 100k increase over the last day. Don't know about 500k but 400k will happen. 

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