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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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but you seem to be under the idea that symbiote storyline had to be done the way Raimi did it, it certainly did not

It did not have to be done full stop, and should not. When Raimi admitted he didn't understand the appeal of the character that should have been the end of the discussion. It was never going to end well.
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Why the hell did he change Uncle Ben's killer? Venom had absolutely nothing to do with it.

How do we know how the symbiotic and Venom story arc affected Sandman's story arc? Maybe he had to completely alter the original Sandman story arc to make room for the Sony additions and in doing so he added the Uncle Ben angle to give Sandman something of note in the movie since it was becoming such a clusterfuck of villains. Who the hell knows?
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How do we know how the symbiotic and Venom story arc affected Sandman's story arc? Maybe he had to completely alter the original Sandman story arc to make room for the Sony additions and in doing so he added the Uncle Ben angle to give Sandman something of note in the movie since it was becoming such a clusterfuck of villains. Who the hell knows?

nah, Raimi said he wanted the villains to have personal connections to Peter Parker so it is no surprise
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How do we know how the symbiotic and Venom story arc affected Sandman's story arc? Maybe he had to completely alter the original Sandman story arc to make room for the Sony additions and in doing so he added the Uncle Ben angle to give Sandman something of note in the movie since it was becoming such a clusterfuck of villains. Who the hell knows?

I guess, we'll agree to disagree to Raimi's role in SM3 debacle.
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So is Avi Arad the producer most responsible for the SM3 meddling? Thats kinda funny in a round about way. Didn't Arad leave Marvel after Marvel went with Feige's idea of setting up their own studio and building up towards the Avengers? In a way, The Avengers is sort of responsible for Arad going to Sony and fucking up Spider-Man. Maybe if Arad has fucked it up bad enough, Marvel will be able to get the rights back.

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So is Avi Arad the producer most responsible for the SM3 meddling? Thats kinda funny in a round about way. Didn't Arad leave Marvel after Marvel went with Feige's idea of setting up their own studio and building up towards the Avengers? In a way, The Avengers is sort of responsible for Arad going to Sony and fucking up Spider-Man. Maybe if Arad has fucked it up bad enough, Marvel will be able to get the rights back.

The same Arad who said "Batman came and went" in 2007. :lol:
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You guys can tear SM3 apart, it has many flaws that I agree with, but still a better film than TASM. Green Goblin story line was executed perfectly and Franco played really well that character, Sandman > Lizard, the action scenes are better, the score is better, it's funnier, the only thing that works for TASM's favor is Garfield/Stone > Maguire/Dunst.

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Look at The Avenger's drop this week. Superhero movies don't co-exist well and TDKR will have a much bigger effect on TASM than TASM had on The Avengers.

Actually, TA's drops had more to do with its thearter count shrinking, as its averages per barely changed:

Tues., 6/26 - TC @ 2,230 w/$431 average

Tues., 7/3 - TC @ 1,352 w/$403 average

Wed., 6/27 - TC @ 2,230 w/$376 average

Wed., 7/4 - TC @ 1,352 w/$531 average(holiday effect)

Thurs., 6/28 - TC @ 2,230 w/$389 average

Thurs., 7/5 - TC @ 1,270 w/$376 average

DKR will affect TASM indirectly due to TC loss for sure, but it may hold up in $ average per like TA has done.

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I want a sequel. Because after freaking FOUR films, CARNAGE hasn't even been referenced. Damn it.

Screw Carnage, he's way down a list of foes I care to see.I want Mysterio, Chameleon, Jackal, Kraven and Electro at minimum before we see Carnage.If we start repeating similar themes then I want Hobgoblin first over Carnage.
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The only historical precedent we have is TF1, and that was an original film with stellar WOM. It's plausible to assume TASM will perform worse.

Maybe if you wish REAL hard! How's that been workin' out for ya w/TA, BTW? ;)
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Sandman was one of the redeeming parts of SM3 for me -- up until the final act, anyway. Thought Church did everything he could with him, and he's way more cinematic (in a fantastical interpretation such as Raimi's films) than the Goblins. But he wouldn't work in this new universe, I don't think. They need someone more grounded in reality and of actual substance to Peter's character, which is where I think Green Goblin would play really well.

They really need The Kingpin. And Avi Arad said in a report that Sony has Kingpin as part of their licensing agreement with Marvel. Arad claims Sony lent Kingpin to Sony for the Daredevil movie. The reason why I believe Arad is because he was a higher up at Marvel when this happened, so he probably brokered the deal. Thus, he would know.
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Agreed, the 80's had good ones too, but was really more of a guilty pleasure decade.

I'm with you. 80's and 90's were where cartoons were at. That was just a golden age for made-for-television cartoons. We had good violent cartoons in the 80s: Master of the Universe, Thundercats, Transformers (better than the movies), GI Joe (WAY better than the movies). Then, the 90s had: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Disney Afternoon, Tinytoon Adventures/Animaniacs, The Simpsons....oh wait, we still have the Simpsons over 20 years later. Edited by Walt Disney
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So is Avi Arad the producer most responsible for the SM3 meddling? Thats kinda funny in a round about way. Didn't Arad leave Marvel after Marvel went with Feige's idea of setting up their own studio and building up towards the Avengers? In a way, The Avengers is sort of responsible for Arad going to Sony and fucking up Spider-Man. Maybe if Arad has fucked it up bad enough, Marvel will be able to get the rights back.

Everything you said about Arad is true. You can even change all your questions to statements of fact because the answer to them all is yes. Edited by Walt Disney
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I'd like to see either Mysterio or Electro for the baddie in TASM2... if there's gonna be one. If this doesn't do well enough, I would love, love, LOVE for the rights to return to the house of DizMar. Followed by the X'ers, F4, & DD being relinquished by FoX & coming into the fold as well. This would be a dream come true!

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Ah, gotcha. Yes, I was left seriously wanting with that final

scene between Peter and Gwen, as well as the mid-credit tease

. Not as wanting as I was with the end of the 2002 film, but, still -- a very solid finale.

I actually liked the ending better than SM1(I swear parts of the film made me feel like the producers were not happy with SM1 and wanted to "George Lucas" it by making a more definitive version of the same thing). It's really just that there were just questions which were left unanswered(for the sequel I guess) and some scenes seemed over edited, others seemed under edited. It's really a shame, it felt like a great film that was edited like it was just mediocre. The result left me feeling like I do after eating a salad. Satisfied, but still hungry.
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Random meteroite, symbiote, Eddie Brock, Venom, Gwen Stacy and her dad, jazz, dancing and emo Pete were all Sony or indirectly caused by their interventions.

You had me at "random meteorite". :P
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