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Impact's Year 3 Reviews! (Best and worse of the year on page 9)

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February 8-10:

Midnight Part II: Turning Point


This is a terrible film. The acting was terrible, though I did enjoy Will Smith's cameo, though can't believe he did this. The film is very poorly written. On the plus, the music is not that bad.

.5 stars.

Go see: If you want to see a vampire film.

Don't see: If you want to see a good vampire film.

Barefoot on Everest

"Amazing cinematography"

The cinematagraphy of this film was amazing. I really felt like I was on Everest. Guy Pearce did a pretty good job as well. It is pretty instense. The film does get a bit slow at times. But over all a pretty good film.

3.5 stars.

Go see: If your looking for some beautiful camera work.

Don't see: If you get scared of heights easily.

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February 15-18:

The Haunting in Wisconsin

"Creepy score"

This film is pretty creepy. The score is very creepy. The acting is terrible though. If your a horror fan you will love this film though.

2.5 stars.

Go see: If you like to be scared.

Don't see: If you don't.

The Rescue

"Some good acting"

The acting was not that bad in this. The story is okay. Overall it is decent.

3 stars.

Go see: If you want a heartwarming film.

Don't see: If you want to see a better film.

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My birthday is on 2/22! ;)

February 22-24:

Animal Farm

"Fantastic animation"

The classic anti Comunist tale comes to life in this animated film. The movie is not for kids but still they might enjoy it. The animation was increidble. The voice work was well done. The score was great as well. Overall a well made film.

4 stars.

Go see: If you want a classic story.

Don't see: If you rather have a more PC story.

Blue Heart

"Decent script, but thats about it"

Here is a completely diffrent animated film. The script is decent. But overall its just an okay film. I will admit the score is okay.

3 stars.

Go see: If you want an adult animated film.

Don't see: If your too young or just not intrested.

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March 1-3:

Wolves of the Deep

"Just dang awesome"

This film is so awesome. Neeson did a fantastic job like usual. This was well made, great acting all around. Amazing score as well. Very enjoyable.

4.5 stars.

Go see: If you want a kick butt film.

Don't see: If you rather see a slow motion film.

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March 8-10:

Quentin Tarantino's The Last Projectionist

"Fantastic acting"

Contrary to the title-Tarantino did not direct this. Anyway the film has some great acting. I did like Jay years ago in Sorcerer's Apprentise so it was nice to see him in this. The film is very thrilling. Enjoyable.

4 stars.

Go see: If you want some thrill.

Don't see: If your chicken.

Green Eggs and Ham

"They ruined it"

The first half of this was really funny. But they ruined the moral. Not since Where the Wild Things Are has a kids book gotten this way. I know people shouldn't eat that much-but they shouldn't be picky either. Also-they put a voice to the green eggs and ham? What were they thinking? Carrey was funny I will admit. Overall I was very disapointed.

2.5 stars.

Go see: If you want a kids film to watch.

Don't see: If you rather wait for a better kids film.

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Green Eggs and Ham

"They ruined it"

The first half of this was really funny. But they ruined the moral. Not since Where the Wild Things Are has a kids book gotten this way. I know people shouldn't eat that much-but they shouldn't be picky either. Also-they put a voice to the green eggs and ham? What were they thinking? Carrey was funny I will admit. Overall I was very disapointed.

2.5 stars.

Go see: If you want a kids film to watch.

Don't see: If you rather wait for a better kids film.

Pretty much exactly what I said. :P
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March 15-17:


"Good film, great visuals"

This film was pretty good. Though I prefered John Carter over this, it still was made well. The visuals were great. Gosling and Caine were great in there parts. Though the film felt too much like a cliffhanger. Overall a good film.

4 stars.

Go see: If you want to see a decent sci fi.

Don't see: If you want something more.

Barco de Oro

"Great sets and score"

This film had some great sets and a great score. Though it is a bit slow at times. The fact that it is in another language may bug some also. But overall it is well made.

4 stars.

Go see: If your looking for a good adventure.

Don't see: If reading subtitles is not your thing.

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March 22-24:

Sam and Max Hit the Road

"Some rather funny moments in this"

2D animation is a tough sell anymore. Still this has some rather funny moments. The animation is pretty good at times as well. Overall enjoyable.

3.5 stars.

Go see: If you want to see a 2D animated film for once.

Don't see: If you rather wait for a CGI film.

Agent McCoy

"Loved Mark in this"

This film was non stop fun. Mark was great in this role. True at times it seemed a bit fast pace. But over all a very fun film.

4 stars.

Go see: If you want to see a fun action film.

Don't see: If you rather see a film about Chinese Checkers. (:lol:)

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March 29-31:


"Its decent but not the best film of its type"

This film could of been better, but at lest it is not as depressing as some of these type of films. Still it is not as good as Book of Eli or I am Legend. It felt too much like Hunger Games at times. Overall it was decent though. The score was great.

3.5 stars

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Biggest probelm with doing 5 stars is-that I noticed that my 3 star reviews are a lot more positive then any 2.5 star reviews I had out of 4 stars...yet 2.5/4 is considered fresh on RT...well okay I might give some odd ones 3.5 stars I guess now :P

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April 5-7:

Wall of Water

"Not a great story, but Ford and the visuals are great"

The story was not that great, but I really enjoyed Ford. And the visuals were fantastic. The movie overall was very fun and it was a smooth ride. I enjoyed it for the most part.

3.5 stars.

Go see: If you want some awsome visuals.

Don't see: If you want some plot.

Beware of Zombies

"Very goofy b movie style film"

This was one goofy b movie style movie. Cera was for once not annoying. Portman was very funny as well. The movie had some fun points in it. The zombie kills were great also.

3.5 stars.

Go see: If your up for some goofy time at the theater.

Don't see: If you want something serious.


"One of the better found footage films out there"

This is the best found footage film I've seen. Not for the faint of heart. But the movie is actually written well and this story is very good.

3.5 stars.

Go see: If you want a actual realistic found footage film.

Don't see: If you can get sick easily.

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April 12-14:


"Well it is better then Twister...which tells you nothing"

Twister is the worse blockbuster ever, or at least one of them. I usually enjoy fun distater films, but not this. The film is just plain bad. The editing is crappy and the end is even worse. I could careless about anyone in this also. On the plus side the visuals are nice. But its no Indpendence Day in terms for the director, though his best is still The Patriot. Which both of those were amazing. This film is just Bleh.

1.5 stars.

Go see: If you want to see a tornado.

Don't see: If you know torandos are bad and can kill.

The Untold Story of Hansel and Gretel

"Its not that bad"

This film is not that bad as I thought it be. Its much better then Hoodwinked, thats for sure. Its no Shrek, but enjoyable none the less.

3 stars.

Go see: If you want a enjoyable fantasy

Don't see: If you want to go outside.

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