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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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My theater applauded three times --

when Gordon used the flare to light up the flaming Bat-symbol, when Batman told Bane "you have my permission to die", and at the end. And like I there, there were cheers when Selina took out Bane.

The people I know, Facebook friends, etc -- all rave. The weakest response was from my wife, who liked it but felt it could've been shorter (in general, she thinks the Nolan Bat films are good but she doesn't geek out about them).

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Yep, 30 mill is great, no question, but that's less tickets than all of the Twilights that did it and less than DH2. Still great, but not a record.

Goes to show that women are a far greater "first see" crowd than any comic book / star wars men in their tents and week long lines.
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Yea and I wish they would stop saying he had a "mental illness". That is BS. If this murderer was middle eastern they would call him a terrorist. If he was black they would label him a thug. White on the other hand means he is "mentally unstable". That's America for you.

Agreed. At one point, news sources were actually saying that the suspect was supposedly 'an Indian guy' or 'an Asian Muslim'. It's like all terrorists are mid-eastern Muslims.
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This weekend... is not for me. I feel depressed.

Your posts have been the most depressing of them all, LOL. Take it eassssy. This is still a MAJOR weekend, no matter what some flippant posters will say otherwise. Without Hunger Games & Avengers this year, this board would be rabid with posts right now. Expectations are funny around here.
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Yea and I wish they would stop saying he had a "mental illness". That is BS. If this murderer was middle eastern they would call him a terrorist. If he was black they would label him a thug. White on the other hand means he is "mentally unstable". That's America for you.

It's those other stereotypes that are wrong, not "mental illness". Edited by tribefan695
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I don't know why Sony thought it was a good idea to release spider-man so close to Batman.

The problem is the quality of the new spider man movie and the toxic WOM it produced. A great spider man movie had nothing to fear from any film.
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People are saying TDKR disappointed opening weekend simply because there was not as much interest in the movie. Then why is it matching not only the Dark Knight but even the Avengers openings overseas? In Spain, the UK, and Australia it has opened on par with Avengers. You would think the lack of "Heath Ledger factor" would it have hurt it in Australia but it clearly did not. Even in countries like South Korea and India TDKR has opened higher than the Avengers, countries where you would think Avengers would easily do better. Now before you say "it's because the overseas markets are expanding". The UK and Australia are developed markets, like the US. Now, I am not saying the domestic opening would definitely have beaten the Avengers under normal circumstances but I think it would have come a lot closer

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I think TDKR will be seen between BB and TDK...

Unquestionably. You'll have your lovers of BB (which I sometimes count myself apart of), but many are hard pressed to say that TDKR isn't one hell of a film, if just not consistent for them.
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Your posts have been the most depressing of them all, LOL. Take it eassssy. This is still a MAJOR weekend, no matter what some flippant posters will say otherwise. Without Hunger Games & Avengers this year, this board would be rabid with posts right now. Expectations are funny around here.

I feel bad for all this. I was so excited with this weekend and all of the sudden I wake up and saw all this crap happening...
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Someone can be mentally ill -- or more precisely -- have a psychotic break with reality, and still be a terrorist or commit a terrorist act. The two aren't exclusive.

I'm aware that. This news outlets and some of the general audience would still say exactly what I mentioned if it was one of the races I mentioned though because of stereotypes.
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this will have outrageous legs.1 billion % awareness and elite word of mouth?

2.7X is the most it will get imo. WOM is good, but not TDK out of this world.
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Someone can be mentally ill -- or more precisely -- have a psychotic break with reality, and still be a terrorist or commit a terrorist act. The two aren't exclusive.

Yes often the two are quite related.
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