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The last five films you've seen

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Safety Not Guaranteed  A- (excellent performances and great character arcs)


Project X B+ (I got completely sucked into this on TV and was really impressed with the production)


Butter* C+ (Great cast, mediocore movie. Also too heavy handed) 


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World B- (There is a lot to like but there are also pacing issues, definitely worth seeing regardless)


LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring A+ (This film is firing on all cylinders--insanely good production design, great acting, wonderful characters, and a wildly original visual palette. I am not a huge fantasy fan but this is just incredible).


*If you are a Rob Corddry fan, check out Butter. His performance is really great. 

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Olympus Has Fallen- C+ Not entirely unenjoyable, but wasn't nearly as fun as it should have been. 

Spring Breakers- A- Exploitation by the way of arthouse. It really really works. 

The Croods- Perfectly good family movie. 

Les Miserables- B+ Haters gonna hate! 

Blazing Saddles- Top 5 funniest of all time. 

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The Hobbit 7.5/10 Way better the second time, but still stretched too thin

Hope Springs 7.510 Tommy Lee Jones was great

Total Recall (2012) 5/10 Somewhat entertaining but not good at all

Oblivion 8.5/10 Although derivative of other classic sci-fi, this was wildly entertaining and extremely well crafted

Top Gun 3D 8/10 Saw it for the first time, the flight sequences were spectacular and the 3D was surprisingly very well done

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HP&TDHpart 2   7,5/10  Believe it or not I just never got around to seeing the final 2 films until last night

HP&TDHpart 1  7/10

Silver Linings Playbook  6.5/10  Was good but found it overrated.

Django  8.5/10  Very surprised. Love Tarantino, probably his best behind Pulp Fiction

Casino  9/10  Not much need for words here, popped it in because a friend had never seen it *GASP*

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Star Trek - Intelligently crafted and still massively entertaining. Here's to hoping the sequel measures up to it (I'll hopefully find out tonight). A-


Mystic River - One of the best movies of the 2000s, and - yes, I'm going to go there - the best movie Clint Eastwood has directed. A


Godzilla (1998) - Definitely not as good as I remember it (if I recall correctly, I was 13 the last time I saw it before this; loved it to pieces when it was first out on video), but not as bad as many viewers have made it out to be (in the battle of lame 1998 summer blockbuster aspirants, Armageddon wins - loses? - by a mile in my book; that one completely fell to shambles when I re-watched it last summer). Decent effects and setpieces for the time, but soulless. C


The Place Beyond the Pines - Fantastic. It's essentially three different movies rolled into one, and each segment works very well. As with Blue Valentine, writer-director Derek Cianfrance proves very adept at examining the dark undercurrents that sometimes define human relationships. And Bradley Cooper proves that his excellent work in Silver Linings Playbook was no fluke. Best movie I've seen in 2013 so far, and a contender for my top 10 list at the end of the year. A-


Django Unchained - I already really dug it in the theatre, but it's somehow still grown just a bit on me on Blu-Ray. I'd shift it into the lower half of my top 10 from last year. A-/A

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Stoker 8/10 very good thriller, my type

Super 6/10 watchable but a litte stupid movie

To the Wonder 5/10 not my type

Scream 4 7/10 decent horror

Sky High 1/10 shit movie in my standard


MoS 9/10 seen in theater twice, very good

The Purge 7/10 decent thriller

Passion 8/10 Good fun, love Rachel, more Palma movies please

The Impossible 8/10 

Simone 8/10 underrated movie (btw, is Rachel Roberts a lover of Andrew Niccol ? She only appears in his movies)

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Femme Fatale (2002) 7/10 not as good as Passion (2013) and feels fall short of other Plama works

Spring Breaks (2012) 2/10 This is a shit movie, if it could be qualified as a movie at all.

Olympic Has Fallen (2013) 7/10 solid old style action flick

Evil Dead (2013) 4/10 bad horror. Not funny at all. You can skip this.

I Spit on Your Grave (2010) 6/10 Pace is slow


Never Let Me Go (2010) 7/10 More drama than a sci-fi. Far from Gottcha

Anchorman (2004) 6/10 decent comedy. Not as funny as I thought it would be.

Grow Ups (2010) 6/10 average comedy

OrangeLove (2007) 7/10 good images and too simple plot

The Girlfriend Experience (2009) 5/10 boring as hell


Leap Year (2010) 7/10 Good rom-com but way too unreal. Only for Amy.

Eat Pray Love (2010) 7/10 feels a little too long

The Pelican Brief (1993) 7/10 good music, miss pace

BirdSong (2012) 6/10 average

The Fall (2006) 6/10 not a fan of Tarsem


Cracks (2009) 8.5/10 beautiful photography, beautiful performance, beautiful and sad story. 

Btw, I am bumping my rating for Stoker (2012) to 8.5/10 too, so is In Bruges (2009).

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Despicable Me 2 - Loved it, but I think I like the original a bit more. Really funny though and overall a great time! (8/10)


Monsters University - I'm surprised how much I enjoyed this film. For some reason it really resonated with me, and belongs with the upper tier of Pixar films in my mind (9/10)


Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi - Watched the three of these with my friends over a few days. Still a lot of fun and one of my favorite films ever (9/10)


Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - My least favorite of the original trilogy (even though this is everyone's favorite), but it is still fantastic and a fun watch (8/10)


Star Wars: A New Hope - A great film and good introduction into the Star Wars universe (9/10)

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1. North by Northwest: A-, an underrated Hitchcock classic, Eva Marie Saint was perfect as Miss Kendall :P I'd say it's tied with Psycho for Hitchcock's best (haven't seen Vertigo!)2. Run Lola Run: B+, a fun German action thriller, great visuals with a killer soundtrack to boot: it's my fav foreign film I've ever seen lol3. Spider Man 2 (7th time seein it)4. Back to the Future (8th time seein it)5. 13 Going on 30 (3rd time seein it)

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Moonraker - Considering that I generally prefer the more serious Bond films to goofy ones, I shouldn't like Moonraker. But I do. It's very well-made and entertaining. Is never too stupid like Die Another Day or too boring like The Man With the Golden Gun, other Bond films commonly cited as bad.

Return of the Jedi - Excellent. I love all the Star Wars films, and ROTJ is no exception. Great, satisfying end to the saga. Not the biggest fan of Ewoks though.

Piranha - One of the best bad movies I've ever seen.

Man of Steel - A near-masterpiece. It gave me everything I wanted from a Superman movie, but I can understand how some would be put off by it.

Now You See Me - A lot of fun. I don't understand the bad reviews at all. This combined with MOS has made me stop taking critics as seriously.

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Alien-10/10  One of my favorite movies of all time. Amazing horror/thriller that films today don't capture.

Silver Linings Playbook- 8.5/10  I'm not a fan of romance movies, but this one was really good.

Django Unchained- 9/10  Better than I expected. DiCaprio (sp?) really pulls off the bad guy.

The Hunger Games- 8.5/10  Obviously, love this movie.

Smokey and the Bandit- 8/10  Great film, very humerous. Good old film.

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