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John Marston

Jurassic Park or Avatar?

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District 9 is a buffonery, a wannabe Paul Verhoeven satire that just becomes a Bayhem fest wannabe because that's what all Blomkamp was all about in his mind. Yeah, white people are powerful morons but all powerful and condescending just like in real life nonetheless. Then you make an allegory of black people parked in Soweto with disgusting prawns (except black south africans were parked in their own homeland, something Blomkamp conveniently forget in his so-called Apartheid allegory) and portray Nigerians as cannibal smugglers parasites plus you hear the director saying in interviews that filming black people talking bad about poor aliens being parked because it's "funny" and "amusing" to see former victims act like xenophobe. It says it all about the level of ambition and maturity on display as twisting South Africa history into some ironic white fantasy...Juvenile. It's like a german making a movie where the Prawns are allegory of jews parked in Warsow ghetto or Auchswitz just to film some jewish guys rant and talk smack about them because he thinks it's hilarious with jewish caricatures thrown all around...The member of former oppressors caste poking fun at victims of said oppression portraying them as helpless aliens parasites and xenophobe individuals toward poorer than them.


Call me back when you reach puberty, mate. Then we can talk. ;)

Edited by dashrendar44
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T-rex at the end coming out of nowhere for plot convenience when heroes are doomed is a Deux Ex Machina, lame especially no one hear him coming, nor the raptors nor the humans (Also the T-Rex conveniently ignores every single human moving in the scene to attack the raptors only). Even more stupid when Spielberg crafted the famous scene with the goblet of water to show how the T-Rex is such a badass mofo you hear him coming from miles away shaking the ground all around him at a long distance...But at the end, he's a stealth ballerina. Lame. Even when I was young, I always felt it was such a copout ending so Spielberg got to find a way out to end the movie short. :lol:

I guess you missed the part when the raptors were knocking all the dinosaur bones to the ground. I think that would have been noisy enough to cover any T-Rex approach.

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I guess you missed the part when the raptors were knocking all the dinosaur bones to the ground. I think that would have been noisy enough to cover any T-Rex approach.


The T-rex makes earthquakes when he walks, everybody can feel those a mile away all around so no little pieces of skeleton won't cover earth shakes by a T-Rex stomping his way. (I guess you obviously miss the part when the T-rex comes in when everybody is standing on the ground actually being trapped between by two raptors slowly approaching them so I don't know what those dinosaur bones had to do with that since that happens way before. Those bones cover nothing at this point of the movie because they're already on the ground at that moment when the protagonists are surrounded, Grant/Ellie+kids+raptors should have felt the ground shaking because of T-rex approaching and coming into the hall by the tiny hole).



See at 1"46, they're all on the ground. No, earth shakes. Then 2'04, enter magic Deus Rex Machina coming out of nowhere sneaking without anyone noticing:



Hilarious. (Even more when you notice that white curtain in a previous shot behind the characters like T-rex is just waiting there standing for the directing crew's cue to enter the stage) :P

Edited by dashrendar44
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At least its not racist like District 9, hey Dash? ;)




Posted Image


"Big Eyes Disney misty eyed dark and gritty"


How depicting nigerians as cannibal smugglers (going by the much imaginative nickname "Nigerian Gang" just in case we can't point them out specifically) and prostitutes that engage sexual intercourses with Alien prawns (?!) is not racist stereotype in 2009?

Edited by dashrendar44
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The T-rex makes earthquakes when he walks, everybody can feel those a mile away all around so no little pieces of skeleton won't cover earth shakes by a T-Rex stomping his way. (I guess you obviously miss the part when the T-rex comes in when everybody is standing on the ground actually being trapped between by two raptors slowly approaching them so I don't know what those dinosaur bones had to do with that since that happens way before. Those bones cover nothing at this point of the movie because they're already on the ground at that moment when the protagonists are surrounded, Grant/Ellie+kids+raptors should have felt the ground shaking because of T-rex approaching and coming into the hall by the tiny hole).



See at 1"46, they're all on the ground. No, earth shakes. Then 2'04, enter magic Deus Rex Machina coming out of nowhere sneaking without anyone noticing:



Hilarious. (Even more when you notice that white curtain in a previous shot behind the characters like T-rex is just waiting there standing for the directing crew's cue to enter the stage) :P


This is some of the most desperate shit I've ever read.  You should take a deep breath and take a moment to realize just what you keep writing down here.


You keep going to great lengths to attack an undisputed classic(JP) and a modern classic(District 9) with such absurdly over the top fringe levels of criticism(that is also full of your usual semantic bullshit to keep you busy here forever no matter how weak your argument is) to the point where its not even criticism anymore just to defend your precious 1 dimensional as hell wooden special effects extravaganza, Avatar.  Relax bro.

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Seriously, how is Avatar at least not mildly racist.  At the very very very least, Avatar is a fantasy about not being white anymore.


So you really got an ethnocentrist issue in you. Tell me all about this. You actually felt threatened in your white skin when watching Avatar? A fantasy about "not being white", that's all you got from Avatar...Wow. I saw a fantasy about a crippled man that finds a way of transcending his condition to prove himself as a valuable and strong being in a culture that didn't seem to think of him as a broken and worthless man. Avatar was not White so-called superior enlightened vs Blue savages tree huggers. Humans were all of different colors, both scientists and bad guys mercenaries. And you, you're trying to paint that as an "anti-white movie" whining about skin color insecurities. WTF are you smoking?! :mellow:


I think you got a problem with a very dubious interpretation and thinking set...


SpghdgleDouchebag, spare me your bullshit, you're on my ignorelist.

Edited by dashrendar44
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So you really got an ethnocentrist problem in you. Tell me all about this. You actually felt threatened in your white skin when watching Avatar? A fantasy about "not being white", that's all you got from Avatar...Wow. I saw a fantasy of a crippled man that finds a way of transcending his condition to prove himself as a valuable human being in a culture that didn't seem to think of him as a broken and worthless man. Avatar was not White vs Blue. Humans were all of different colors, both scientists and bad guys mercenaries. And you, you're trying to paint that as an "anti-white movie". WTF are you smoking?! :mellow:


I think you got a problem with a very dubious interpretation and thinking set...


SpghdgleDouchebag, spare me your bullshit, you're on my ignorelist.


I found this article that explains it better than I could.




I most certainly did not feel threatened in my white skin while watching the film. Why would I? It's just a film. I am however very sick of hollywood telling the same old story of the white saviour. That the 'white' culture is evil and the poor oppressed minority can only have a shot at victory over these evil evil people when one of the white's own turn against there culture and embraces and eventually becomes their leader.


It's boring and imo a perfect example of modern day racism. 

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Well, I might stop that discussion here because it's a very sensitive issue...Because feeling as a victim of racism as a white skinned individual when watching inoffensive and harmless entertainment like Avatar, it's kind of mind-boggling for me seeing the real world we're living in where white people are definetely not racially oppressed and belittled compared to other ethnicities...

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I'm not saying I feel a victim of racism.


Jesus Christ.


But the racism is there. Make no mistake about that. Both from the point of view of the white culture, (simple minded, want nothing but to rape the planet, consume and don't care what other cultures get in the way) and the native culture, (need a white guy to come in to lead them as they are incapable of defending themselves) It's simply a white mans fantasy created by white guilt.


This is not a unique point of view in the slightest.


And ultimately Avatar gets dragged down in this bullshit. It tries to say something meaningful. It tries to be grand. Cameron knows how to direct every scene for maximum affect. But the values it preaches underneath are as shallow as the characters he uses to portray them. Jurassic Park thankfully, does not share a similar fate and excels at what it is trying to do.

Edited by Phil in the Darkness
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But the racism is there. Make no mistake about that. Both from the point of view of the white culture, (simple minded, want nothing but to rape the planet, consume and don't care what other cultures get in the way)


So basically white europeans settled to conquer America killing and enslaving other cultures for their territories/resources or white conquistadors pillating South America and decimating native indian tribes didn't exist or what. What the heck. :mellow:  I mean white colonialism driven by Manifest Destiny and race superiority theories throughout the past centuries is a fact. Avatar just takes a bit of history riff on that, it didn't invented anything or you're trying to rewrite history. It's not racism, it's history fact, Avatar used it as an allegory.


Once again, you just see "White race" being punished when I see greedy corporation and mercenary of all colors because Evil corporation* earthlings were the bad guys. Then some earthlings tried to help the natives and mine-clearing the conflict through peaceful ways. In the middle, a man torn in between trying to walk his way. You just see a white man who you believe hates his skin color.  :wacko:


Many people victims of oppression worldwide took Avatar as an allegory of their condition. (Palestinians, some asian tribe oppressed by chinese government, amazonian tribes fighting against bresilian governments destroying the rainforests. How can those different cultures that share no links whatsoever felt the same being in conflict with people that are not white? Because the movie is primarly about colonialism regardless of the whiteness of the skin).


* Don't tell me greedy corporations don't exist IRL or that is some liberal communist racism against businessmen and ultra-capitalism. Odd to paint Avatar as simplistic when in District 9 you got that same omnipotent evil corporation MNU with a bunch of low-brow hired mercenaries that is run by white people.


As for Native depiction, I already stated how Jake becoming their leading commander in chief/king rubbed me the wrong way but otherwise they wouldn't have known as well how to defeat those powerful weapons against them. Sully provided critical information knowing the enemy from the inside and the Na'vi used that for their advantage. He tries to redeem himself after betraying them.

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