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A Marvel Fanboy

China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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Before 2012, Hollywood studios usually got 15% of the ticket sales. Assuming TDK could made $50m in China (which would be a massive success), WB would take back 7.5m.

To make the evil Chinese government happy, they literally had to cut up all Hong Kong related scenes. Since those were some major scenes, it would mean they had to totally fvck up the story.

So, is there any director in the world would fvck up his story just for an extra 7.5m when the film would easily break 600m?

Now, what if making the government happy ONLY takes a little change of a few dialogues or a few non-important scenes, and you will get back like 25m. Do you think the super cool never-compromising-with-the-evil-government tough Nolan will still say no? I dont think so.

there are couple of things mixed up. 7,5M would be net (gross) 600M is (brutto) gross. i assume those 600M is WW gross. china theater system is different to most of the world, as we know. american distributors get 15% (or 25%) and doesn’t necessarily spend much on P&A. In contrary other countries, american distributors collect about 40-45% but must spend quite a lot for p&a. as i read in HR (or some other trade magazine, i dont remember now) getting 25 percent from chinese theater is a bigger cut than 40-45 percent minus p&a expenses.

i believe only key players in HW have rights to decide a final cut version. nolan probably is one of this key players. on the other hand, different countries have different legislative needs and i dont think directors have anything to do to decide a specific cut for specific compliance. why would they?

is 7,5M any big money for a successful summer mega blockbuster? or is it 7,5M? first, expectations, TDKR might earn 50-100M in china. let’s assume the most possible scenario. 100M, 25 percent share, this is 25M. how much money can a film with 1B WW gross collect? 250M production budget, 100-150M p&a. WW expenses aprox. 400M. 500M from US, 55 percent, 275M. 500M gross from international markets excluding china, 40 percent, 200M. distributor expenses, approx. 8 percent down. 200M+275M minus 8 percent, 437M. taxes, insurance, dollar exchange rates ... they happy to end up with 400M. they actually got back their expenses (production budget plus p&a) in case of another 500M from international market (avengers) which is one and only example excluding cameron, so very unpredictable scenario, they make about 150M from theaters (this 500M extra gross). anything bellow 1B theatrical gross, they are in red. every 100M over 1B brings approx. 30M. 20M possibility from chinese theaters is a LOT OF MONEY. not to mention, china is continually incising, in 5 years they will not make a different cut for china, we all be watching chinese cut.


´In reality, however, these impressive-sounding receipts represented the foreign theaters' revenue, not the studios' share of them. In fact, the studios get an even smaller share of the foreign than of the American box-office. Last year, the studios' share averaged about 40 percent of ticket sales. And from those revenues studios have to pay for foreign advertising, prints, taxes, insurance, translations,etc. Once those expenses are deducted, the studios are lucky to wind up with 15% of what is reported as the foreign gross.

Consider, a typical movie-- Disney's Gone In 60 Seconds . Its reported "foreign gross" was $129,477,395. Of that sum, Disney got $55, 979.966, of that it paid out $37, 986, 053 in expenses.

They included:

Foreign Advertising... $25, 197,723

Foreign prints... $ 5, 660.837

Foreign Taxes ... $ 5, 077,286

Foreign versions.. $ 822,997

Foreign shipping.. $ 454,973

Currency Conversion $ 266,900

Foreign Trade dues $ 122,275

After paying these expense, Disney was left with just $17,993,913 -- a far cry from the reported $129,477,395 "gross". ´

Edited by dezorz
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