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Weekend numbers thread (close between TH and DU 31.5-31 so far)

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Monday and Tuesday are holidays too soo Hobbit can be close to 245 by Wednesday

Exactly, and saying it can make another $100m after that is considered "impossible"? I don't think so. No lock by any means, but far far from impossible. Edited by HobbitMan89
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It had great legs before the nominations were even out. Yes, Oscars helped but i doubt more than $15m came due to them.

Hobbit isn't nearly as well liked as the originals. It will slow down considerably after holidays.
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Exactly, Leo has mastered "the obsessed man" routine. Fincher's characters always deal with some kind of unhealthy mental obsession. Perfect match in my book.

Except Nemo's a much older man. Not to mention Continental (I don't buy Leo as European). Let Leo be Land and give Nemo to Neeson or somebody.
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Exactly, and saying it can make another $100m after that is considered "impossible"? I don't think so. No lock by any means, but far far from impossible.

It's impossible.
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Right you are my friend, mister "the world will end before THG ever touches 400". ;)

What are you doing predicting numbers here anyway? I thought you had announced that you will stop predicting numbers if WIR didn't get 4x multiplier.BTW it is really funny that I owned you on THG 2nd weekend, TASM and TH1 total gross, but all you can seem to remember is THG late legs. ;)
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Except Nemo's a much older man. Not to mention Continental (I don't buy Leo as European). Let Leo be Land and give Nemo to Neeson or somebody.

But why does Nemo have to be an old grandpa in every adaptation? It would be refreshing to see a slightly younger version of the character. And anyways Leo is hardly a spring chicken himself, and he looks plenty old in the Django trailers to me. As dash said, Leo could capture the essence of the character perfectly (obsessed and devoted) which is the most important thing.
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But why does Nemo have to be an old grandpa in every adaptation? It would be refreshing to see a slightly younger version of the character. And anyways Leo is hardly a spring chicken himself, and he looks plenty old in the Django trailers to me. As dash said, Leo could capture the essence of the character perfectly (obsessed and devoted) which is the most important thing.

Eh, I just don't think it's particularly good casting. And I don't need my characters youngerized (20-odd years isn't "slightly younger").
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