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Jack Nevada

85th Academy Awards (24/2/13) Official Thread- TONIGHT!! NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST

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Directed By Stephan Daldry.


Movie set in 1930s/1940s Hollywood about  an inspiring film director who is in the closet (Lewis) who married to movie actress (Merly). Lewis and Merly decide to sneak into Germany to make a film about the Holocaust but get caught and are sentence to die in a concentration camp. Lewis cheats on Merly with a Nazi secret police officer which is how they get caught. Merly also cheats on Lewis with a  German musician  who is Jewish (Sean Penn). Hathaway also makes an appearance in the film as Nazi nurse in the concentration  camp who is only in the movie for 10-15 minutes  but is trying to  have the people in the concentration camp escape and sings a song at the end of the film but the tragedy that occurred. 

This film would sweep the Oscars  Plus, the film would CGI that benjamin Button used.

Number of Oscar wins 17

Best Picture

Best Director

Best Actor- Lewis

Best Actress-Merly

Best Supp. Actor- Penn

Best supp. Actress Hathaway

Best Original Screenplay- Woody Allen

Best Edting 

Best Makeup

Best Cinematography

Best Score

Best Art Direction

Best Costume Design

Best Sound Mixing

Best Visual Effects

Best Song

Best Sound Editing 

Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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They are going to give Steven Director and Affleck Picture and split the difference.  Look, I'm happy Ben made his 3rd good movie in a row but he isn't entitled to a Best Director Oscar.  Steven and Scorcsese and plenty other great directors waited years, decades before they won a Best Director. This is Ben 3rd movie.  All this crying about he got snubbed, please.  Steven was snubbed before also as well as Martin.  Hitchcock never won an Oscar.  Again "Argo" was good but this whole "Let's give Ben everything cause he didn't get a Best Director Oscar Nod" seems a little to much for me.  Lincoln wins 4, Argo wins 3

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They are going to give Steven Director and Affleck Picture and split the difference.  Look, I'm happy Ben made his 3rd good movie in a row but he isn't entitled to a Best Director Oscar.  Steven and Scorcsese and plenty other great directors waited years, decades before they won a Best Director. This is Ben 3rd movie.  All this crying about he got snubbed, please.  Steven was snubbed before also as well as Martin.  Hitchcock never won an Oscar.  Again "Argo" was good but this whole "Let's give Ben everything cause he didn't get a Best Director Oscar Nod" seems a little to much for me.  Lincoln wins 4, Argo wins 3

Kubrick never won an Oscar either.

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But, I'd rather him be rewarded for the best thing he's ever done than be rewarded for lesser Kubrick. The effects used on 2001 were composed with such complexity and technical deftness. It's by far the best thing he's ever done. 

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