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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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have you guys read THESE recent spoilers all over the net now  :blink:
sincerely hope they're from trolls

I'll be furious if they erase the Tysha dialogue!!

sounds BS just like Latino review Avengers' ones yesterday :D
Peter had a Bday yesterday btw
Congrats my dear wonderful charming & super talented man  :wub: all the awards!
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Edited by Tauriel
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have you guys read THESE recent spoilers all over the net now  :blink:

sincerely hope they're from trolls

I'll be furious if they erase the Tysha dialogue!!


sounds BS just like Latino review Avengers' ones yesterday :D

Why mention that season 1 if they didn't mean to use it now

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Why mention that season 1 if they didn't mean to use it now

not only in S1

Even this season in the cell talk with Jamie judging by his look in 'you fell in love with the whore' scene I def got the feeling it wasnt entirely about Shae. 

I really dont see

the killing of Shae

& Tywin especially making the intended impact without the Tysha story

Edited by Tauriel
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People claiming to have spoilers are just lying. There's no way the finale has leaked.


The source of the "spoilers" is a guy on IMDB. He made several claims that were easily proven false via footage from season trailers and promos, as well as interviews with cast members.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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Looking ahead, I hope they finally cast Randyll Tarly for Season 5 (In the books he is part of the Small Council from the beginning of Season 3's storyline). If anything, it should definitely illuminate non-readers as to what a piece of work Sam's father is.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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People claiming to have spoilers are just lying. There's no way the finale has leaked.


The source of the "spoilers" is a guy on IMDB. He made several claims that were easily proven false via footage from season trailers and promos, as well as interviews with cast members.

hmm  there's another from SHH/goldderby


he seems legit though he only spoiled some ppl via PMs 

the main thing being No Stonehart

but I didnt expect her in this finale anyway


but ugh srsly

if they cut Tysha stuff

I'm gonna RAGE  :angry:


on a 'positive' side


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With one day to go, here are some finale predictions from non-readers:



I'm actually kind of nervous about the finale on Sunday, because it's easy to say 'oh, Tyrion has plot armour', but we'd just about convinced ourselves that Oberyn might defeat the Mountain, and look how that turned out.


Tyrion is the biggest unresolved plotline that will presumably find resolution in the finale. What are the other loose ends currently dangling? Stannis & co, we haven't checked in with them for a while, so there's got to be movement on that front or what few scenes they've had this season will have been an epic waste of time. Brienne and Pod are out in the wind somewhere - will their road trip take them to an actual destination before season's end? Arya and the Hound were last seen standing at the door of the Eyrie being told about Lysa's death - were they allowed to enter or did they turn away without asking who's in charge now and are they interested in Arya anyway? Sansa doesn't feel so unresolved - if we didn't see her in the finale, I'd be content with where we last saw her as resolution enough to take into hiatus: she's with Littlefinger, putting her King's Landing training into practice as a novice player of The Game. Who else is out there? I suspect there's more to come up at the Wall that can't be left dangling for however many weeks or months pass between seasons, since a second Wildling assault is expected by nightfall and they barely survived the first and no longer have any leaders to rally the troops. And there's Dany - but like Sansa, I kind of feel we've left her in a reasonable place so it wouldn't seem strange if she weren't in the finale, except that she always is - Dany tends to get the epic final scene always.


Well, we'll find out soon enough.



Regarding Tyrion, I think the best we can expect this week for the finale, is that either he gets killed and we know it, or we see him escape, but we don't know where he is headed when the credits roll. A Show likes to keep a lady guessing and on her toes. It is known.


Regarding Stannis et al, I don't think we will see them back at Dragonstone because why would they go back there after taking the pains to sail to Braavos for a loan? I think they most likely will head to Slaver's Bay to buy soldiers and arms, yes? Isn't that the entire purpose of the loan in the first place? To buy an army that can vanquish the Lannisters? I thought that was what Davos was telling the loan crew at the bank though I could be misremembering that. Plus, if they were only going to get the loan and then come back and re-group at Dragonstone, why would they have brought Shireen and No Name Wife along with them? Bringing those two and the Red Witch tells me that they plan on heading somewhere else, closer to their master plan of taking on/taking over KL by force. That said, I cannot imagine we'd see another huge battle in KL back to back with the Wall battle, that isn't like A Show to blow it's wad two three weeks in a row (ie: Oberyn, The Wall battle, and then the Battle for KL).


Regarding Bran and Rickon, I don't imagine we will see Rickon until next season. In fact, I call that we will see him in SO6:EO1, I don't know why, but I'm calling it now!  As for Bran and crew, I hope we at least get a glimpse of where they are right now, and if they are any closer to their final destination, as well as clarification on whether or not they are currently North or South of the Wall. Oh, and I hope we see a direwolf sighting if we do see them this week.


Dany...we've seen enough of her this season and I'm fine with not seeing her again until next year. I'm over the dragon stuff for now. Let her settle herself and not be such a hot head before she takes her next move. Plus, she has a lot of governing to do in order to bring order to the cities she has already freed so that they don't revert back to slavery. That should take her full attention for a while. So yeah, I'm full on Dany this season.


Regarding the Wall and the NW, I suspect we will not see Jon Snow again in the finale and will be left wondering where he is and if he's reached Mance yet. If we do see him, I'll be really surprised since we got an entire hour of The Jon Snow Show last week. As for the rest of the NW at Castle Black, I'd like to know what's going on there with the hazmat clean up of the dead, but I have a feeling we wont see them tomorrow. But I actually am more invested in that part of A Story right now, so I'd like to know what happens with Slynt and see who is in charge, and see how the Lord Commander is doing, hopefully he survived. He won me over in the end with his 'can do' leadership in the face of awful odds, and that counts for a lot.


I'm pretty much over Cersei's snarky and snarling, so I really would be fine with offing her at the finale though like Joffs, she's a bad penny that keeps showing up so I sadly think we've not seen the last of her, though A Viewer can only hope. Ditto Tywin. Although having said that, the worst punishment for Cersei would be to be ursurped somehow, and have her power and safety completely torn from her - as in seeing her father killed, son killed, and left alone and petrified.  Karma, baby, karma!


I don't think we will see Briene and Pod, though I'd like to see them reach the Eyrie so that someone beyond The Vale will know that Sansa is alive and - I was going to say 'well' but how 'well' can a young, pretty maiden be if they are being obsessed and drooled over by LF? Yeah, right. I do think we will see LF and Sansa in the finale, and I suspect we will be continue to be confused as to what Sansa's game is and whether she's playing her role to save her ass, or if she is actually falling for LF. The latter would be ironic given her mother rebuffed him all those years ago.


We've seen entirely too little of Varys this season and I do hope we get some sort of update on him this week, and I really want him to show a little humanity for Tyrion by participating in Tyrion's escape, exoneration, or whatever it takes to free Tyrion from his IMPending (hee, sorry!) death sentence. To those who said maybe Varys will use his sorcerer to help Tyrion, I don't think so, because his sorcerer could easily dupe him and put a spell on Varys instead, so I don't think that will happen...Oh yeah, and I would like to see what becomes of Elaria in the immediate aftermath. I imagine she would be under some sort of house arrest because of her closeness to Oberyn, no? I just don't see the Lannisters allowing her and her traveling party to hightail it back to Dorne to let them know that Oberyn, their Prince, has been slain, and in a most awful way despite exacting revenge on his sister's killer. Or maybe they allow her to work a deal to take Tyrion with her in exchange for not causing a war between Dorne and KL, and for ensuring protection of Myrcella?  I'm just guessing here, but she has to do something right? She has to either leave for Dorne, or be killed to keep her quiet or something...right?




I worry there is some connection to the ominous conversations surrounding Shireen this season...


Yup, I'm afraid I'm in on this one too, as little as I'd like to be.  Not only will poor Daavos -- who seems fonder of Shireen than her own mother does -- likely be made to pay dearly for the compassionate and humane response that had him set Gendry free, it would also tie into why it was important that we saw Wife of Stannis (Whose name never sticks in my brain) looking just ecstatic when her brother was burned alive for the cause.  


It didn't click for me at the time, because whereas I knew that she'd wanted to have Shireen beaten -- and Stannis forbade it -- it didn't occur to me that she might be okay with Shireen being killed until after the bath-time conversation with Melisandre, in which Shireen's Mom basically copped to actively disliking her daughter and wanting to leave her behind.  Then Melisandre said that Shireen had to be with them. 


Melisandre is totally going to try and sacrifice Shireen for the blood of King's and Stannis, who killed Renly for this , who would have killed Robert's only living child (that any knows about) and who about the time seems bewtiched to me anyway will either a) finally snap and turn on Melisandre thereby bringing about who the hell knows what kind of destruction Posted Image will allow it and we're going to find out that the scaly part of Shireen's face means the little girl is part of the Unburnt Club.  


The thing is, I don't know why I always thought that Melisandre meant to bleed Gendry dry.  It occurs to me The Leech Bar and Grille was just a demonstration and she may have meant to burn him alive all along.  After all "Death by Fire is the Purest Death".   This year's People Roast on the Shore reminded me that Melisandre's sacrifices are usually extra crispy.  


It would be sort of fun if Shireen was set afire...only to not burn and to somehow kill the bejesus out of Melisandre, but that seems like it is unlikely.  Plus Mom-of-Shireen with her annoyingly forgettable name, would likely freak right on out about that and kill her daughter.  


I really, really want to believe that Stannis would finally reach the end of his "Yes, I'm okay with that being done" tether and stop. that. witch.  


However, it is seldom that kind of story.




Also, no death for Frey or Bolton for their "rat cook" misdeeds. No justice at all.  Rat cook justice is coming for them both.  In the form of a little girl with a Needle, or otherwise.  I loved that after the Red Wedding, Bran told that story about the Rat Cook and the grave injustice of killing your guests.  Him choosing to tell that Old Nan-esque story, out of the blue, was a better illustration of Bran's "seeing" powers than anything else, imo.  I really think Bran knew something had happened to his mother and to Robb, maybe he didn't know exactly what or how or by whom, but I think he felt a disturbance in the Force, and the only thing that came clearly to his mind was the brilliantly (tragically) apt rat cook story.  That was just a great Show moment, for me.


I wonder if Arya is going to be forever disappointed that she doesn't get to kill some of the people on her list, b/c other people will kill them for her?  Like, Joffrey is already down, and she seemed a little bummed over it.  And The Mountain is now dead, too (both she and The Hound will be bummed it wasn't they who did the deed).  But I think many other names on that list will fall to others' swords.  I would be shocked, I suppose, if Arya actually managed to kill Tywin Lannister, Walder Frey, and Roose Bolton.  Like, she could maybe get to one of those, but could she get to all three?  They are the freaking Lords of their keeps, one of them is basically the ruler of the 7K.  I dunno, I just don't see it.  Ilyn Payne, yes I think she could near enough to him.  Cersei?  I've got money on Cersei for death by her own hand, actually.  Later if not sooner.


HOWEVER, my big prediction for the last ep of this season is that The Hound will die from his festering wound (with a possible Arya mercy-slaying thrown in), and Arya will hie off to Braavos and become a Faceless Woman, like Mystique in X-Men lore.  Maybe with a shapeshifting ability, Arya could get close to anyone she chose.


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And my Episode Prediction (in spoiler tags), based on the promo, the Episode 9 recap, soundtrack material, casting information, and stuff from pre-season trailers we have yet to see:


    [*]1. Jon negotiates with Mance but hits a wall. Negotiations are interrupted because [*]2. The main Wildling camp is attacked by a cavalry charge. Many are killed, many flee, Mance and others are captured. Reveal that Stannis led the charge. [*]3.  Arya and the Hound are on the road when they are found by Brienne and Pod. A standoff ensues because Arya and the Hound don't trust Brienne or Pod. Conflict brews and at some point a third party intervenes (either the Brotherhood or killers sent by Littlefinger to kill the Hound and nab Arya). The Hound is badly wounded and left for dead. Arya manages to escape. Unsure what happens with Brienne or Pod. If it's the Brotherhood then they get captured. If it's Littlefinger assassins then they get away as well. When the dust settles, Arya reappears for a final talk with the Hound. He asks for the gift of mercy but she refuses and walks away. [*]4. Dany is holding court at Meereen when the goat herder arrives again. She thinks he is here because of more dead goats, but he reveals the burned bones of his child. Dany then receives word that her diplomatic mission to Yunkai has failed and the city is preparing for war against both her and Astapor. [*]5. We have the scene where Qyburn treats the Mountain for his injuries and poisoning, giving Cersei the details and his wish to keep the Mountain alive as long as possible for experimentation. Then we get the scene with Cersei and Tywin where they argue over Tywin's plans for the family's future, such as Tommen's rule. Finally we get the scene hinted in the previews where angry Cersei tries to have sex with Jaime but he ends up refusing (which is a scene from the fourth book), leading her to scorn him again. [*]6. Bran & crew arrive at the Cave. They are attacked by wights rising from the snow. They eventually make it into the Cave thanks to assistance by the Children of the Forest. [*]7. We return to Castle Black to see how things are in the wake of Stannis' arrival. We see Jon burning Ygritte on a funeral pyre. Melisandre appears, talks to him, and brings him to Stannis, who offers to legitimize Jon and place him as Lord of Winterfell. [*]8. Arya arrives at a port and sees a Braavosi ship. She shows the captain the coin and he agrees to take her to Braavos. [*]9. Dany decides to chain her dragons. She succeeds with two, but the third, Drogon, escapes and flies away. [*]10. Jaime frees Tyrion from the Black Cells. He confesses the truth about Tysha and the brothers part on angry terms. Tyrion meets Varys, who after pressing tells him how to use the tunnels to go to the Tower of the Hand. Tyrion goes there, discovers Shae in his father's bed, and after confronting her murders her. He then confronts his father in the privy and after some words shoots him. Tywin does not shit gold. Tyrion returns to Varys, who informs him that he will be taking a ship across the Narrow Sea. [*]11. The Children inform Bran that someone is waiting for him. Bran is taken to meet Bloodraven, who explains briefly a few things about warging and greensight. With Bloodraven's aid, Bran sees a vision that blows the audience's mind. [*]12 (maybe). If Lady Stoneheart is in the season, she will appear here. The Frey who murdered Talisa at the Red Wedding is captured and brought before the Brotherhood. He claims they have no witnesses to the events. The Brotherhood reveals Undead Catelyn, who nods. The Frey is hanged. If Brienne and Pod have been captured by the Brotherhood, they will witness this.

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I trust Lena Headey's Instagram trolling more than some anonymous guy on a site like SHH.

to trust trolling is dangerous :P



btw where's the place someone mentioned where ppl post comments on the ep live???

I think about staying up at night & read before watching the ep  :lol:

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to trust trolling is dangerous :Pbtw where's the place someone mentioned where ppl post comments on the ep live???I think about staying up at night & read before watching the ep :lol:

WinterIsComing.net has live comment threads for book readers and another one for Unsullied.
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