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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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true blood isnt bad , its like drinking a shot , you have to swallow it whole in one go and its really good that way , but if you're sipping it like someone who still hasnt gotten the hang of how to do shot , you're in for some mouth gymnastic as the taste leaves to be desire 


at some point i just embrace the campiness ! and i wait till the season is over and watch the entire show in one go or over 2 days at most  marathon style !

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eh i still have my lifetime shows drop dead diva and devious maids but yeah i know what you mean nothing to do (have a desperate housewives vibe to them, tots fluff )


i'm waiting for boardwalk empire new season but that's in the fall, and i stil haven't watch the previous season s4 yet 


right now i'm waiting for continuum and orphan black to be over so i can watch , i find it hard if the first way i see a show is marathon style then i can't get into the week to week format so i rather wait 


just rewatched game of thrones s4 finale again (think its the 4th time today), it really is poignant , feels like a turning point no going back for many characters , on to the next chapter of their lives for better or worst 

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Highest rated in Australia as well.  110,000 at 3:30pm on Monday and another 181,000 later on at 7:30pm plus all those on the +2 channel and people who recorded the 3:30pm broadcast.




About 6 times the recent end of season of TWD.



Edited by DeeCee
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This comment there is probably the best post on the matter. 


I really feel as though including LS would have been making a promise D&D couldn’t perform next season. Placing that scene at the end of the season puts LS up on a pedestal…it creates the expectation that we are going to see a lot more of LS soon, and that she will be a major game-changer for the series. Based on the novels currently written, there simply is not enough significant material for LS to fulfill those expectations, and viewers would ultimately have felt like they were cheated by a cheap trick.

I suppose the same could be said of many of the book/show’s scenes with the White Walkers; but at least with that we know it will ultimately play a major role in the story’s conclusion, so we can be content with the slow burn. There is no such guarantee with LS.


book spoiler

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If LS is in season 6 for more than just the finale, they might as well have thrown her in for this finale.


What I'd do:

Obviously I would have had her appear in the season 4 finale hanging Freys.

Season 5:

Everyone talks about the Brotherhood's new leader as in the books. 

Brienne and Pod find hanged Freys and comment on them.

Gendry joins them to help look for his former BFF.

Episode 4 they are captured by the Brotherhood. First look at LS this season. Conflicting emotions in the reunion between Brienne/Cat and Gendry/Brotherhood.

Episode 6 LS tells Brienne to kill Jaime. Hanging scene, then Brienne agrees

Episode 8 No Stoneheart, but Brienne meets Jaime as he arrives back from Dorne

Episode 10 WINDS OF WINTER SPOILERS Whatever happens in Book 6. Red Wedding 2.0 set up? 


That's 3 Stoneheart episodes, which is what Theon got this season.

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^ I'd be up for that scenario but i see her work intruduced in S5 premiere as well



if people still don't get the complex and complicated relationship tyrion has with his father by now , i dont know what to say indeed

its not nearly as complicated we it culd lol 




good ratings news



True blood isnt that bad at all but maybe its my inner fangirl of Alex Skarsgård speaking   :D overall the show wasnt 100% engaging for me since s2 but I still watch & cant quit

Edited by Tauriel
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If LS is in season 6 for more than just the finale, they might as well have thrown her in for this finale.


What I'd do:

Obviously I would have had her appear in the season 4 finale hanging Freys.

Season 5:

Everyone talks about the Brotherhood's new leader as in the books. 

Brienne and Pod find hanged Freys and comment on them.

Gendry joins them to help look for his former BFF.

Episode 4 they are captured by the Brotherhood. First look at LS this season. Conflicting emotions in the reunion between Brienne/Cat and Gendry/Brotherhood.

Episode 6 LS tells Brienne to kill Jaime. Hanging scene, then Brienne agrees

Episode 8 No Stoneheart, but Brienne meets Jaime as he arrives back from Dorne

Episode 10 WINDS OF WINTER SPOILERS Whatever happens in Book 6. Red Wedding 2.0 set up? 


That's 3 Stoneheart episodes, which is what Theon got this season.


Sounds good to me. I hope they establish more information about the Riverlands next season, because what's going on there is one thing loads of readers are eagerly waiting for resolution, especially since of one big revenge theory.

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Sounds good to me. I hope they establish more information about the Riverlands next season, because what's going on there is one thing loads of readers are eagerly waiting for resolution, especially since of one big revenge theory.

RW v2 ??? I think it could happen


D&D could have done a lot better on Bloodraven he looked more like gandalf than he should

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