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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Fucking good. Seems like Quentyn hasn't made the cut either. I think this suggests Arianne doesn't really have much of a bearing on the end game even in the books.


Thing is, considering GRRM's UK editor recently tweeted that a 2015 release for Winds of Winter is looking less and less likely, that gives him more time to change his direction, especially if he disapproves of how D&D are changing and condensing the material. 



Edited by 4815162342
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I don't think he's going to change his books much just because some characters are cut from the show. He knows they are separate things and will do whatever he had already planned. Feast and Dragons introduced way too many characters, and the Arianne stuff pretty much came to nothing . We can now deduce that the Griff stuff isn't going anywhere either. Sure, Arianne is more important than Trystane in the books, but I'm not sure how important the Dorne storyline will be in the end anyway. Cutting down the Dorne storyline, and basically removing the Greyjoy one, are necessary changes to make this show work. They need to seriously cut some of the other pointless shit in Meereen too. If they went along with all of these side stories, we wouldn't have enough time with the established characters that we care about each season, and seasons 5 & 6 would become a real chore to watch. D & D are doing what Martin should have done, they're keeping this thing tighter and more focused. I mean FFS, Dragons had 31 viewpoint characters.Why am I not surprised that Martin won't have the next book out before 2016? He spent 11 years pissing around writing two books that should have been one.

Edited by Magic
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This is how I think is going to play out:


Season 5- Feast for Crows/Dance with Dragons


Season 6- The rest of Dance with Dragons along with the opening battle of Winds of Winter for later.


Season 7- The rest of Winds of Winter (its going to be a really long book so why not)


Season 8. Part I (7 or 8 episodes)- First half of Hope for Spring


Season 8. Part II (7 or 8 episodes)- Second half of Hope for Spring


I know Hope for Spring will never be finished before the show ends but GRRM knows how its ending and told D&D how is ending so maybe the sixth book will give us an idea where the story is going asuming the 7th book is indeed the final book because honestly, seven seasons will not be enough.

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So the last 3/4 weeks I spent a lot of my evenings watching the first 3 seasons of GoT.  Don't have HBO, and just tried to ignore everyone bantering about GoT the last few years, ha.  Randomly my sister and her husband passed down a season 1 set of GoT, and Fck, haha. It's amazing. So, went out and bought season 2/3, watched bout a season a week and just so much goes on…so many characters, so much drama, so much T&A, so many cool story lines.  


I'll stay out of this thread much till I can go thru season 4 so I don't spoil myself…but GoT definitely lives up to its name and hype.  I'll def be joining you all in the speculation/banter after I get thru 4.  BTW, just watched ep 9/10 of season 3….wow…some f'ed up stuff.  The Rains of Castermere was pretty brutal. 


My fav character thru 3 seasons has to be Arya. 

Edited by holcs
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I don't see how they can cut Young Griff. I mean, it's not an Arianne situation here.I mean he's

friggin (fake)Aegon Targaryen ffs

The thing is, if you make certain assumptions about the 6th book, you can make a remotely plausible case for it. It's a bad case, but still plausible given how D&D now have to sprint and condense in order to fit 4 books into 3 seasons.


I still think he's in, for now, but after the Dornish overhaul I am more wary.

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The thing is, if you make certain assumptions about the 6th book, you can make a remotely plausible case for it. It's a bad case, but still plausible given how D&D now have to sprint and condense in order to fit 4 books into 3 seasons. I still think he's in, for now, but after the Dornish overhaul I am more wary.

There are already strong hints that he will be successful and that there will be a second dod plus he is varys endgame but if they cut him not only is it a major spoiler it is not the same story.
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Both actresses are 15. Not sure whats going on.

The previous actress Aimee Richardson has stated she had to beg D&D to let her reprise the role after the pilot. It seems D&D and co. were initially just going to use her as a pilot stand-in, but then it became a situation of throwing the kid a bone as Myrcella doesn't do anything noteworthy in the first four seasons anyway. So they let her play the character in the two seasons she had a minor part in.
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