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A Marvel Fanboy

Passengers | Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence | Dec 21, 2016 | Trailer pg 70

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Not sure I follow what this encripted package means. Is it something that cannot be opened without further instructions? What prevents anyone from cracking it right now?


I don't see how it can be anything but Passengers related, but honestly, do Sony enjoy driving the fans crazy waiting for this thing?

I mean, the GA won't know and doesn't care, they'll just see the trailer when it's out and that's it. What's the point of encripted DCPs and mystery instructions? 


Edited by JennaJ
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3 minutes ago, JennaJ said:

Not sure I follow what this encripted package means. Is it something that cannot be opened without further instructions? What prevents anyone from cracking it right now?


I don't see how it can be anything but Passengers related, but honestly, do Sony enjoy driving the fans crazy waiting for this thing?

I mean, the GA won't know and doesn't care, they'll just see the trailer when it's out and that's it. What's the point of encripted DCPs and mystery instructions? 


That's been my general thinking, the secrecy serves nothing, and feels so weird to not be Passengers related though. The only other thing that really would warrent this kind of secrecy that is space themed, that I can think of, would be Star Wars. But it's much to early for a Episode VIII teaser, and Rogue One wouldn't need to be kept that kind of secret anymore.


And what's probably preventing someone from cracking it right now is losing their jobs.

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2 hours ago, JennaJ said:

Not sure I follow what this encripted package means. Is it something that cannot be opened without further instructions? What prevents anyone from cracking it right now?


I don't see how it can be anything but Passengers related, but honestly, do Sony enjoy driving the fans crazy waiting for this thing?

I mean, the GA won't know and doesn't care, they'll just see the trailer when it's out and that's it. What's the point of encripted DCPs and mystery instructions? 



2 hours ago, RandomJC said:

That's been my general thinking, the secrecy serves nothing, and feels so weird to not be Passengers related though. The only other thing that really would warrent this kind of secrecy that is space themed, that I can think of, would be Star Wars. But it's much to early for a Episode VIII teaser, and Rogue One wouldn't need to be kept that kind of secret anymore.


And what's probably preventing someone from cracking it right now is losing their jobs.


I think it is encrypted so it can't be leaked early the way the sizzle reel from the Chinese version of CinemaCon leaked onto the internet.  I expect they won't be given the instructions to un-encrypt it (decode it?) until Sony is ready for it to be shown, or as shortly before as practical. That is my guess.  They really want to control when it is viewed and when their marketing starts and peaks.  And I can only hope they do better than they have done with some other movies this year.  :ph34r:


There actually is a lot of excitement about this, in certain circles at least. 


And, Jenna, CLEARLY Sony enjoys driving the fans crazy.....

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10 minutes ago, robertman2 said:

What if the reason why Sony has been holding back marketing is because they think have a stinker on their hands?




I don't think so.  Rothman was practically purring in his pictures and quotes at CinemaCon presenting this, and Sony apparently called it the 'head of their slate for the year' even back in January (or Feb?) at a viewing of Sony footage in Russia.  I think that special effects lawsuit created hoops they had to jump through to finalize the effects, and some of the effects that needed finalizing were in the trailer.

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19 minutes ago, robertman2 said:

What if the reason why Sony has been holding back marketing is because they think have a stinker on their hands?


Eh, I'd buy that theory if there wasn't a much better supported one to do with the VFX lawsuit. 

We have an explanation to these delays. A VFX lawsuit freezing the footage like this is actually plausible cause for a movie to get pushed back, not just a cause for some marketing delays. 

Since it's appearantly not being pushed back, I hope they managed to make up for the VFX issues without any compromises made in the final movie.


What we haven't heard is anything negative regarding the quality of this or the way it's being received. I think I heard nothing but praise up to now from anyone who's seen any footage.

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5 hours ago, Noctis said:

50 Shades beat MJ2 overseas. Let that sink in for a moment...

Well if they split the third (are there three?) Fifty Shade's book into two parts, in the interim flood the market with similar but derivative genre movies to the point that audiences get sick of the concept and the fourth installment beats MJ2 overseas while competing directly against a Star Wars movie, then you can brag.  

Edited by straggler
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