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CAYOM YEAR 1: Film Discussion

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Since "Behind the Camera" is for general discussion about the game, this thread is where people can discuss Year 1 films and most things pertaining to Year 1's progression.Hired Guns is fully posted for me. I'm in the process of editing and cutting down The End of the Universe's orginal summary before posting the plot. My goal is to reduce the original's length by 25% and it should be up fully by tomorrow night Call of Duty should be finished a day or two later, which leaves the rest of the time to work on other projects for this year.

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I'm working on five of my six films, though my first one is already up. I know that most people probably won't like it, but it was me experimenting with having three main characters (and six core relationships) instead of having just one as I usually do.

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We will need some fillers to get the schedule to have enough films, correct?

Once everyone (like Ry) appears and posts their main films, then it'll be filler time to get films on every week (and have most weeks have at least 2 openers, though some weeks with a big blockbuster opening can open alone)
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A couple things in general:First, I see some people using "12A" or "15" as the rating. We're using the MPAA rating system so it has to be G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17.Second, if you're posting a film that hasn't been marked down in the Studio Plans thread beforehand, make sure you're not using a director who's already claimed for a type of film at that time of year. Even the best director can only squeeze in two films a year and once in a blue moon can that director have those two films open relatively close to one another (in fact the only reason Tintin and War Horse are opening the same month this year is because of Tintin's very long post-production phase to get the motion-capture perfect). I'm not going to call out certain people, but you can't throw down a film on the spot with "Spielberg" as the director if a film of a similar type with a nearby release date also has Spielberg directing and has been made aware to the public through the Studio Plans thread.

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Well I only have very little written of Barren World. I'm feeling creative, but I'm just not sure what to do right now.I also have Kittyhawk that I'm going to start writing later, it will be my OC.

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I just started this game, now edited a few things, so I fixed my rating system. We should be checking out the actors as well, right? I mean one shouldn't have 3 or 4 films in a single year...

Sometimes actors have a very busy year (Jude Law in 2004, Jessica Chastain this year, etc) but generally an actor/actress shouldn't have a prominent role in more than 2 or 3 films in a year. Likewise, shoehorning in a biggish actor/actress into a minor supporting role is foul unless it's one of those big ensemble story films.
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How many people are playing this year? I am trying to determine who much interest this game has on this site. If things go smoothly, I may be around for Year 2, according no delays and it corresponds with Christmas time, at which point I'll be off and my girlfriend will be in Texas the whole time (sad face), so I will have more time. I'll also be here all this week for the most part, but I'll probably fade off the face of the Earth until Christmas time after this week ends, so it would be most advised that I skip Year 1.

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Dang I had a pretty good idea earlier today but didn't get it down since I didn't feel like it (plus the site was being slow, it kind of is still)But now I can't remember what I was going to make it about.

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