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Iron Man 3 (2013)  

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I call BS on a lot of the criticisms in that trailer.


He didn’t call the Avengers/SHIELD partially because the most useful members (Thor and Hulk) would be unavailable for obvious reasons and mostly because there wasn’t much of an opportunity for him to do so. Let’s look at the film’s events in chronological order, shall we? He was taken by surprise by the missile attack at his home, so he couldn’t call them there. Same when he ran into those two Extremis goons when investigating. The infiltration of the Mandarin’s home was mostly stealthy. If SHIELD had turned up, it would’ve turned into a huge gunfight and the Mandarin might’ve gotten away. SHIELD wouldn’t have been able to arrive fast enough to stop the fake Iron Patriot (and Tony called the VP anyway so he didn’t need to call SHIELD) and they probably wouldnt have arrived in time for the final climax either.


I’ll admit Tony doesn’t spend much that time in the suit (if only because he’s mostly controlling it from elsewhere). Whether or not that’s a bad thing, however, is very much YMMV.


As for their complaint that the Mark 42 falls apart too easily… uh, that’s kinda the entire point of the suit. It’s built to come apart. As for the rest of the suits coming apart, 1) Tony built a lot of them having barely slept or even tested them and 2) Extremis soldiers not only have super strength but incredibly hot skin. If heat doesn’t melt metal entirely, then it at least softens it and makes it easier to tear apart. Also, the suits were hollow and, if easter eggs have told us anything, hollow things are easier to break than object solid throughout.


The Mandarin twist… yeah, I think that was a flaw. Admittedly, I think it’s a flaw that people are blowing way out of proportion, but a flaw nonetheless. I couldn’t care less about this ‘they ruined the Mandarin’ rubbish (mostly because that’s not true since Killian was the Mandarin), but it’s a simple fact that Kingsley made a superior villain to Pearce.


As for the claim that ‘Tony was being too lax/stupid after challenging the Mandarin’, let’s point out some very simple facts here. As far as Tony knows, the Mandarin is just some tinpot terrorist who can only organise a few minor bombings and has almost no chance of reaching him. It’s like if Brad Pitt threatened Osama bin Laden (I know he’s dead, but couldn’t think of a better example). Do you really think Pitt would be battering down the hatches? But even ignoring that, Tony was attacked THE SAME DAY he made the announcement. Heck, probably only a few hours afterwards. Even if Tony thought the Mandarin wielded enough power to get to him, he certainly wouldn’t expect him to launch a full attack only a few hours after he threatened him. (Fridge Brilliance there for people realising Killian had a plane set up to take his revenge on Tony for a long while and this merely gave him an excuse to do so.) He couldn’t have activated any of his iron man suits as 1) there’d probably be rubble covering the exit and 2) they’d probably just end up getting hit + destroyed anyway.


Also, people really need to stop getting so annoyed that Pepper dealt the finishing blow to Killian. Killian and Tony already had a pretty epic fight, so it's not a cop out in the slightest.


Oh. And the Trailer wasn't very funny either.

Edited by rukaio101
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Let me guess... You loved this but hated Man of Steel... huh. Am I right, or? 

Yes. You're right. Because Man of Steel was a god awful movie. I explained as much why I thought so in the Man of Steel review thread. And this is coming from someone who loved Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (although I admit TDKR is flawed), most of Snyder's films (except Sucker Punch, but even that had some decent moments) and considers Superman vs the Elite to be one of the best Superhero movies I've ever seen. (It's about 5th to TDK, Avengers, Mask of the Phantasm and Batman: Red Hood). 

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I wanted to like this movie, but I just can't. It was a big disappointment IMO
The Mandarin was a total joke. I keep hearing all this praise for Kingsley in this. Why? He was barely in the movie. It was so obvious he wasn't the main bad guy. I thought Kingsley Mandarin would be an awesome villain before the reveal, but no Kingsley Mandarin was lame too. And yes, I think making the guy the way he was in the original stories would have been way better than than this "Hilarious" twist. 
seriously, all the hype from the filmmakers about how he was going to be Iron Man's ultimate enemy, how he was going to tie in with the Ten Rings group from the first movie, all went to waste.
a lot of people say they had no choice but to change the Mandarin because he was a "Racist caricature". OK then, change the racist part of him and still make him an epic villain! . For example,  wasn't Bane originally some Mexican wrestler type stereotype? But in The Dark Knight Rises they changed that part of him but still made him a threatening villain. The trailers promised an epic villain that would be the ultimate challenge to Tony Stark and possibly almost ruin his life completely and that didn't happen In Iron Man 3 they made the villains a total joke. Kingsley hardly had any screentime to the point where you realize he is obviously not the main villain and it turns out the Mandarin and they guy who was potentially behind the Ten Rings organization was just some butthurt businessman? I found this disappointing as hell. 
I hear some people saying this movie was better than Avengers or the action rivaled Avengers. I have to say, are you shitting me? I mean you have to be being paid off or something to say that, there is nothing in this movie that rivals the New York battle in Avengers.
This movie is way too comedic and jokey. I understand the people who say "Oh, superhero movies shouldn't take themselves too seriously". But this movie just went way way too far. The entire movie was a joke, it was a flat out comedy. Do you have to have wisecracks in like every scene?  In Iron Man 4, you might as well have Tony Stark dress up in a clown suit jumping on a pogo stick
This movie was slightly better than IM2, but barely, it was pretty much the same kind of movie. This was a big disappointment from Marvel IMO.  It's a shame. Iron Man is a film I really like and have watched over and over again but it never got the sequel it deserved
Edited by Robert Muldoon
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I have the same opnion from the first time: the movie is good with really good parts until the twitst, then it becomes a big fat mess, that's because everything bad from the first and second act are amplified in the third act. Also hated how the suits are trivialized (clearly for toy sales) in the last act. 

Still a good movie, but unlike my first viewing, I rate this closer to IM2 than IM and TA.

C+/B- (67)

Edited by Goffe
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I think is quite flawed from going away from the core concepts of Iron Man however it was a very entertaining and funny film. 


I laughed far more during this film then almost all comedies this year and found it way more entertaining then MOS. 




Edited by Lordmandeep
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I found it entertaininjg too, it's just two main problems - too much action and too little emotion (if they wanted a light-hearted actioner, why let Pepper die?) and - more galling - the idiocy of his hidden army of suits (10 minutes to go - how do we get him out of this mess - no idea let's just say he's got a hidden bunker somewhere with lots of suits which he has completely forgotten about). It's as if in Star Wars, after the rebels' first fighters went down during the final attack, the rebels' leaders declared that now they had to use the hidden bomb one of their agents had smuggeled into the Death Star. And boom ...

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This movie was quite good. It s main problem is that it suffers from an inconsistent tone. 'Oh my God I am having panic attacks D: <insert witty funny remark here>" But if you can overlook the misstep in trying to make iron man anything but a light hearted romp there is still some damn good popcorn fun to be had here.  Certainly one of the better summer blockbusters.



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