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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. No way. You have to be as hot as JLaw and she doesnt come close. I dislike looking at her directly. She rubs me off the wrong way for some reason.
  2. It doesn't say another theatrical movie is coming, just that Shrek will be back in some capacity. The article mentions a TV special as a possibility.
  3. No I have not. If the script is 100% Cormac then that proves my point.
  4. You make a great about big-name directors having more sway. However, even Martin Scorsese had to cut his running time for WoWS. Auteurs like Spielberg, Peter Jackson, and Cameron don't have unlimited access to studio money. There are limits. In the case of Counselor, my issues rest mostly with the writing. The direction and cinematography was fantastic but the plot was atrocious (IMO). Is it possible that Ridley and the studio system made massive rewrites to Cormac McCarthy's script and the end result was the mess thrown up on the big screen? Certainly possible. But notice that I said I blame "Cormac more than Ridley" Unless Ridley had more to do with the final script than Cormac, I stand by what I said.
  5. Talkie doesn't remember the movie that was #1 when she was born because it was long ago. Well talkie, you were 0 years old, of course you wouldn't remember.
  6. I absolutely loved it. If you've seen Streetcar Named Desire, you have seen this movie. This is probably Blanchett's finest work and I say this knowing she has a good number of dazzling performances.
  7. I totally agree. The issue with the movie is the plot which left me wanting more. Like others have said, I was always confused as to what was going on. This is a perfect example of why the Director gets too much credit/blame for a movie. The director is just one cog in a vast machine. Yes, he/she is one of the more influential as to how a movie turns out but there are factors at place. I blame the writer more than Ridley Scott for this movie's failings.
  8. http://boxofficemojo.com/weekend/chart/?yr=2004&wknd=08&p=.htm
  9. Lemurs Tarzan (2016) vs Rise of the Planet of the Apes 3 (2016)
  10. It's difficult for me to answer the opening post question and include actors who you like? I imagine most of the choices people will make are actors/actresses they also hate. If you like them, then Hollywood isn't forcing them onto the public. You welcome them.
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