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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. A movie about a benevolent billionaire named Impact who saves a family from starvation Hero's Welcome
  2. I didn't vote for the guy but this was a good PR move. Quite funny.
  3. It was a very good movie. No Lion King but better than BnB and LM.
  4. I saw this while browsing through Netflix. Thought about watching it.
  5. Thanks Rth! You're still alive? LOL Haven't seen you around as much. haha
  6. At the very apex of power, who will F. Underwood connive and cajole? He has no superiors to deceive and manipulate. My guess is that it'll be either Congress or the Supreme Court? Getting his way with the judiciary would be very very interesting...hmmm... (I wish we had a thinking emoticon right now..haha) Besides, I'm sure the liberal writers wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make fun of conservative justices.
  7. It was a great ending to a fantastic series/season. The optimism in Rusty Cohle's character was so refreshing. "the light is winning"
  8. haha, his avatar is Aladdin and I think it was him who chided me in the Frozen board weeks ago about not having seen Aladdin.
  9. I saw Aladdin for the first time!
  10. Yea, no thanks. I am not part of the Glee demographic..at..all.
  11. With Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel, Disney has to try hard to get out of its own way!
  12. That is a body double from the neck down? You sure? Brad Pitt aint seeing nothing we all haven't seen on the big screen. If it's not her, it looks pretty approximate.
  13. Jolie is clothed with umm...CGI paint.
  14. A film about two hitchikers who happen to cross paths and then embark on an adventure together. Tribulations
  15. HBO is the Pixar (or Marvel?) of television. Consistently high quality entertainment. Day in and day out.
  16. Bad drop for The Lego Movie. It is still making a ton of money but I think I was spoiled by Frozen's amazing run. Speaking of which...
  17. I like this version. It's even canon seems like... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sith#History
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