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Everything posted by BoxOfficeZ

  1. I still remember everyone's reaction to TDK's first Monday on BOM. Man, some people were suddenly, "it has a shot at Titanic!" Avatar was pretty unreal looking back at it.
  2. I would love to see sniper do over 100m 4 day, imagine the reactions. Makes last summer look like a joke.
  3. Wow, the first time I've been struck dumb by numbers in awhile, since maybe Avengers.
  4. I'm disappointed that Nightcrawler got like zero recognition. Gone Girl fared little better.
  5. American Sniper gets a Best Picture nom. That's low, even for the Oscars. Can't believe LEGO Movie got snubbed for best animated film.
  6. Agreed, I do like listening to the commentaries, watching the deleted scenes, featurettes, and sometimes even try out the dumb minigames (for example I have a Harry Potter 2 DVD that has a game on disc 2 that allows you to explore the Chamber of Secrets lmao). I suppose nowadays its all on the web, that's why its gotten lazy.
  7. It is inconceivable that I have not given this a rating yet. A+
  8. Yeah, the movie was unsurprisingly bad. All this hacking nonsense with Sony, pretty good timing.
  9. I think there's something else going on. Sounds highly unlikely they stopped it solely because of North Korea. Sony has been having problems lately.
  10. Found it quite boring. Nice atmosphere but the film just dragged on. The bland soundtrack and nothing really happening story wise was rather disappointing as well. I'd skip this and wait for part 2. B-
  11. Saw it again in IMAX. Just a few things to add TARS and CASE I love so much. Perfect humor and I thought the robot design was weirdly clunky at first because we're so used to humanoid shapes as robots, then it saved Brand like a champ by changing into a different shape. I was half scared that they were foreshadowing the robots would go evil after that "robot colony of slaves" line but thankfully whew. I actually felt emotion after they were okay with being sent into the blackhole. Hans Zimmer is fucking amazing. First hard sci fi film where aliens and giant spaceships aren't the main focus in awhile, or guns and lasers and that nonsense. The film actually filled me with wonderment despite a few flaws and made me forget about real life. That's how much it drew me in. And the whole Dr. Mann is evil thing was pretty unsubtle unsurprising. They even had a dialogue in the film on how nature wasn't evil, but Man was.
  12. Well after 3 perfect movies, hopefully they'll continue the streak. Maybe start a new trilogy with new characters?
  13. The Wire is fucking amazing. It starts out a little slow like Breaking Bad but it just gets better and better. Like Breaking Bad. Just watched some Bourne movies, now watching Bridge on the River Kwai.
  14. Last Crusade: A Raiders: B+ Doom: B If you're wondering why I only listed three films, its because that's the whole trilogy. It is alleged there's a fourth film out there, but I've obviously never seen it so it doesn't exist.
  15. So... basically your point is its okay to make the audience not see the action and they should be nearly nauseous, and that all my points are lazy. Got it. I'm totally blindly criticizing it even though I made a point on that its fine if its not overdone. So when we see all the camera shaking around the CIA guys chatting or the girl in the ending, yeah their life is frantic, anxiety, and nervous obviously. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
  16. For 1960s there's only two ranks for me. 1. Lawrence of Arabia. 2. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Once Upon a Time in the West 2001: A Space Odyssey Psycho Planet of the Apes The Guns of Navarone For a Few Dollars More. And probably a bunch more that I'm too lazy to list.
  17. Pretty awesome flick. Enjoyed the action scenes, especially the one in Tangier and New York. The shaky camera is still there sadly but its not as atrocious thankfully. I like how it avoids all the dumb cliches you see in other action movies. The ending is awesome. A
  18. I'm sorry, but this makes zero sense. You might have a point if only the action scenes did it, but even in some of those there's Bourne who knows exactly what he's doing and you can't see what's going on. Or like a simple scene showing Bourne going down literally like 10 steps and the cameraman is going down the stairs with him and its shakes the camera all over the place even though there's clearly no action at all. Simple scenes of just standing around talking, lets shake the camera anyway! Anyway you don't need to shake a camera to give the audience a sense of chaos. You can do this without making the audience nauseous. Its lazy as hell filmmaking. Usually I don't mind it if its done right, but it definitely goes overboard in this film. "Look at this great action scene!" yeah sure if I can tell what's going on. The camera whips around too fast to follow anything.
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