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Everything posted by babz06

  1. Like i said before, Hemsworth was given too many high profile roles before he proved his own worth. But If studios keep throwing money at him under some misguided belief that audiences actually want to see him, then that's their own fault and theyll keep losing money. Atleast hes doing more ensemble films now, because he cant lead outside of Thor franchise. I'd say that Scarjo and RDJ are the only ones with real BO pull. We'll see how Pratt does with Passengers and Magnificent 7, he's lucky that he has equally famous stars in both those films though. So it still wont be a real accurate test.
  2. Apparently this movie has broken the record for trailer views in the faith based genre. 132m views to date. Looks like it's going to give Divergent a run for it's money on opening weekend. IM predicting 28m OW and it could crack the 100m mark domestically.
  3. I doubt it. Daddy's Home has a broader audience and both of those guys have had multiple 100m+ comedy hits under their belt. Not the same for Amy and Tina. This film will be lucky to make 60m, I think this duo needs a few more tests of star power. Right now both are still seen as tv stars not movie stars.
  4. 2016 is too late Tarzan and knights at the round table will be expensive bombs. Luckily they have DCCU, and fantastic beasts
  5. trailer was ok It's so close to finding Dory and ID2 though. I dont see it surviving the June onslaught.
  6. Yes. Look at Christmas 2009 Avatar- 749m Alvin and the Chipmunks2- 219m Sherlock Holmes-209m It's Complicated-112m Up in the Air-83.8m The Blind Side- (91m after Avatar opened) When lots of people go to the movies, it tends to drive business for other films. Im not saying that's its going to be exactly like 2009 but with SW sells outs it's likely that other films will benefit.
  7. Wolf of Wall Street and DJango weren't really marketed as dark. They were bombastic,action filled and with comedic moments. They also contained Leonardo Dicaprio, who can basically sell anything. Dragon Tattoo did ok, but not amazing and that also had some action in the marketing. Concussion and The Big Short look like more traditional Oscar-y dramas.
  8. Joy easily looks the most Christmas-y film out of the three though. The Big Short is about 2008 financial crisis and Concussion about football head trama. I dont know if audiences are dying to watch either of those downers over Christmas.
  9. Sisters isnt going to be big competition. The trailers have been terrible and its rated-R. Daddy's Home is probably going to be the main competition for Joy since it's also a pg? comedy leaning towards the family audience.
  10. The reviews will probably settle around 60s, so not a critical pan. It still looks like good counter programming for Star Wars, and i wasn't predicting it to reach Amerian Hustle heights anyways, Silver Linings and Fighter seemed like the better comparisons. 17m OW 90m DOM
  11. Hemsworth tried to be a dramatic lead actor without paying his dues. If he really wants to be taken seriously he needs to start small like Jeremy Renner did. Movies like the Huntsman are fine for him because they dont require much acting chops but if you want to lead an Oscar bait film there usually needs to be some type of quality resume. There is a reason why a Tom Hanks movie about Walt Disney or Denzel Washington movie about a drunk pilot makes millions. The premise doesn't sound that appealing but the audience trust level is high, people know they're usually going to get a good performance and thus will pay to see those men on screen 9 times out of 10.
  12. I knew this was a bomb from the start. Try again Hemsworth.
  13. Seems like an easy sequel to greenlight. Not too expensive and already has a built in audience so they dont have to spend much marketing the next one either.
  14. Fantastic for Creed. Should be the highest grossing movie of the Rocky franchise. I'm thinking 130m right now, but with really great legs it could do way more than that. The Good Dinosaur was soft, the movie probably drew in less adults that instead chose Hunger Games or Creed. The Hunger Games held well, it looks headed for atleast 290m. I want Max Landis to go on another twitter rant about Frankenstein.
  15. 12/4-12/6 Krampus-7m 12/11-12/13 In the Heart of the Sea-16m 12/18-12/20 Star Wars: The Force Awakens-220m Alvin and the Chimpmunks: The Road Chip-19m Sisters-11m 12/25-12/27 Joy-21m Daddy's Home-18m Concussion-15m The Big Short-12m Point Break-6m
  16. Not a whale that stalks and kills people. People dont even want to see Free Willy anymore, Sea World is losing business at a rapid rate after Black Fish.
  17. I think In the Heart of the Sea is going to get lost. Hemsworth just isn't that interesting outside of playing Thor, not to mention almost zero Oscar/awards buzz for the film is the death sentence. Why would they go see that when they can catch the new Will Smith or Jennifer Lawrence movie?
  18. I dont see it taking general audiences: Families probably go to Good Dinosaur, Daddy's Home or Alvin. Adults have their pick of the litter: Concussion, Joy, Point Break, The Big Short, Sisters
  19. Ehh it could have atleast doubled it's OW gross in October or January. Probably Not a huge difference but it looks better.
  20. Good numbers for Creed and Good Dinosaur. Creed- probably 35-40m 5-day Good Dinosaur-probably 55-60m 5-day Mockingjay P2 might hold well after all. Still has to contend with the Christmas onslaught though.
  21. It will probably be a bit more frontloaded because it's a franchise. So i wouldn't predict legs as good as Life of Pi.
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