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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. No... no... no... Only good thing about ASM2 is the chemistry between Garfield and Stone.
  2. Wow, a top 50 of last year without The Babadook? This should be good. How many films did you see in 2014 btw?
  3. Someone please tell me why a $200M live-action performance capture Pokémon movie hasn't been made yet.
  4. I think it's pretty good growing up as a teenager in the 10s (teens? idk) but I kinda wish I had grown up in the 90s too.
  5. I love High School Musical but I'm pretty sure we are alone in this thinking, Ethan.
  6. No, I don't like action. This is just pure action, and it's mind-numbingly boring for me. I was virtually falling asleep it's so dull. Nothing happens in it.
  7. I really don't get why people love The Raid. It's boring, mindless violence. I didn't care about any of the characters, there didn't appear to be any real sort of plot to speak of, and nothing interesting happened at any point. Throughout almost every fight sequence, I was paying more attention to the numbers on the hallway doors, or the patterns on the carpet, than to the fighting. I was bored out of my mind. I'm not sure how much of the stunts was CGI or real, but I also don't care. I guess if you are really keen on the genre then the film is maybe impressive, but it still lacks any emotion or depth, and personally, I think it's just a waste of time.
  8. I think if you want to understand and appreciate movies, then you can't just watch the films you want to see. You don't have to see every movie like a critic, but I believe it's important to have a wide variety of experiences. Often this might just mean seeing something when it's on TV or on Netflix, where you don't have to pay to see it. Why someone would want to actually pay for a product that they believe they won't like, though? Well, maybe it's for the reason above, and they like to see things in cinemas rather than waiting for home release. Maybe they are eager to see just how bad something is. Or maybe they simply like being in a cinema. I saw Taken 3 partly because I wanted to see how bad it was, but also because it was a nice couple of hours to get away from my family. My cinema has super comfy seats, and I always sit in an area where virtually no one else is sitting, so it's just nice to relax. Granted, I don't have to pay for films since I have an unlimited cinema pass, but I can easily see why someone would spend time watching bad films, so I imagine some people are prepared to pay a little money for that too.
  9. I watched Shrek on blu-ray for the first time last week, it has held up so well.
  10. Reverse the order and I completely agree.
  11. Meh, new faces will just be small supporting characters given that they've got all the main cast back for the sequels. Though I hope Stephen Lang's character is more a side-villain.. if these sequels are just 3x Na'vi vs Mr. Commando then it's gonna get old real fast.
  12. Why has only one person mentioned Shrek?! The animation and detail on the characters is fantastic, especially considering how old the film is, and some of the environments are really beautiful and well designed, with some incredible attention to detail (particularly in Shrek 2). I agree about How to Train Your Dragon 1 & 2. Legend of the Guardians is absolutely stunning as well, but really, there's only one winner in my mind: It's easily the most impressive animation I've seen. It mirrors the real toy immaculately, and has lovely free-flowing environments. I look at images of the film and simply cannot believe that they managed to do it. It's astonishing work.
  13. Alicia Vikander has already made my best performance of the year in Ex Machina. If Tulip Fever is good then I'd love her to win. Btw Panda, Light Between Oceans is set for 2016 not 2015. I really have no idea what or who could win the awards tbh, though I expect Star Wars to win VFX, sound editing would be nice too.
  14. They're both on Netflix Calling BDSM 'rape fantasy' is a bit harsh
  15. Is Rango really that good? Also, will you be able to appreciate it if you haven't seen westerns? Yep, agreed. These lists are really boring if they're full of mainstream stuff (though obviously it's fine to put those movies on the list if you think they're deserving of it)
  16. Yeah. I think they are making an actual movie around it though, I don't think it's just 2 hours of staring at those three pictures.
  17. I think he's a surprisingly good actor, it's just most of the films he gets seem to be quite bad imo. I know, I wasn't being serious.
  18. Yeah, I think this is going to be the last big Wachowski film we see.
  19. Meek's Cutoff - $1M Kon-Tiki - $1.5M We Are The Best! - $0.2M You're right, so many people saw these. Well, maybe it's just me who hasn't heard of these three. I can't complain though, you're opening my eyes to new films and I might actually watch The Rover now since you say it's good. I kind of wrote it off since it stars Robert Pattinson.
  20. Why would this get a 4x multi? That would be so good, the first one is utterly brilliant.
  21. You can't fill your list with films no one's heard of. I think that's actually illegal, and if it's not, then when I'm President it will definitely be illegal.
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