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XXR vs XXR last won the day on September 3 2023

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About XXR vs XXR

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    Now I'm all for you like Janet.

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  1. I notice you didn't screen shot and post this when the Marvels or Aquaman 2 came out...
  2. Pretty low IMO. GvK did 3.19x OW but I think COVID restrictions contributed a lot to that. I imagine this does something in the 2.4-2.7 range.
  3. The Super Bowl, Taylor Swift AND Deadpool 3? It's like Christmas out here!
  4. I have the number closer to 33.5M but no, it'll never be broken. No other film has been within 10M of that number.
  5. Random nobody on Reddit has thoughts I don't care about. Good to know.
  6. Again, you can't comp a limited supply vs an unlimited supply. Here's an example... Lets say "Item A" has 100 units available and all of them get sold and "Item B" has 100 units available and all of them get sold, but 1000 people wanted Item A and only 200 people wanted Item B. Based on sales, it might look like they're equal but that's because the limited supply was within the demand range for both items. Now let's say the supply number is 10,000 units for both. Supply outstrips demand so now you'll see just how many people actually want the product. This is the difference between the concert tours and the films.
  7. Nothing to do with that. Just demand levels. When there's nigh-unlimited supply (like movie tickets), it's easier to see the levels VS a limited supply like concert tickets.
  8. Based on tracking thread information I'd say it definitely can. I can see it under $80M even (though not necessarily betting on that.)
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