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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. I must admit I'd had written off Aladdin as a success a couple of weeks ago but this is a very good result so far. Was gonna watch today but friend understandably didn't want to spend $20 on a ticket.
  2. It's legit only one less lol Would be hilarious if Venom 2 was the highest grossing film of 2020. It does have room to grow in the more traditional markets and DOM but I can't imagine it making much more than the first did in China though should be around same level.
  3. At this point anything over $200M DOM will be seen as a win (unless the 4 Day Weekend overperforms). Seeing it tmrw so hopefully its good cause definitely at this point they've been more bad live action remakes than good ones so far.
  4. Yeah I don't see how Endgame will be more affected by competition was than Infinity War considering Incredibles 2 and Fallen Kingdom combine for over $1B DOM. But best for now to put the Avatar dream away until the hopefully Labor Day Expansion when Disney might be inclined to fudge lol
  5. Well true though it will have been 5 years since an original Pixar film was released in June so have no idea how it'll do. Tenet should probably make $200M+ though Dunkirk and Interstellar both missed out.
  6. June and July looks pretty barren with only Minions 2 guaranteed for $200M DOM so barring "meh" Word of Mouth I do expect WW84 to increase from its predecessor. I'm more curious how big can it jump OS since the first one's OS total was ok but nothing to write home about.
  7. $330M OS seems about right with China still relatively on board for this franchise
  8. Not a great first impression doesn't seem that much different from Genisys' first trailer. I would have thought they would have emphasised how this is the "true sequel" to Judgement Day but guess they thought having Linda Hamilton appear would be good enough. Still very hopeful for the final product and future trailers can win me over of course.
  9. 1. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 2. Weathering with You 3. Spider-Man: Far From Home 4. Frozen 2 5. Jojo Rabbit 6. Once Upon A Time in Hollywood 7. Godzilla: King of the Monsters 8. Onward 9. The Lion King 10. Dark Phoenix
  10. Well damn really hope Spirited Away does well. Wish I could get a chance to see it on the big screen.
  11. At this rate they're gonna run out of recognisable embedded in pop culture animated films to remake. Already 3 out of the 4 big animated films that defined the Disney Renaissance have been remade with The Little Mermaid remake not far off in the future. Anyways I guessed $500M OS at the start of the year but that seems to be an overestimate. Should do quite well in Europe and so far seems meh numbers in Asia.
  12. Without Elf there's no Jon Favreau directing Iron Man and without Favreau there's probably no RDJ cast as Tony Stark. So I guess Endgame owes its BO success to Elf then?
  13. Been trying to catch up so almost done with S1. Have to say it's been fantastic so far.
  14. At the end of the day though these remakes are selling themselves as retellings of original very beloved animated films. They're banking on people watching them because they remind people of the original animated versions so I do think it's fair to judge them against the animated versions too since the remakes themselves is asking for it.
  15. I remember Nate Moore saying that Zemo in Civil War was supposed to be an introduction to his character. I've always felt they have big plans for him (well for one is one of the few MCU villains to not die). Would be nice for this show to maybe give Sharon Carter some actual characterisation. If this is basically a Cap 4 but with Falcon as the lead I would totally be ok with that. I um.....kinda like Bucky as a character so I'm ok if he gets some good focus and hopefully can move his character past being the guy Steve had to save again and again. With the announced MCU Disney+ shows most likely all coming in 2020 it'll make up for the lack of a 3rd MCU film that year.
  16. I'm ok with Avatar taking the crown back if Disney ends up rereleasing it. I just really want Endgame to join the No 1 WW Club and that's it.
  17. I like 3 a tad better than 2 but I do think the "mythology" aspect of these films can be handled a tad better. I would love to see more recurring assassins which would definitely help flesh out the world more (pls bring the Raid guys back). I thought Winston was making a play to get John Wick free while benefiting him but I could be wrong.
  18. NOBODY TOLD ME THE RAID GUYS WERE IN THIS!! And thankfully not totally wasted looking at you JJ Abrams..... and could return in the 4th
  19. Well to this day there's apparently a Star Wars film called Rouge One
  20. Yeah the film got off on the wrong foot marketing wise with the Genie look and the first couple of trailers and since has been trying to recover. Also hard not to underestimate the role Emma Watson played in the success of BatB. While I never expected it to hit BatB heights it should have been an easy win for Disney when in fact it's fate is still uncertain. I also think that despite everything else BatB was able to successfully for people adapt the look of the animated film very faithfully to live action. While Aladdin people were not sold on it faithfully adapting the visual look of the animated film to live action via the trailers which is a huge problem since that's one of the main appeals of a live action remake in the first place.
  21. The first SLoP had amazing marketing and good novelty. The sequel doesn't have a unique hook and is giving more of the same with not a big enough gap from the original for any nostalgia to kick in. Frozen on the other hand had to build its audience overtime and grew to become the phenomenon that it is. It's never left the public consciousness and the first teaser of Frozen 2 really hit well with people. Plus Frozen 2 has far less competition than SLoP 2. Anyways Illumination can definitely go toe to toe with most Pixar or Disney Animation Films. The Despicable Me franchise is one of the most popular franchises in general let alone animated. More competition could have happened had DreamWorks not overstretched themselves back in the early 2010s with 3 Films a year which led to their decline.
  22. Oh boy well I'm a bit more positive on the finale than most but maybe cause my expectations were so low after what's happened thiss season. I totally agree with Bran becoming King is soooooo stupid so nothing much to add there. Jon I'm coming more around to being back at the Night Watch is a good ending for him. It's weird that I felt they spent huge chunks of time trying explain the aftermath of the war yet I still feel like there's so many unanswered questions. IMO it would have been better for the 7 Kingdoms to split apart and become separate kingdoms again. Wouldn't that be breaking the wheel?
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