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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I meant the cume after the first full 24 hr day. Not sure what will be considered official “OD” if it’s 6 hrs and then 24.
  2. Total is good because it lets you predict 2nd week, OW, and OD with very high precision
  3. Caveat, uncertainty, etc right now PS seem like an opening in the $30Ms
  4. I think it could get to 1.9 today. Not a big increase, but fine and maybe even a bit better than expected if so.
  5. Oh yeah, in theory this movie should have actual presales. Feels like a direct to VoD release so it didn’t even cross my mind.
  6. Beginning to think that this Jimisawesome fellow may not be operating from a place of total neutrality 🤔
  7. I don’t think so either realistically, but it would be nice if we could get one of Blade, FF, AM3, or DP3 snuck in to joint the current 4. Or maybe even the Olivia Wilde Spider-man project, if that’s MCU? Still far enough away for the schedule to jiggle a little.
  8. Remains to be seen if GA will share your opinion, but history makes me pretty skeptical. I think 6 is probably the max. It’s harder to fit the 6th in a year where you’ve got Avatar/SW camped out on an Xmas date, but depending on grosses in the next few years they could be movable.
  9. I hope they start with 5 movies a year in 2023 or 2022. Otherwise it just won’t be possible to have a decent sequel pace with how many concurrently running sub franchises there are (especially now that this proves they can go past 3 each, not that they all will).
  10. I think this and Ahsoka will be multi season, culminating in a single season crossover (somewhat like Netflix defenders). Have seen speculation that that will be a Thrawn showdown, but of course who really knows at this stage.
  11. Wow, who could have foreseen that all of these major markets would have big problems being open in mid Dec /s
  12. Eh, sure. Good actor but the character was kind of eh in the first one. Unless they can really revamp her I was looking forward to a Clea, Wanda, and maybe America Chavez getting all the female lead screentime.
  13. Bit of a bigger drop this week. Still think holidays can get to 600 but no longer optimistic about top 10. Great performance.
  14. Hollywood didn’t grow that much here since 2017, Maoyan of Wonder Woman 1 was just okay, and there will clearly be no “justice league boost,” so for years I’ve been expecting about 80-120M for WW84 here. Until reviews are out, can always hope it will pull a Venom/Aquaman though.
  15. From progress so far today, I would guess 1.35 for OD at end of today and ~20 for final OS PS. But it’s still fairly early, maybe next few days will overperform.
  16. You don’t have to tell me the %s, I’m aware of them 😛 Increase compared to last weekend is as good as assured. It could be as small as 10-20%, but that would be a bit of a bummer
  17. I’m bullish on covid recovery for now (see, e.g. my BW OW over 100M club). Certainly if we see evidence in mid 2021 of a slower recovery I’ll dial my expectations back down appropriately.
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