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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Disney Superhero movies going 5-5.5B or so this year. Is there a convenient list of annual WW grosses by studio to compare to? Feels like that will be very competitive with the best years of full studios.
  2. Oof, IW’s take this schoolweek is not great. Still hoping for those summer weekdays and good weekend drops to take it past Thunderball. At least competition this weekend is lighter than expected
  3. You mean Solo total, right? Because Solo OW under IW 3rd doesn’t even look like it will be interesting.
  4. You mean to say that after after all this time, you actually are a human!? I find that rather shocking given your uncanny speed and consistency with daily numbers
  5. Disney made a deal with the devil for those BP+IW numbers, and I guess we’re finally seeing the devil’s price.
  6. What are you even hoping for here? Solo under 1/3Titanic? That’s pretty locked anyway.
  7. Also, pretty frikkin’ weird to me how some people think Lucasfilm will ignore canon just because they haven’t personally seen that part of canon. This stuff exists, it’s happened in universe, your being previously ignorant of that doesn’t indicate otherwise.
  8. He gets killed in the end by Kylo Ren, who is actually his son named Ben.
  9. So all IW needs to hit #2 WW is a nice little rerelease, eh?
  10. Inflated Monday. TA, IM3, AoU, CW, and GotG3 all dropped on that day, so IW increasing at all is actually quite solid.
  11. Yeah, exactly. When movies existed mostly in a vacuum, it’s fine to say that profit=good, near breakeven=disappointing but acceptable, 100M+ loss= total bomb. If you have a movie with direct profits of 100M that you suspect destroyed 200M of profit from its successors (*cough* BvS *cough*), evaluation is a little more messy.
  12. They do pretty good in Japan, which is why I specified mainland. I guess they’re nothing special in India, Russia, Turkey, so didn’t really need the “East.”
  13. Boy, Mainland East Asia really is not Solo’s market.
  14. Guess you should have quadruple checked instead, because that is definitely not true. Headed for 350 rather than 360 in China after some unexpectedly strong local competition, and likely below 1B OS-China, but it could still easily hit the requisite 1.65 WW-China with solid DOM holds the next three weekends.
  15. It’s hard to directly compare IW’s 4th Tuesday with any other big MCU movies because of spring break/being one week farther into summer. What I will say is that every other May MCU release dropped on pre-Memorial Tuesday, so I’ll be happily impressed with a 5-10% increase.
  16. “Second,” Baumer. Don’t you know that second means you’re losing to more than 1000x as many movies as first? It’s a wonder people were able to make it through the weekend at all
  17. Honestly, anything 2.7 or above would be really good.
  18. Reading this thread was super funny with the 2.3 number. That would have been atrocious, 2.7 is a tad low but fine. 12.3 for DP2 is pretty monstrous.
  19. 700 is still possible without Labor Day, just needs to really take advantage of these next 3 weeks before Incredibles. I’d give it a 5-10% shot.
  20. Possible to miss 2B with say 970, 350, 670 (1.99) but that basically requires the low end for all 3. Should settle around 2-2.05, not passing TFA
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